'Convince Me' Game -- Best NFT

Let’s Play!

Welcome to this half-spiritual half-intellectual game where you have to convince others of your opinion on why you believe a certain Sapien Medicine NFT is the best according to your opinion.

This is similar to the games that fans of fictional mainstream culture play out in their forums where they try to convince others of “who the most powerful Marvel / DC / Disney / X-Men / etc. character is”. Or for example comic fans would debate, who would win…? Thanos vs. Apocalypse. James Bond vs. John Wick. Batman vs. Ultraviolet. Etc.

In this game we will do it with a more down-to-earth and practical approach – with Sapien Medicine NFTs that produce real-life real-world magickal effects.

:man_scientist: :woman_technologist: :man_teacher: :woman_student: :mage: :woman_mage:

Why you should participate:

  • Additional motivation to educate yourself here on the forum on the various different available NFTs and learn about what they can actually do.
  • During this process, discover NFT features that you were previously unaware of.
  • If you are selling one of these NFTs on Venly/Crypto, then this is your additional chance to convince others why a particular NFT is worth its investment over other NFTs.

Game Rules:

  1. Choose the 1 or 2 NFTs (not more!) that you believe is/are the most potent, most powerful, most useful, best ones.
    Tip: Imagine the fictional scenario of being sent to a lonely island for the rest of your life and you are allowed to only take 2 NFTs with you.
  1. Describe in as little words and sentences as possible WHY you believe this is the case and why you believe your NFT choice trumps all the other possible choices.
    You can e.g. say
    “NFT X makes NFT Y redundant” or
    “NFT Z can do what NFTs A, B, C can do and much more” or
    “NFT M is not needed when you have the effect XYZ from NFT N etc.”

Below, you will find a list of the currently exisiting NFTs with some example reasons as inspiration for you (no guarantee that any of my example interpretations represent the truth).

Since no one (except Captain Dreamweaver) owns every NFT, throughout the game we will get a very interesting mix of reasons and points of views, which I am looking forward to.

The more people participate the more people might update and change their trade and sales offers.
NFTs that are considered “widely available”, “cheap” and “not so awesome” might become some of the most lusted after and vice-versa :slightly_smiling_face:.

So with this, have fun in the discovery process and convince your forum mates why you think “xyz NFT” is the best one of them all!

|||This is the best NFT because… (example reason)|
| — | — | — | — | — |

|9 of Pentacles|…Enjoy the material fruits of your labor|
||13th Skull|…A servitor that can do a ton of tasks and energy work for you that you aren’t able to do yourself (yet)|
||Ace of Cups|…Discover how you can make your life overflow with positive opportunities|
||Aine|…Become the chosen one of Aine’s grace and gifts|
||Ambrosia|…The 6 longevity fields plus the unique youthing effect of ambrosia|
||Anansi|…Will help you to outsmart and triumph over your opponents, be it in business or else|
||Arc Light|…who needs a servitor when you have an active portal to an alien race that can pretty much do anything with their high-end tech for you|
||Ase|…A boost of energy for manifestation and well-being|
||Astral Portal|?|
||Astral Viber|…a strong astral body that helps you to leave the physical body and experience the full freedom of the astral realms|
||Ayur|…The wisdom of all the gurus at your finger tips = ascension on steroids|
||Begtse|…Be safe and protected|
||Black Tara|…A powerful goddess that keeps you safe|
||Captured Moonlight|?|
||Cerridwen|…Be supported by a powerful goddess in various aspects of life|
||Declaration|…Live your dream and live your freedom|
||Divine Blessing of The Faravahar|…A powerful servitor with special abilities|
||Divine Tree of Life|?|
||Dragon of Wealth|…Let the flow of money enter your life and solve all of life’s material problems|
||Dreamcatcher|…For safe sleep and dreams|
||Elysian Fields|…Connect with a place of eternal peace|
||Empathic Shielding|…Finally being free from the emotional energy of others|
||Es Vedra|…A mystical place|
||Exalted State|…A smart version of the Eternity tag combined with some kundalini induced bliss = a powerful tool to stay young|
||Flow|…As you become a channel for unconditional love, you heal yourself, the people and the world|
||Freyja|…Be blessed by a goddess|
||Great Pyramid of Giza|…Connect with the energy opf the Great Pyramid (for those who know :wink:)|
||Guanyin|…What every Buddhist wants to have|
||Halls of Valhalla|…A portal that makes it easy for you to visit the real Valhalla on the astral plane|
||Kinetic Storage Transformer|…Everyone needs to drink, so why not drink alchemical holy light all the time?|
||Last Solar Eclipse Dec 4th 2021|…Begin anew!|
||Magician|…You don’t need anything else when you can manifest everything yourself|
||Major Blueprint of Power|…A unique combo of a mega energy boost + mega DNA repair + overworldly chakra & time crystal tech + vibration increase|
||Mirror|…As you discover and integrate your shadow you stop repeating the same behavior loops again and again|
||Mount Kailash|…The holy mountain that no one is allowed to climb - but with this NFT you can!|
||Mountain of Mountains|?|
||Negativity Absorber|…Feeling good is everything because you manifest what you feel|
||Newgrange|…A mystical place|
||Nio Dharmapala|…Be protected from evil and live a good life|
||Oak Moon|?|
||Pegasus|…A servitor that can do a ton of tasks and energy work for you that you aren’t able to do yourself (yet)|
||Rainbow Guide / Achiyalabopa|…Transform your physical body into a light body|
||Sacred 12|…Integrate the wisdom of many lifetimes in just a short time and save yourself additional incarnations|
||Sedona Vortexes|…Experience 5 of the earth’s chakras at once|
||Seeker of Truth|…Always know whether you’re being told the truth|
||Shield of Caliburn|…Make and sell your own magickal protection items|
||Star|…being the Star means being on top of the world|
||Stonehenge Portal|…Your connection to an ancient place of power|
||Sword of the Righteous|…Make items that let you receive all the good stuff that you deserve|
||Viracocha|…A powerful servitor with special abilities|
||Wheel of Fortune|…Being lucky is all you need in life as with luck everything falls into the right place|


