The first few minutes after seeing the picture, I felt this soft and smooth yet strong energy permeating all of body… Outside in… Inside out
I perceived the energy like clear greyish a bit dense substance…
Look like this but a little bit more greyish
It’s very calming and quieting.
At midnight, I tried to sleep, but just found myself lying in bed feeling fresh and awake… It took more than an hour to finally fall asleep… Usually it takes less than 2 minutes to fall asleep
Woke up fresh after just 3 hours of sleep.
As usual, I am very sensitive to cold weather. This morning I woke up at 4 a.m. feeling cold… Then, I just told the bird I feel cold… I was hoping the bird to blast me with a heat wave lol… Nope no heat at all.
But instead, the cold I felt slowly faded away and replaced with the clear greyish substance feeling again.
By now, I still feel this pool of clear greyish energy permeating my body… But this time it seems less dense and less greyish…
I feel like this pool of energy always try to pull my attention to my body where it feels strong…
Suddenly I realized how my perception of my body has changed… I used to can feel my skin, muscles, bones with clear distinction… But now I just feel a homogeneous clear greyish a bit dense substance. I tried to feel my body like I use to… But, for some reason, it’s very hard…all I feel is this homogeneous substance. Then, instinctively, I know what I can use it for … Seems like I need to perceive my body in a new way… Perceive the body as clear greyish light… Just like I perceived the energy.
Sometimes the energy becomes less dense and less greyish… Other times, it’s back to more dense and more greyish…
I hope this short subjective experience of mine is informative for you. I won’t share further… It’s just something that each person has to experience for him/herself.
P. S. When I said my perception of my body has changed (caused by the field), it’s just the perception that’s changed, not the actual body changed.