In Celtic Welsh mythology, Cerridwen is a powerful Underworld Goddess, and the keeper of the cauldron of knowledge, inspiration and rebirth. She rules the realms of death, fertility, regeneration, inspiration, magic, enchantment and knowledge.
Medieval Welsh poetry refers to her as possessing the cauldron of poetic inspiration.
Awen is the inspirational muse of creative artists in general. Enjoy the presence and blessings of Cerridwen.
Cerridwen represents the need for change; that a transformation is at hand. It is time to examine what circumstances in your life no longer serve you. Something must die so that something new and better can be born. You can tap into her ceaseless energy to plant seeds of change and pursue their growth with your own power.
At this time, Cerridwen is part of a group of companions that speak through easy change for the better. She is subtle, firm, and wise. It feels like her feminine energy is nurturing but pushy in a way - pushing towards seeking a better way, a stronger way. Magic and mystery. I feel supported and more of myself somehow.
Actually, both. She is a goddess of the underworld, so she sees our underbelly of hidden human things and can push us to let go of them. She also blesses us to give us the desire to open, let go and go higher.
I’m saving for the Artist and Student NFTs at the moment, hopefully someone will still be selling Cerridwen for not-crazy amounts in a few months!
(I don’t have any NFTs to trade.)
See if you can get an extra copy of the aforementioned NFTs :)
And if you are unable to get one in a few months- like acquire her from someone else- I can give you mine for the same price I received her for. So don’t worry; all will be okay :)
Following is a great primer on working with the Dark Goddesses, not just Hekate. In the article you’ll see relevant and interesting references not only to Hekate but also to Sekhmet, Kali, and Cerridwen.