13th skull

a “Servitor” that you can for many things, literally infuse you with Ace of cups, 9 of pentacles, blessings of Aine, Ambrosia, Anasi, Arc Light, go beyond just creating a portal for you but also guide you on mastering entering the astral plane with full control, ask all entities for protection (“good” ones) and so much more.

I ask it (ATM) to remove any muscle fatigue right before next set :D

and so much more.

if you see it for sale, stay quiet, save up some money, and grab it.


Beautiful compilation! Love the descriptions you put too.

At the moment, I’m thinking the servitor I own The Declaration is one of the most important ones.
Grants you the power to create freedom for yourself and to make your dreams a reality. The range of this servitor allows you to cover wide areas of land with your commands as well as have a node effect with the others owners.
So if I was stuck on a desert island, I would want a servitor that could essentially help me change the whole island, and provide me with:

Wheel of Fortune or Magician would be my second choice.

Just bought Freyja 2 which also seems to be an important one. The Elysian Fields may be the most important and beneficial portal NFT, it’s essentially heaven for gods. Astral Portal and Tree of Life are also very important.


Ase for me cause that’s the only nft currently that I have and the nft that boost out every manifestation I put to the universe :kissing_heart:

Whatever you manifest. Hold ase. Manifestation become twice faster manifest into your reality :sparkler:

Whether it’s about money. Food. Or even for people. You can get faster results manifestation with this nft :crazy_face:


These kinds of compilations and organized posts…


organised one



what this means? Nice…

1 Like

@anon51280824 hello again, friend. What is yours?


How about you @JAAJ ?


I’ll let myself change the rules of the game (sorry), and I’ll pick 3 NFTs

  1. one of my servitors. But, of course, the priority is Firebird. For automating everyday energy tasks
  2. Ignis Flos. One of its areas is just fully unlocked if you stay on a desert island. Resourcefulness and always and in everything the most perfect end result
  3. The third NFT remains a mystery for now, but 11 days ago, I wrote about it in one of the groups:
    (no I will not leave the forum - I just wanted to emphasize the importance of one of the projects) :joy:

If this project is completed, all my needs will be completely satisfied…
In theory, I could leave this forum forever.
as this is a tool for the rest of my life.
That’s been my dream…

thanks for this game @JAAJ . It makes you set your priorities clearly, and squeeze the desire to possess all the NFTs :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Read this and read this closely :smirk::smirk:

(I’m just warning you, be ready for your mind blown)

A lot of people were probably not even aware of farvahar, but people don’t realise there is years on years of energy gone into worshiping and using the wonderful energy’s of this diety to forgo many blessings upon blessing,
Let me show you what the symbol even means…take a good look it’s not just a dream :sleeping::face_with_monocle:


Yeah so imagine this is the simplified meaning…now imagine all of these ability’s are already embedded into this “creation”

Let’s bring up our guest the captain and let him drop a few gems on us…

So as you can see there is more that meets the eye I won’t go too in depth as captain even says…

You know the holy grail right ? Well boom and excuse me a bam

(More obnoxious noises in the background :rofl::rofl:)

