The Magician NFT: Testimonials

As a master manifestor, the Magician brings you the tools, resources and energy you need to make your dreams come true. Seriously, everything you need right now is at your fingertips. You have the spiritual (fire), physical (earth), mental (air) and emotional (water) resources to manifest your desires. And when you combine them with the energy of the spiritual and earthly realms, you will become a manifestation powerhouse! The key is to bring these tools together synergistically so that the impact of what you create is greater than the separate parts. This is alchemy at its best!

Now is the perfect time to move forward on an idea that you recently conceived. The seed of potential has sprouted, and you are being called to take action and bring your intention to fruition. The skills, knowledge and capabilities you have gathered along your life path have led you to where you are now, and whether or not you know it, you are ready to turn your ideas into reality. (description from biddy tarot)




More about the Magician :

Each of us is a magician, and our predominant thoughts are the magic spells that produce the life we are experiencing. All the situations you see in front of you can be changed, but first you must change where your mind is fixated. The Magician is in complete control of his environment. He represents the power of your mindā€™s focus, which creates the reality you are living in.

What predominate thoughts do you harbor during the day? Are your thoughts generally positive or negative? Do you feel in control of your thoughts or do they run uncontrollably on automatic?

The Magician stands before his altar. Before him are four objects: a cup, a pentacle, a sword and a wand. Each represent the different elements of his external environment: his emotional life, monetary life, predominate thoughts and his ambitions. The Magician has the power to move the objects on the altar any way he chooses. This symbolizes your ability to affect your external environment by choosing to focus your thoughts and intentions. The Magicianā€™s white wand is raised high, channeling his best self. When you are channeling your best self, you can also manifest marvelous things, as if by magic.

The best self is the part of you that feels limitless. When your mind is attuned to your best self you will notice that you feel energized, motivated and confident. You feel fearless and believe in your own talents and abilities. Unfortunately, we live in a society that borages us with images of how we really donā€™t measure up. This affects our unconscious mind, which will run on autopilot until it is challenged. Once self-doubt takes the megaphone, your best self can feel all but drowned out. If your predominant thoughts are: ā€œIā€™m too fat.ā€ ā€œIā€™m not good enough.ā€ ā€œI canā€™t do this.ā€ ā€œI donā€™t know how to make this work.ā€ ā€œGuess that just life.ā€ ā€œIā€™m a fraud.ā€ ā€œI know I wonā€™t succeed at this anyway.ā€ā€¦then you are not hearing your best self.

To reconnect with you best-self, remember a time in your life when you felt powerful and limitless. Remember when you felt at your best. Recall when you stood up and did the difficult thing to do. Hold that powerful and joyful feeling. That person in your memory is still you. No matter whatā€™s transpired, this is your true essence. Remember yourself and look at your situation through that personā€™s eyes. (From

Now this could and WILL help you manifest beyond mental and emotional blockages, seriously print it out and keep it with you at all times so he can help you gain confidence, reassurance in your inner powers and tranquility of not going around manifesting your fears and shortcomings, but insteadā€¦ and here is where i can strongly already feel is where the Alchemist element in this nft will play one of its rolesā€¦

Transforming those negative thoughts and blockages for postive ones, skimming them and re directing them for the best possible outcomes, and thats why it has the 5 elements from outside but also from inside, we are constantly doing alchemy within us, and so this Magician will take action doing and using all that is you in and out :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:


:smirk::mage:ā€ā™‚ :woman_mage: :mage:


My whole body is buzzing and it feels like things are beings rearranged/rewired inside me.

When I look at the image, I feel like the rewiring is working toward giving me the knowledge, experience and power of that Magiciand/Scientist/Alchemist. Also like thereā€™s informations being downloaded.

Like I am being brought up to his level of mastery.

After an entire life dedicated to his craft, he is a master of unsurpassed expertise. His art flows through him naturally, like breathing. He knows and understands things at another level than the rest of us mere mortals.

All of that is now being transmitted to us.



