The Achiyalabopa - Rainbow Guide (Sapien Medicine Group Community Project) NFT: Testimonials

Has anyone tried to play other audios with the bird picture opened? It seems to amplify the audio field energy and the bird’s energy. I first noticed it when I did that with major BoP, and then I tried other audios, it seems to do the same.

Hmmm… This clear greyish field of energy that I perceived, nowadays it is just transparent clear but there is still density to it… Especially when I open the picture… So when I play an audio field, the energy of audio field seems to fill and vibrate within the transparent clear energy field which makes both of them to be felt stronger… Hmmm… Is this ‘crystal’ effects? Now, I am curious…
And another thing that I noticed if I do like this, I get overwhelmed and tired more easily if I do my usual Playlist.

Meanwhile, can anyone try this with your own servitor whether rainbow bird, or others? Thanks…


He might use everything valuable that helps you to archieve you rainbow body.
(or blockages are released and you have now a better response of the field (or both))

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Hmm i noticed mostly the amplifying effect on something that works on the chakra (like vibration of creation), on others not too much.

But im sure you can tweak it and tell him to use every energy that helps you to archieve rainbowbody etc…


Not yet, I’ve just been meditating with the picture open, not listening to any audio yet. I wanna wait for the full-sized image on Venly so I can print it out just nicely and carry her in my pocket, I’ll try later then.

I would say that the audio doesn’t need any amplify, especially MBoP, maybe it’s just the Bird working on your body so you are more energy-sensitive so you can feel the audio more.
I’ve had Skull for a few months, I think he’d helped me to make stacks more optimal, and guide me towards the right audio to listen to.
But you actually had a brilliant idea to try to listen to body-related audio together with the Bird.

A little more to share.
I’ve been meditating with the picture of the Bird opening.
Besides feeling peaceful, warped in love and calmness. I specifically now feel how heavy my body is. Sometimes I feel my hands are too heavy I can’t move them or I “should” keep them there until they start to move on their own (hard to explain). Sometimes I feel my whole body as a heavy mass of matter, and I feel the light permeating all over my body. It’s subtle, and cool like you said, and it vibrates nicely.
And time flies so fast when mediating with the Bird, I just sit for a bit, and bamm it’s 20 minutes already.
I’m thinking about putting a 1-hour session on Sartuday and Sunday, when I have more time, to meditate. I’ve been a meditation addict and now I’m even addictive to it than before :rofl:
2 clear messages I received when meditating today:

  • Give love to every inch of your body
  • Focus on your heart chakra
    The masters seem to give guidance if we have the intention and put in the effort.
    I followed it and… it was another experience. Please try to do that and share your experience. I’m eager to learn how everybody’s working with their Bird.
    And the 2 messages above make me think of the concept of the “Stored Trauma Crucible”. Worth giving a try before or after the meditation :heart:

I have had such a drastic changes in my energy sensitivity since Achiyalabopa has flown into my life.

It must be from the increased awareness of myself I have been experiencing. Again, one of the most noticeable shifts I have felt in consciousness in a long time.

Combined this with The Flow today and have continued to feel so much peace + love

This is becoming my favorite NFT right on line with Arc Light.

Each day I am feeling more grounded, decluttered, detached…

Thank you again @Peace and team :pray:t3:


Is a rainbow body the same as a light body? Is one on a greater level than the other? Do you need to have an activated light body before achieving a rainbow body?


The beautiful Achiyalabopa has arrived in our wallets. Feeling more peaceful energy emitting from the hi-res image :relieved:


Working with The Achiyalabopa, Ayur, and Angels new course has led me to feel the best I have ever felt in my life.

The Achiyalabopa has been teaching me
more about detachment and has shown me what needs attention and balance in my life/relationships to attain more peace within. I will never part ways with this special friend :smiley:

Ayur has granted me access to a massive amount of knowledge and power that I’m still trying to wrap my head around. As some other users have stated, I’ve been playing the yagnas + essence of mantras and it is making me feel so pure inside.

Angels Freedom Course + The Light Collapser field has been helping tremendously to integrate these energies as well when the shadow work does arise.

I’m shedding so much weight I wasn’t even aware I was carrying.

These three seem to be a nice trifecta and are aiding me the most right now in my journey to find love and peace within. Thank you for listening and I wish you all many blessings x


Did anyone else get an email from Spring advertising the sale of the Rainbow Guide, only to click the link and get a 404 error???


It’s probably just a random choice of product chosen from a store that you have purchased in the past. I got an e-mail this morning from Spring advertising a different non-NFT Sapien Medicine product. I think it’s just an error in their automated e-mail system and they’re not supposed to include a link to something that’s not available especially limited NFTs but that’s an IT or programming issue.


I have one flow and negative and empath maker for this
I had yearning for this . I do not know why I am sorry
If anyone trade with me thanks
I will mention on thread

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hello Rainbow members, I am now an owner of this treasure, could you guys add me to the group project please ? thanks :pray:
( if proof is needed please pm me )


Eli, the group thread is no longer active.


Achiyalabopa was a huge bird god of the Pueblo people. He is described as being of extraordinary size and having rainbow-colored feathers as sharp as knives. It was considered a celestial creature and may have once been attributed to the whole of creation.
I have been meditating and practicing with Achiyalabopa for a while :bird:
and wanna share some of my experience :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Before that, I tried to awaken the rainbow body, but something was missing. I have awakened the body but it felt incomplete :thinking:
The bird helped me find and fix that missing part in just 1 hour and I’m really grateful for that haha
I also noticed that Achiyalabopa awakens not only the Rainbow Body, but also strengthens other (all) energy bodies that a person has, which makes this NFT even more cool :hatching_chick: :baby_chick: :hatched_chick:
It easily removes energy blockages, negativity, curses, implants and other energy-related problems, raises vibrations (significantly, better than any other audio I’ve tried) and any meditation with it gets better.
My psychic abilities have improved a lot and my development has become faster, energy sensitivity increased a lot :mage: :mage: :mage:

In addition, I have learned a lot from Enlightened masters , access to which this NFT gives. They are very kind and cool guys, really unique experience :star2:
I need to work with bird more so I know what else is hidden in this gem

It is very sad that this birdie did not get much attention, although he deserves it


Happy for you brother!


@inf1nity he is the best!!! My favorite guy!!! :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::fire::fire::fire::fire:


Hey guys, does this one come with an audio too?


Just Birdie!!!


Thank you
I think I switched timelines for a sec there