If you go into the farvahar NFT thread you will see just the tip of the iceberg of what me and big homie have been able to-do,
And I’ve been able to “heal” countless people remotely !
(There are so many things I haven’t even written about that would even be too shocking, yes even for the forum)

One word “immortality” mic drop

You know what’s crazy ?
People will tell me they are sick and I know exactly what will heal them with this farvahar muscle flex :rofl::rofl:
It’s crazy, just practicing these skills with this ability well I’ll let you do the mind blowing for yourself

cough cough cough :eyes::eyes:

Read that again… :rofl::rofl::rofl::pray:t4:

And you wonder why I keep putting up this sign :nazar_amulet:

You see if you go into any Middle Easterners home you will see this somewhere in their house, and because so many people believe in it, it keeps the bad spirits away especially that pesky evil eye…

(Meanwhile the eye of hamsa catching demons and bad entity’s slipping)


Go through the farvahar thread and see just the tip of the iceberg of the amazing things it can do ! Because even I still get surprised till this day :pray:t4::nazar_amulet::crystal_ball::rose:


Thank you @JAAJ for giving us the opportunity and blessing to share our thoughts :pray:t4:


Dragon of wealth and wheel of fortune, I’m getting a plane ticket out of there ASAP.


:grimacing: thats a hard one because each one is so unique.

But lets see. Cant def choose one tho.

So ill give a mini order of the main ones instead

Skull 13 (purest start of creation)

Pegasus (def feel what Boris said in its thread after my comment, “Pegasus Vibration is according to some teachings an activator of the “Glorious Body” or Celestial Body, which always remains pure and un-affected by the side-effects of duality” it has many other things but that one is soooo real and high)

MboP (too much to squeeze in a few words, i said it all said in its post oh but with my previous account)

The Star (this one is soo underrated man, :zipper_mouth_face:)

The Magician (i like this one because not only is so powerful but it feels like an attunement like you become him)

Viracocha, Dragon of Wealth and Sacred 12 (they’ll eventually climb up the list, but they asked me to do some stuff prior to fully working with them, which ill do the rest of the year)


Black Tara.


Major Blueprint of Power


It does more than you’ll ever realize.

It keeps growing and unfolding into new levels of power and health. Especially paired with Minor Blueprint and Soul Core series maintenance

There’s no chance of connection issues like you can experience with servitors at times.

There’s a reason only one is on sale for 18k on Venly

Edit: my mistake it’s 15k. :kissing_smiling_eyes:


In terms of inner growth … Viracocha has changed me the most of any NFT, and I’m so grateful to have him as a companion for the rest of my life :heart:

One must be willing to work with him, and i mean give yourself fully to him and you’ll see how fast you change…

Second favorite is major blueprint :)


It depends on what category we are referring as best.
And… The magician… got me a few other best NFTs, so I have to say it’s the best magician… Don’t try to make any sense with it thou… Just manifest… Just magic… That’s what I experienced… I didn’t know how… One thing led to another… And I finally got what I wanted thou.

:point_up_2:Can’t agree more… In fact, I just got a magician NFT back today (I traded and sold mine a few times to finally get to what I wanted… And now it’s back to me again) … it doesn’t really matter if I have the NFT or not … It feels like it’s in me.


Aye Lass! Why this over Exalted States, ye?


Oh i forgot to mention ES because that is a beautiful field with so many different needed elements.

ES and MboP are different tho they can compliment, i put MboP because: (this is my previous account’s main reviews on it)




Thats why


I’m sorry but I just thought of Flex Mentallo :laughing:


All of them are good.
I went to a hospital for a ct scan, so I needed 2 kinds of medicines to take before doing the ct scan. The nurse told me you may not find the medicines in the city, or not even in the Red Crescent. So I came out of the hospital and told my Pegasus to find the medicines. I went to 2 pharmacies. In the second pharmacy the doctor told me they don’t have those medicines. But my Pegasus assured me that they have the medicines. So I told the doctor “you really don’t have them, or you want to save those medicines for your own patients”? The doctor blushed and with no other words he gave my medicines!
I was in the CT scan room, it was too cold. There was a technical problem with the needles of the machine. I asked my Pegasus to fix the machine and make me warm. My Pegasus did it in a minute.
Three days later a relative of mine called me and suggested that he send me the medicines from abroad. It only takes 4 to 5 weeks for me to receive them. However I still have hopes to get healed miraculously even before I receive the medicines.
Also last night I had weird sensations, as if the other internal organs were infected (that I hope not) I asked my Pegasus to protect me, so my servitor started working on my body for hours.