The Flow - Nft Testimonials

Let’s talk about love :two_hearts:



I have been in :heart::heart::heart::heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart::heart::heart: All day long. Granted I already had the shirt of this and eternal bliss but this felt like 100 notches up then the others.

Could just be me tho but I love it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: eager to hear from others as well.


I purchased this one blindly today, just because it sound so cool :smiley:

Can’t await to learn what this actually does and how it works :hugs:

Does it put you onto a more love filled personal timeline?


^ might be upgraded…


Thanks. That’s very very abstract :sweat_smile:

This description would apply to so many of Dream’s fields…

I hope they will share more details soon.


We need a NFT Thread for the Emapth Maker, too, please !


Going to ask clarification on this because I asked on a different thread that wasn’t precisely this NFT but it would be most appreciated if someone could provide a concise and clear answer so I’m not left guessing.

As I have it understood purchasing an NFT like a servitor one it starts working without having to print out the picture of it, so what about when it’s a mandala NFT like this one is? Do I print this one out or is it enough to have purchased it and the ownership alone warrants it to start working for you right away without the print out?

Have been confuzzled about this for a little while so your experience/explanation is appreciated and thank you. @Dreamweaver or anyone


you can print whatever copy you want or wait for the venly one.
it works because you purchased it.
as the testimonials show it working before the minting.


Aye Captain, can you please also let us know the detailed description of this field?


Thank you and I sort of felt that I appreciate your response.

Silly of me cause I was one of the first to testify to it, but I somehow caught other people asking this question and let their opinion and doubt cast shadow on my experience. :sweat_smile:

to be fair I was wearing the shirt version of this the day I purchased it.


Detailed description of this would be nice :heart: When your able to.


I found something here in a comment on one of the other NFTs, and Captain liked it: Negativity Absorber NFT: Testimonials - #12

So far, according to these pieces of information, this field seems to be a “Flow of Love and Positivity”


Thank you for that man.


This aligns you basically to a path or flow
where love and unconditional love based actions are the natural norm.

In the same way there can be a hate flow from this idea and description.
where entropy and anger becomes the norm in daily interactions.

I understand that this is a bit different or rather a little more specific than a ‘flow’ state.
and a specific area of definition within a life ‘flow’ where unconditional love and love based interactions take precedent.


Thank you very much! :blush:



I’ve had this NFT mandala printed and laminated several times and wearing once copy in my trousers, the other under my mouse pad, another in my wallet and another under my mattress where I sleep.

Some effects I noticed that I am intuitevely attributing to this NFT mandala:

  • It is a flow of pure loving energy.
    To oneself and through oneself outwards into the world.
    Feeling like a being a conduit for a flow of love energy.

  • Feeling more compassion and understanding for the world and the daily struggles of others.
    At the same time an inner knowing that they have all manifested their struggles for themselves and that the best way to pull them out of their current state is to provide support/help/actions/thoughts in the form of unconditional love – as far as this is possible for me at my current state of development.
    Because the vibration of unconditional love is what would give them an emotional release in certain difficult daily situations, allowing for their own inherent godly vibration to raise back up.
    And by this raise allow them to recognize their own current situation as well as the motivation to change and make a new choice and manifest a more pleasant personal reality.

  • Feeling of strong detachment from most of the world’s problems with a knowledge that this is all part of the long game and all staged for growth. Understanding that it is all just there for growth and experience allows to let go.
    Allowing to let go enables the flow of unconditional love.
    This flow seems to be crucial in manifesting.

  • A strange type of “Modified Ego Dissolution”.
    I still have a strong ego but lately it was mostly only triggered by things where a response would be for some type of “higher good” – which I often can’t fully grasp myself but intutitvely know that it will help someone at some point.
    The ego would also loose power where it would try to repeat old negative patterns.

  • Positive Power Waves field is a great addition to this.


That’s so absolutely beautiful. Phenomenal share.


Great testimonial and I’d like to add that love and ego cannot exist together at least not unconditional love so I wouldn’t say there’s a modified ego dissolution at all it’s just the presence of REAL love that doesn’t allow the ego to do that thing we do to get in the way. sure there is ego love but it’s not the same as this. :heart:


That makes sense :slightly_smiling_face:

That means the flow of love in this field is so potent, that the ego is forced to step back :smiley:


Great review :star_struck: