The Last Solar Eclipse Dec 4th 2021 NFT: Testimonials

The Last Solar Eclipse Dec 4th 2021

In Vedic astrology, a solar eclipse is of great significance as it resembles the start of a new life. The last solar eclipse of this year will take place on December 4, Saturday. … Mars will also join these planets in Scorpio on December 5. These planetary combinations will bring changes in various aspects of life. This is complete capture of the event and all associate changes and benefits to use on demand.


How does everyone know when the NFTs on crypto com drop !!!
Is there an announcement?

This one is INTENSE. I got a massive rush of energy upon gazing into the image. Excited to explore more … :waning_crescent_moon:

Going to play Navagraha Homam with this


^That, along with pairing it with the wheel of fortune, too :wheel_of_dharma::man_juggling::no_mouth:


Usually there’s an announcement in the Announcements section of this forum. I’d watch there.

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Does this mean that this NFT is free for everyone and that anyone can download and use it freely without purchasing it?! Sorry but I didn’t understand very well.

And what are the advantages that we can derive from an eclipse of the Sun (or the moon), Knowing that this month of October 2023, there is a solar eclipse (10/14/2023) and an eclipse lunar (10/28/2023) ?!

no, you have to buy the NFT to access the energy on demand.

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Very well thank you.