The Eternal

Wow @Ugninis tbat is a stunning explanation I love it so much.

If sometime you could expand even further on how to support this connectivity, this communication and this nurturing between the cells and the environment that would be amazing

I’m thinking of course the eternal, perhaps also fields like the Negentropic harmonizer and other environmental fields?


There are fields for this purpose, as it is difficult for a modern person living in a megapolis to maintain these states.
we do not have the opportunity to go to the mountains and meditate for hours
love and care for oneself and one’s body, proper nutrition, daily regimen, mental hygiene - this is a good start :slight_smile:

to keep in touch with the environment, in my opinion it’s the best option:


@Jen :slightly_smiling_face:


Does this field contain the entirety of blueprint of life? Can someone confirm for certain? Or is it just ‘combined’ with major aspects, but not in its entirety. However from the first paragraph makes it look like it contains the entirety of blueprint of life ‘combined with blueprint of life, & tied your sub-conscious and conscious, in much deeper ways’

2nd paragraph says ‘with’ blueprint of life. Combined & with although mean the same thing, can have slightly different connotations. Combined seems more like contains the entirety, with seems like it contains it to various degrees.

Someone explain please, is there any point in me buying Blueprint of Life essentially.


Already answered here. (+ confirmed by Sammy as well)


the creator of the fields himself gave an excellent answer to this :)


Would this field allow and provide full recovery from and removal of things like sciatica? I’ve read quite a few of the comments and some stated that they believe it is helping them fully recover from scoliosis, but no one has mentioned other key specific afflictions despite being relative to the spinal region. Because of the restoration of one’s youth to the age of twenty, I wonder if that would be a yes, but, it wouldn’t be a good idea to assume that.


Can anyone give a detailed description of how this made you feel? I know that there is testimonies but they all seem non direct. Has anyone noticed more vigor or liveliness?


Yes but only when playing some loops of the audio

With the tag (which is how this Creation was made initially) I felt it at the beginning, normal, since its a big punch/boost reaching our body. But then you could say “it subsided” but its not because it does not delivers that anymore, but because its like throwing a buck of water to a big sponge, the water soaks it at first then it begins to absorb it deeper and deeper.

Which is what the tag does, once that initial big shake up, it goes down to business and works every part of you from the core, so we dont necessarily recognize new or more results on a daily basis, more like every some months we are like ohh… this or that thing i had its dissapearing. Etc

You notice more the absence of typical illnesses or triggers on a regular basis.

The audio does what you ask. The tag works in detail but how i feel it is more like sustaining your body, your LIFE with what you had before to stop it from advancing or simply aging. The only thing outstandingly noticeable to me is how protected i feel from accidents or injuries from happening.

If for whatever reason i dont wear the tag and i go on the road, i dont feel like unprotected to contract a virus for example, but i feel i have to be more cautious about other things out there that could harm me. And its real. I feel it. It really reminds me like having Skull 13 with Me.

TL:DR? :sweat_smile:

Dont expect to feel more vigor or liveliness only wearing the tag.

The audio on the other hand can make you feel that, so if you need that feeling everyday then play some loops every day, even if you are wearing the tag.


Wow thanks for the detailed response. It’s awesome that it’s been working for you. For me I just feel a tingling sensation in different parts of my body, almost as if it’s working on healing those areas. I have been worn out and torn by life so I look for any audios that can sort of rejuvenate me. Anyways I appreciate the long response, gives me hope I’m on to something;)


If you are a Patreon member for the $22 tier, mix the audio from this with some loops of the Negentropic Pulsar every some days and you will be energized really good for a while.

Or with Negentropic Jing

Or just mix it with Adrenal healing ones, Jing and Chi


I never knew this 🫠
I really need to look through this thread again, it’s been a while. My memory issues really mess up my progress, it’s very annoying forgetting everything.

How far does Eternal go in regards of what we can ask Luna if you dont mind me asking.
Is it “just” physical healing? Or can we go as far as removing emotional and mental blockages?, balancing our chakras, put focus on healing certain systems of the body and so on? Does it work on healing our other timelines selves?

I really need to start actively working with Eternal, I don’t seem to reap too many benefits from passive listening for some reason, I can go 24 hours a day with it for days and not notice any difference. It must be working nice and subtle through all of our layers.


Oh no, im soorrry.

I meant what he was asking. About feeling with vigor.

But now you got me thinking :thinking:

Cause i will NEVER forget that one time (i dont know if i shared that already) I was looking at the tag and i swear that Ouroboros came ALIVE and was staring straight at Me, like that day i can tell i felt we trully, really connected. It went on for some minutes and i talked to it, dont remembered what i said exactly but i acknowledged that i was “seeing” It.
It was actually pretty cool.

… who knows… apart from Captain of course :sweat_smile: maybe that Ouroboros IS alive and kind of a Dr haha or a harm stopper whatever you wanna call it…

And so, maybe because nothing is a coincidence (your reply) we can actually ask IT?

You know im gonna try. But i think ill do it staring at the image until its imprinted in my mind when closing the eyes, then meditate playing the audio and asking it for something specific. Ill do it x a few days and see what happens.

Can you imagine?!

Thanks for sharing your questions and thoughts.


how many copies left now?
I’m start saving for this☺️

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Pretty sure, it’ll be still around 4000. Safe to say u may have years for it, unless something very unexpected happens. (but not encouraging prolonged waiting either :wink:)


okay thanks as i can see i can save start from now up to 16months subtracting all my expenses because i have a family already and i can only save 45$ per month from my salary


Or theoretically even less, like 9-12 months if u obtain it from the market. (or from the shop during a bigger discount)

And loop abundance and luck fields to get there faster :muscle:


true i didnt think of discount now i have hope i can buy this with that time frame :relaxed: maybe a December gift for my self this coming December :heart:


I love your commitment


A theoretical question about this.

In the description it says that one the effects is: Age recapture to around 20

Personally, I was actually quite unhealthy when I was 20. I was suffering from a litany of health issues due to some heavy metal exposure I had when I was a teenager.

I’m concerned that the field might get the wrong idea and revert me back to a poor state of health.

Is this how fields even work? Is this something to even be concerned about?

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