Testimonial 2:
Since with this field you become a channel and conduit through which uncondiontal love is able to flow through, this comes with amazing effects.
The love is flowing into you and then through you and from you to the people, things, situations etc. that you focus your attention to.
“Where your attention goes, your energy goes.”
But in this case it is all with a flavor of love
People that you think about and with whom you have NO (!) open topics to resolve or integrate with, are receiving this flow of love from you.
So while having the Flow NFT mandala on you and thinking about someone, you kind of automatically sending them love.
As the pure unconditional love flows through you, the energy becomes personalized because of your unique personal energy and soul setup. And thus, when you think about certain people, these people will associate this flow of love coming from you and with you.
Now for people that you think about and with whom you STILL HAVE (!) open topics to resolve or integrate with – that flow of love will in most cases bounce back to you with the reason that these people are not yet ready to receive your personalized energy of love and will block it off.
As the ray of love bounces back to you, it will push you to resolve those topics within yourself as soon as possible, so that you can finally let go those people, triggers and repressed emotions.
This is the only way it can be, because unconditional love means to let go and let free.
Since those people with whom you have the open topics with, will most likely not be pushed by your personilized flow of love to resolve the issues on their side that quickly and instantly, all you can do and all that the flow of love can do, is to resolve those issues in you (the path of least resistance).
In both situations, this also seems to be the “negentropic part” of the field as the love is seeking to restore order and purity wherever it goes.
I would even say that love itself negentropic.
It creates order where necessary, but lets the pieces of the whole to move freely around in space-time / time-space so that each piece can go into its rightful place at its rightful time.
Now I see why this NFT was rather in a higher price range compared to other NFTs and fields.
You literally become a walking constantly emitting ray of love.
And now also with the full responsibility onto whom or which situation you chose to direct this ray of love to, and maybe even consciously amplify it with your own thoughts and intentions.
Start with directing the flow of love onto yourself and onto your own shadow. That’s love will help you to acknoledge your own hidden and shameful sides and give you the courage and understanding to face them, bring them to full awareness and then finally dissolve them.
Thank you for your feedback.
Please also kindly share your part of the experience. Thanks.