It was around 8pm here when the magician was released. I was so excited that I got one. I looked at the card for a while. Went to bed at 9 (sleep way early since I got the Skull) but I just couldnā€™t sleep. I listened to the Deep Sleeper, I asked Skull to put me to sleep, didnā€™t work.
Seems like all the blending colors and different elements in the card wants me to get up and do something. Might also due to the excitedness from getting the first nft card :joy: Iā€™ll see if this happens again next time.
Now Iā€™ll try to do some work and let these energies out :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Hahha I was wondering why my eyeballs have this weird sensations :stuck_out_tongue:


Now that you mention it my heart and my eyeballs have been pumping fire!!

I was already prepared for the heart one butā€¦ eyeballs? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Iā€™m ready for some magic in my life! :partying_face: šŸ§™ā€ā™‚

Reading @anon46520955 ā€˜s post from other thread, printing and carrying it with us seems like a good start. Also, having clear intentions on goals/outcomes.

Any other tips? :nerd_face:


Are we able to print out that image or is it better to wait for the hi-res from Dream to print and carry around?


Either way, it recognizes the owner right away


Well, itll do all for you.

But maybe help to prioritize for him your needs and desires?

Strengthen your connection with the higher self

You know, the usual

Higher self connection
Imaginarium divine
Divine will if you have it
Dream of purity
Depths of the soul
Conceptual realizations


The world is ready for YOUR magic is how it is :relaxed:


Amazing! :star_struck:

The funny thing is that just yesterday, I was reading about Elemental Alchemical Ability and contemplating getting it. Sounds like this Magician NFT has all those elements and more!

Thanks! Yes, already working on my list. :white_check_mark:


I feel it deeply.

When I got the skull, things started to happen, seemingly small things but I KNOW they are building toward something. What or when ? I didnā€™t know and didnā€™t really care, just enjoying the journey while doing my best. One day those dots would connect to form an image, at the right time.

I spent some time in front of the Magician, and itā€™s one those pebbles. Well more of a big chunk of rock. I feel that limitlessness, I am that limitlessness, it seems unshakable. I am not anymore looking in awe at my skull, I am becoming an equal. I said about my skull that I felt she could bend universes. I now feel like I can (or will be able to) bend MY universe.

And when I look at the dots and how the Magician fits in there, thereā€™s a glorious light ahead of me, something grandiose, and the path towards it is also full of light.

Now, I know how it sounds :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
And maybe itā€™s just the high of my first exposure to the Magician, but wow, what a first peak at the power of that card ! :star_struck: :sparkling_heart:

Thanks a lot for that wonder, @Captain_Nemo ! :bowing_woman: :heart:


It sounds awesome! Thats how it sounds.


The future is now.

The past is coming to join it

The present is gonna blossom. Every day.


Love this, @Saan ! Feels very empowering and powerful.


Me today after sleeping with this printed above my bed lol


:clap::sweat_smile: :+1:
(yes, this is a three-handed emoji, why ?)

On an almost unrelated note, I shamelessly quote myself about Magician + Elemental Alchemical Ability for anyone not reading ALL the threads :


Lol Magician and 9 of Pentacles landed in our wallets

And lots already on Venly market haha

I hope those are extra you guys got :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

*walks away whistlingā€¦


I was gifted this NFT from someone that had an extra copyā€¦

Spent the last 24 hours integrating this and while I expected something similar to The Magician audio, thereā€™s a lot more this.

It seems that it implements the whole magician archetype which is how I basically live my life. Seeking deeper silence, running experiments, discovering deeper understanding, implementation of logic and understanding to my practices.

First thing I experienced is the Magicianā€™s ability to understand the use of consciousness and converting to energy, while I already had strong practice in this, a deep knowingness was installed and I suddenly can control and use deeper understanding. In fact it led to an instant upgrade to the things I do.

Then came the mental processes. According to my understanding the magician embodies wisdom, esoteric knowledge, and knowingness. All of which I am feeling a massive boost on, the knowingness is the most obvious. Thereā€™s no questioning in the past day. Thereā€™s just an understanding on whatā€™s the next step and having fun while doing it. That said, everything is a lot more fun from the lack of questions (other than data gathering questions), doubt, and fear of results.

The last thing Iā€™m noticing is deep appreciation for my work and a calmness about it.

Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll discover a few more things in the next three days but thatā€™s it for now.