šŸ” The Eternal Daily Must-Listen-To Stack

Letā€™s make a list and exchange opinions of audio fields that we believe are the most crucial and absolutely must be listened to daily for ā€œas long as time existsā€.


  1. Literal daily must-listen-to audio fields only. That means fields that one must or ought to listen to daily REGARDLESS of oneā€™s goals in life, regardless of the NFTs and tags that one owns or could own. So fields that you would listen to, even if you would own all the NFTs and tags available.
  2. No NFT audios as not everyone can have access to these.
  3. Just because a field is important does not mean that one would listen to it on a daily basis for eternity. So, only fields that one would still be listening to even on oneā€™s 140th birthday.

:headphones: :level_slider: :loud_sound:

Here are the fields that I believe everyone should have in their daily stack independent of their goals:

  • The Kinetic Quasi Crystal (as a booster for the playlist)

  • Abundance Mindset (because abundance affects all areas of life)

  • Probability Alteration and Luck (if you are not using this one daily, you are missing out!)

  • Powerful Good Luck Energy (yes, this older field as well, because it has grown so powerful by now)

  • A Life of Magical Abundance (same here, strong old field)

  • Attract Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance (same here, strong old field)

  • Positive Power Waves (being positive is crucial)

  • Love Gratitude and Appreciation (being grateful = manifestation of positive stuff)

  • Gratitude for Blessings (being grateful = manifestation of positive stuff)

  • Love Graviton (be the source of what the world needsā€¦)

  • Attract More Love Into Your Life (ā€¦and get some love back as well)

  • Angelic Intercession (free support from the most loving beings)

  • The Plasma Flaunt (overall universal healing)

  • Ojas Marrowed and Shaken not Stirred (overall vitality)

  • The Enigma of the Black Martian Jing (energy is life)

  • Conceptual Realizations (because realizations are key to everything)

  • Unexpected Gifts (not sure about this one yet, also maybe one of the Woven World series audiosā€¦)

Thatā€™s it.
These are my current picks to listen daily to forever.
All other fields in my daily stack depend on my current goals or are fields that I would not be listening to on a daily basis for eternity.

What are your picks and why?
Let us know below.
Please only list fields that you would personally listen to on a daily basis until the end of times, regardless of your goals today.


If i get that old and iā€™m still gonna be dependant on fields i gonna ask myself what the heck i did all the years.

Unstoppable Willpower, Order by 3, The Sacred Sanctuary, Blueprint of Life and Universal OM/Vibration of Creation for sure will stay pretty long in my list.

Maybe Light of Savitur too.

(there are no environment fields in your list)

Oh there is also energy expansion card which iā€™m still using.


Well, you do not need fields to survive and you are not really dependant on them.
Fields are tools to make life easier and more efficient.
In the same way one does not need to have electrical light at home at all costs, but it for sure makes life more easy :wink:
As physical beings in a physical universe we will always rely to a degree on tools and technlogy for survival and comfort.

Thatā€™s right. Because your environment changes and will change according to what you manifest in your personal reality bubble anyways. As within, so without.


i wish and hope there comes a day that we will need only the medical fields if at all and not the other ones.

i wish and hope that we grow so much, we will live free of negativity, integrated, happy, content, loved and loving, abundant in goods and perhaps only needing fields to support our physical bodies, if to that state of development they will be needed.

yes i wish and hope we evolve so much and manage to have such an enviroment, that allows it to be so.

and i certainly wish and hope that we evolve as a whole organism and this envy,spite and jeleausy of the brother/sister human being will end, that the whole human kind will have access and acceptance for all that reallity has to offer and we may not anymore be seperated through our sences and level of energetic sensitivity.

then this whole experience on this Earth now would have been for something.

the tiny little thing is many people dont dare wish and will this into existence being suppressed as they are.

perhaps this post will be as i hope alittle nudge in this direction.

dreaming is good. we forget to dream good dreams often. we shouldnt.


Great post

Iā€™d probably go point of no return field


Crucible of the Past = it helps you move on while keeping the lessons you have learned but without all the negative emotions attached

Blueprint of Life

Woven World: Contentment (maybe magic too)

Ego Dissolution


Point of no return field

Conceptual Realizations

Higher Self Connection

Ojas Marrowed


Canā€™t do without Nullify/Amplify, personally.


For me my daily stack is my ā€˜permanentā€™ stack for life, in terms of effectiveness and time saved.

EMF conversion into Schumann resonance x2
Orgone energy x3
MOTS-C booster 2/3x
Dark circle remover for around an hour
Nullify negative astrological effects x1
Amplify positive astrological effects x1
Probability and luck alteration x2
Unexpected gifts x2
Testesterone boost 2.5 x2
Attract love x1
Life of magical abundance x 2
Super human mutant x3
Microcurrent facial simulator x3
Facelift and facial toning v2 x 3
Unconditional Androstenol for around an hour

At this point Iā€™m good for the rest of the day. I would play other frequencies in the background while Iā€™m working, using the 11th power booster for certain audios to save lots of time.

