The Ernest Neuron NFT (The Brain Group 🧠)

Ready to buy pm please urgently needed

MP3 field must available please


there is no audio


If captain wills nothing is impossible :heart_eyes:

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True but through the power of hindsight i can tell you he is unwilling in this case :)


I have an ideas to make to happen…

Am pretty sure Philp said that there is only a mandala beacuse its safer.


The mandala is more practical and efficient for this type of fields




If possible for AUDIO field MP3

Most noticeable effect so far is that I can hold larger numbers in my head. Helps with spreadsheet work.


Looking forward to writing a review at the end of june or early july. (Indepth hopefully)

But in the mean time let me bump this thread for other people to share their results.

When i was using this a while back @Dr_Manhattan told me it should help with my dyslexia, When i asked him. I kept using the NFT but their was no difference in my abilty to spell, it was once I started to relearn words that i want to spell that I started to see massive amounts of improvements. It has never been easier for me to learn how to spell words. I have even got a book where I would write down all the words i have spelt wrong and learn them. Words that have struggled with my whole life. Now it takes me less then 3 mins to learn how to spell a word.

I dont know wether the smart coach is meant to be an servtoir or not.

What I have noticed is that the NFT does not do all the things at once. It only does small things at a time. I dont know if this is fact, but I Think maybe sapien done it like that beacuse it can be too hard on the brain if it does all the things at once.

Take that with a big grain of salt

Cap will have to confirm himself.


Interesting testimonial. There are passive aspects to the field, but your case shows that effort can really speed things up.

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Yeah, it can be too stimulating throught the day and somtimes it can really hurt you know. I can feel it on my brain like a pressure. When i was using it i started to sleep more now am sleep less.*

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My experience has been a study in gradualism. This might be because I’ve cut back on the audios. I sometimes sleep less, but I tend to pay less of a brain “price” for missed sleep.


It’s a couple of days now I have woken up exhausted and my brain is having a headache

first I thought it was because my looping of my night stack but it’s been like 3/2 days I haven’t used my night stack and still got an headache


Try Brain Refresher X2 and/or automated grounding X2-3


I used the brain refresher yesterday it helped to some degree.

I think it’s the same thing why @anon32464289 sold his he said it was too simulateing for his adhd.

And he is kinda right when I medatite with it I feel like a pressure on my brain and I know it’s from Ernest because I get a different feeling when mediating with Chiron.

And I think it’s because am not getting the right supplements.

Am okay with the pressure because it’s on only at certain times

but the headache in the morning I can’t say if it’s 100% from Ernest and if it is then I might need to change my diet for the things am requesting of Ernest.

Just the Clarify this tiredness only started when I started to ask ernest to do some things for me when am sleeping.

Overall 10/10 NFT helped me a lot with willpower too so shout out

dream, philp and borisju and anyone who helped


Try drinking more water.
Headache is one of the signs of dehydration.
Some of the fields require u to drink more water/healthy fluids.


Yeah I will try but i am drinking so much a week ago with Bulwprint I was drinking 6 bottles a day. So I think it might be the sudden change.

Then use plasma brain or autism, it’s a great sign.
It creates explosive growth, plasma brain and axon trimming is included but if the growth is still too much trim it some more yourself.

It’s like ++

(Also, people didn’t want to have a second weaker version which I proposed lol)

Maybe it’s too much for beginners though :man_shrugging:

I never removed it, Ernest neuron has been with me 24/7 since I got it. Love it