The Essence of Mantras

this one too right ?


I donā€™t use any skin field, my skin is glowing like never before, this is the only audio beside blueprint that can do that, I was already using BoL since a few weeks so this is most likely this one
( started just yesterday and today glowing skin without any lifestyle change )


also this has been my most peaceful day in a while. I affirmed myself freely ! all day. Started my day with light of salvitur + this oneā€¦


This one right now makes me cry :sob:


There are times when i just want to completely disconnect from 3D and have zero thoughts, feelings, sensations anything, not even meditating, just be like a bubble floating in the air.

My mind has always look like a computer with 10 windows open working all at the same time, and it does not bother me, i am accustomed to that and when i want to surpass them or quite them all then i open a blank window and remain there lol but sometimes i just dont even want that.

Thats why i started meditating since very young
But tho i love meditating and fly away by other means sort of like a escape from this world and planeā€¦

Nothing ever (to me) compares to chanting mantras.

Chanting mantras above anything else have been throughout my life my the ā€œcome back to centerā€ or ā€œbe nothingā€ ā€œor be like a tiny particle of dust infinitely floating in the air for everā€¦ for a momentā€

Its a death and rebirth every time.

But when life was being a b** sometimes then what I did? I helped it even more by sabotaging myself, by doing less and less of what could have actually helped me come out of the ditch and continue my life. bouncing backā€¦

I eventually did, every time, but not before allowing some chaos ensuing. That was Me all my life back and forth :roll_eyes: no matter how much knowledge and tools i had to just bring the chaos to an end almost like snapping fingers, i still let myself sink for some time at a time.

Until 3 years ago when I fully embraced Captainā€™s work. And maybe that above other reasons is why I am and will be for ever so thankful to him :heart:

There were times were i was deep in despair flirting with the wish of getting up and just fully chant mantras until feeling good and strong again knowing doing that would work 100% but still i didnt do it.

Now we have this!!! This unbelievable beautiful gem at our reach, just one little touch on my phone, and it brings me all ive known and confirmed without chanting. This field is incredible.

I will never stop actually chanting mantras in a devotional position and how it was created to be. Ever, but this field keeps the loop working when im not chanting or pushes me back like a jump start to go chant when im lazy or like meh lol

For ever grateful for this.

Sometimes i play this on loop followed by essence of faith and prayer and my oh, i feel saint almost haha

I saw this while typing this :slightly_smiling_face:


Ah haha your doggos :heart_eyes: they look high and hippiesh lol

And like they are always in this vibe



Oh noo im sorry :heart:


Bumpā€¦to remind everyone who may have forgotten about this field and how important it is!


Thanks for the bump man :pray:

Had completely forgotten it.
Powerful and just what was needed.


I recently started practicing Meditation and I usually meditate to the Journey of Forgiveness field and today I decided to try the Essence of Mantras as well.

So, today I was feeling pretty low and angry with myself so I meditated to the Journey of Forgiveness and I tried to forgive myself. Then I played Essence of Mantras and few minutes later, I felt a jolt and it seemed like I am weightless. My body felt so light and all my negative feelings/emotions disappeared. This blissful state lasted for few seconds as I started trying to describe what I was feeling and I think I shouldnā€™t have done that describing part. Nevertheless, it was a beautiful experience and Iā€™m still wondering what was that.
Now this is gonna be in my daily stack.
Thank you Captain :heart:


What does essence mean here? Does it have anything to do with mantra siddhi?

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The mantras below in their utmost purity :slight_smile:


In all seriousness, it is very difficult for me to explain these realizations and changes happening within me. Itā€™s seems like the old reality is falling apart. What I once thought was true was only something I needed, to realise the deeper truth of it. Like the wind, slowly and steadily clearing the clouds surrounding my heart. Opening me to move forward in a meaningful way.

I clearly feel this presence, guiding me everyday. Always has been there for me, its just that Iā€™ve been looking through tinted glasses all my life. To be honest, Iā€™ve never felt like this in my whole life, something that canā€™t be put into words.

The more I try to explain, it feels like Iā€™m putting it in a box and limiting it in a way. So Iā€™ll stop here, before I get all philosophical.

Thank you for bringing in these energies dream.

[As always, please use your discernment and only take that which feels good to you and resonates with you leaving the rest behind. That will make me feel much open to express my humble thoughts]


Good bump and good idea!

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this from one source while playing the yagnas and homas from gumroad from another :scream: :space_invader:

dont know if anyone here does it so or whether it is already mentioned.

my small brain disovered this today.


Would you say this is the most powerful free field to raise someoneā€™s vibration? I read in a YouTube comment that this is more effective than ā€œraise your vibrational stateā€, and hosts a lot of more benefits too; should I use them both or is this one enough?


I would say use both. They will be complementary


Anyone here done pranic healing or Arhatic yoga?

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This feels so blissfulā€¦ so crispā€¦ mind goes am I even worthy of listening to thisā€¦ I guess soā€¦ thank you @Dreamweaver