Also at the beginning of my stack, after MOTS-C, I would play a lot of personal attunements of Quadible Integrities frequencies at once while showering, washing my face, etc. so I use the browser app puffin (which allows you to play audio from 5 ā€˜tabsā€™ simultaneously on a IPhone, like a laptop, while having my personal/ethereal attunement playing from the files app. So on one iPhone I can listen to 6 frequencies at once. I separate the SM & Quad frequencies, so as soon as I wake it would be the first 3 SM audios. Then it would be the Quad frequencies, I would play the URL attunement of love vibrational frequency (booster) through the files then play game changer, 11th power, SM dark circle remover, blood purifier, and The superior results water booster all at once. Then when the love booster ends, I would start playing my personal attunement of Testesterone boost, with the same audios playing on puffin app. On my other phone which also has puffin, I would play my Etheral attunement of Quadibles Natural Male Enhancement, whilst playing Collidal copper booster, Youthing Facial Toner, Boost SIR1+ skin regeneration frequency, and the life changing bright future formula. On my old phone 6s I would play my Celestial WAV attunement of 2022 Good Luck Energy. All at the same time. Then after around 40 minutes (after personal attunement of
Testesterone boost has played 2x) I would start playing my personal attunement of HGH booster 2/3x.

Then after 1 hour 10 minutes, I would ā€˜finishā€™ that section of audios, and play the rest of SM, nullify, amplify, probability and luck, unexpected gifts, Testosterone boost, attract love, Super Human Mutant, Life of Magical Abundance, etc. for me personally this is the best stack I could ever have, I am boundlessly content and grateful to benefit from the genius and love of these creators.

At night I usually play 11th power x1 followed by Stem cell + Scar tissue removal, 11th power x1 then Plasma Light Beach, Collagen boost, Plasma Glass skin, Full body Detox, Far infared therapy, Eye regeneration, then Facelift & facial toning (v1) as I sleep at night for a couple of hours.

Just my two pence guys, I hope everyone is enjoying their stack as much as I am. :pray:t5:


I agree with most of your list bro. Gotta add New Perspectives in there though! And both Minor and Major Blueprint for those who have it. It never stops pushing you further.


I thought about this for a long time and my answer is:



Becauseā€¦ My goal with fields would never be to listen forever, but to eventually integrate them so that itā€™s my new normal, or, that i can create fields for myself anyways and have them in items or other energy storage means.

I would sayā€¦ A really powerful servitor would help with this. But afaik thereā€™s no servitor with an audio to listen to as that makes no sense.


Here is a trick for the real proā€™s :grinning::

Listening to the audio = creating a conscious link to the field.

So once you have listened often enough to an audio that links you to the field, you can create a conscious link to the field just by remembering the exact audio.

Because remembering = also creating a conscious link.

So you create a chain of links from memory to audio to field.
Or even directly from memory to field.
It all comes to oneā€™s personal psychic and conceptual skills.

And if you take it to the next level, you can tell your subconscious mind to anchor the link to certain audios / fields and by this then access the fields on demand by activating the anchor.

So you would not even need a servitor for this.
Just be friends with your subconscious mind and know how to instruct it properly.

By this, one can become a real morphic field mind hacker :male_detective:
ā€¦and like Neo hack the Matrix

:dvd: + :brain: = :globe_with_meridians:

As always, the journey to all of this starts with Conceptual Realizations and Increased Psychic Functioningā€¦


been picking up Knight mindset recently and i think everyone should use that or Willpower because you get a lot more success in what ever area you choose.

And Brain growth, will help with the brain in general and willpower.


Love Graviton
Depths of your Soul
Higher Self Connection and Imaginarium Divine
Radical Emotional Change
The Way Of Integrity
Tonic 31


Vibes series - for me the most life changing fields and also universal, good for any goal and it just gets better and better :brown_heart:


I can remember fields and not even need to listen. But I still prefer to listen.

If Iā€™m in a situation where I canā€™t listen to anything, I do mentally engorge myself.


Going to add Brain-Inflammation after captain conversating about how important it is for oneā€™s mental health.


Eeeyyy i do that too! So glad im not alone on that venture! Pow! Hereā€™s aā€¦ knuckle-sandwich of teamwork making the works

Same can be done with psychic cards / images (photographic memory / auditory memory)


Hey :slight_smile:

So I have VoC. What would you choose between buying both VoDL and VoT or buying just the Univeral OM?

I would buy what I feel drawn to more. I dont have the new OM NFT. I also have LVG and Savitur and right now I feel that is all I need. These spiritual fields are helping in all areas and I dropped a lot of other fields and my desires are dissolving. No need to have all the new fancy fields or listen to huge stacks. But everyones path is different.


Phew, some of the below ā€œfreeā€ audios on YT/Patreon, I have probably not even used before. I listened to the below ā€œMagical Dayā€ stack a few times yesterday and today (mainly because of a post by @anon25711007) and am completely annoyed at myself for having ignored these so far. These fields work like a charm. A lot of pending tasks finishing magically, unexpected financial gains, a perfect day that almost seemed tailor-made - these audios are so strong and effective - I have added these to my daily stack:

Old is indeed Gold :smiley:

I muscle & pendulum tested them for effectiveness & power and these audios are off the charts in terms of both these aspects. I also checked if there is any difference on the same lines between Patreon vs Youtube but I found them to be the same (I tried for the first four).