The energy items


Oh didn’t know it was made up of 4 fields.

I thought you could use a max of 4 energy items. So it’s a max of 4 fields?

I’ll keep that in mind…

What were your experiences with both. I see you commented earlier about both the mandalas.

@KingMerc The lion’s courage does pretty much what it says. It’s like actually embodying the energy of a real lion. More dominance than confidence tbh.

Thor is all about self-development tbh.

Other than the feeling that you can punch a mountain in two, it made me a lot more self aware of useless habits wasting my time.

Been a long time since I used it but I would absolutely recommend it.


What I wonder is, why some items are only on shirts and some only on tags/ vice versa. Wish we could just get a pre-selected list of different items to put the fields to on when ordering.

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Did you play your playlist out loud on your phone or listen to headphones?

I know I hate sleeping with AirPods or any kind of head phone. It feels icky like it somehow interferes with the restful ness or quality of sleep.

Should I start with the self realization tags before I move on to ascension tag? Or should I just get ascension?

I’m not sure if I’m ready. I procrastinate, I can’t meditate, I’m supposed to be meditating right now to energy body clearing cleansing but I’m on my phone my mind can’t sit still, my mind feels heavy I just want to let it go. Same goes with reading, I’m supposed to be reading this book that I’ve had for a year and I haven’t even past the intro. Okay I might be exaggerating but I haven’t even past the first chapter.

What will help me to be zen, detach and be present? Acknowledge and not judge my thoughts feelings and emotions. Stop daydreaming and live a real life?

Have you tried listening to Stop Procrastinating for awhile? In another topic, @3Tulsi had good results with Unstoppable Willpower and Overcome Any Addiction: Dopamine Receptor Repair.


Thanks oh wow. A couple of hours? I thought not more than 3 x?

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You can also buy the Productivity Enhanced tag available on Teespring to help end your procrastination.


I don’t think you need to use it for a couple hours. That sounds excessive in my opinion. Anywhere from 3-10 sounds good.

Thank you I’m gonna have to make some changes. I’ll start practicing, not just think about practicing haha. Cause I do that! I gotta stop.

Subliminals for a big jaw and small nose work? Which subliminal makers do you think are effective?

Would facial symmetry field give me those benefits? Bigger jaw smaller nose

I clicked on the video but it’s private. Who’s Caesar?

I want to develop my sensitivity to subtle energy, I know there is the sapien card system (which helps this) on his Instagram, but the effect lasts only 15 minutes, and when you are in the process of doing his job or taking courses all day long in universities, there is not always time to activate the card system several times a day.

Does “Chakra Growth and Enhancement” allow you to become much more sensitive to energy? What are your experiences with this necklace?
I wish to use “Chakra Growth and Enhancement” to feel more the presence of my dragon golem servant, to feel his work and especially to feel his stimulations on my being as a response from him.


Hi, i just purchased it this morning. I’m also curious. I’m hoping it’ll help with confidence as well and all the other things the 7 chakra audio fields are targeted to do.

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Which tags do we have to recharge after using it and like do we have to do it each and every time like at the end of the day?

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How do you mean ‘recharged’? The tags don’t ever need to be recharged in any way that I know of. :slightly_smiling_face:

Here’s an answer from the FAQ that might be relevant to your question:

Can these fields, if overworked, dissipate?

Most of dale’s fields and mine are self-propagating, meaning they function similarly like a like a living organism, growing and repairing itself. But what is overworking it? Using it constantly would not be overworking it. Overworking may be like burning the item every day or running an electrical field through it, that’s overworking because you are forcing it to constantly repair and regenerate itself, which can be damaging.

From an article from the Sapien website about how the fields and imbued items work, What Are Morphic Fields and How We Create Them:

In addition, Dream’s active fields are designed to grow in an organic manner. They are designed with a component of their informational field stating that over time they will adapt to the world around them and improve their field. This means that in 20 years the active field on an object will be much stronger and it will incorporate even more solid information into an individuals’ field.


I don’t know if this is the right place, but we had a conversation about seductionmagicflow a while ago and I wanted to add something to it.
I opened my collection of his stuff and wanted to test it. There is one file which (from what I understood) is supposed to manifest things that are being viewed in an online browser within the folder that this file is in. For example, if you watched a video of going on vacation, it would manifest a vacation etc. That’s how I understood it. The name of the file is “OnlineBrowserATs” (AT=Audio Talisman)

Now here is the problem with almost all of his files:
You have no clue what this guy is talking about. It is not that it is complicated, it is just that his English is horrible, instructions are unclear and you are left clueless.
Here are the instructions for this file:

here are some of OnlineBrowser or any software Manifesting M3s made for different goals.

Please use it carefully and don’t overload your eyes.

It’s kind of Eye Active Talismas.


  1. Software&OnlineBrowsersWithinFolder for Manifesting

This one is the same as above, but client needs to install any internet Browser like Firefox, Chrome, or any other ones within the „ManifestationOnline777999” folder, to watch online content, like YouTube or Cams, or Vimeo, or just Websites, like for learning languages, or so and watch them to gain the manifestation effect.

The folder needs to be named as „ManifestationOnline777999”.

Also client can install within this folder any other software, like Virtual Assistance, Text To Speech Voices, Programs to Text To Speech Conversion, Chat Bots, and when he will use it, the power will be there, for example software for Flash Cards (learning), or even GAMES (!!)

But all games, or software needs to be install within this special folder. Folder can be anywhere on disk.

It can be however customized while recording by adding another eXtreme Energies to the mix, for example for learning = the effect will be learning, and so on.

It mostly works as Eye Active Talisman and the power-output is dictated by quantity of audio talismans and their „x” strength collected within this special named folder.
But also add the power to sound, vision, motion.

Set for manifesting only good, positive things."

Ok… I was halfway confused after reading this, but I just thought you just have to install a browser in the field and use it and you will be fine. After I unzipped the file, I get multiple files named:


And now… I’m completely lost.
I have no clue what this file is supposed to do, what it is not, how to use it etc. His explanations are just useless and horribly written. That’s an example of the problems I encountered with his files. I want to use them but I don’t even have a clue what they are! I encountered this problem with another file, where the description is pretty specific what it is supposed to but when you ask him, he tells you something completely different.

I’d love to use his stuff because it looks pretty potent, but I have no idea if his “get money” file actually means get money or something completely different like become an athlet. He’s all over the place.