The energy items

The combination is great actually. I’m a little confused by what you mean of piggybacking existing characteristics? I’ll guess you mean confidence (correct me if I’m wrong).

The field works on you whether or not you have confidence or not. Matchmaker doesn’t change the way you are, it changes the way you’re perceived. A lot of the other fields like the ones related to health or spirituality don’t require much action on your part. They work on you subconsciously and over time you notice results whether or not you actively take part in improving yourself.

Matchmaker is a bit different because the results we expect are to end up in relationships, sleep with more people, easier social interactions and things of that nature. But those things require action on our part. They require us to make a move, to talk, to charm… to try. Unfortunately, many of the people who get matchmaker aren’t confident and already have trouble talking to people they’re attracted to or talking in general. So taking action isn’t so simple. And I get it. I honestly get it. I’ve been there before and it’s a helpless feeling. But it’s definitely something can be overcome.

So what to do? I don’t know what your situation is so I’d rather not make assumptions here. If you’d like, you can share it here and we can have an open discussion about it. If not, send an email to and I’ll help you the best I can.