How are you so energy sensitive
9 months of meditating and feeling chakras, what they do, what they process. 3-5 hours a day.
An extremely detail oriented mind with a constant habit of measuring and a group of friends that asked me to teach them helps as well.
If this ain’t motivating idk what is!
Have you tried finishing each session with the Acu-Automaton for grounding & integration?
Had the same issue with Kinetic Quasi, this solved it nicely
I haven’t looked into this field yet. Thank you for the tip.
eyeballs conceptual realizations audio
Something about swimming while sculpting in the movie Tron while playing golf…
That’s my take
Hahaha i cannot disagree with that
Where the gif? We no longer talk without them around here
Seems like this is being sent out soon, congrats .
Anyone else noticing rejuvenation effects from the dna bit? My hair, skin, everything is the best it’s ever been in my entire life!
Ysssss im barely playing the skin fields etc
And also my hair getting thicker, stronger, a lot new ones
Will captain ever release this in future again?
- 100 to getting this gem out again with even more hidden powers.
Even though I’m sleeping little due to work…
Its giving a “youthing” effect.
Yes for sure! I find myself using less than half the fields I used to. This field fulfills my needs on so many levels.
No. Nfts are rarities for life. Otherwise they wouldnt be special, rare
Would he make audios with some of the elements in this one?
Could you find ways to get some of the experiences this audio brings?
Pay close attention to our reviews and experiment yourself with other fields.
I can tell you this audio is far far beyond our own comprehension and theres nothing close as it.
But we are always pleasantly surprised when we become alchemist of our own testing with the different fields.
When he releases a payable audio it usually has harmoniously tho, mixed some others and he always mentions which ones, except the extras, so at least you could get a glimpse of what a final audio does by using the base one.
I am one that loves experimenting and mixing all the time some times the mix is weird but man… do i discover beautiful useful benefits each time.
Do you already have to begin with:
kinetic Quasi
Blue Print of Life
Minor Blue of Power
Tower of Power
The crystallization energy from the course
Super Human Mutan RNA
It also has some Others i know you already have.
Plus DNA
Astral Premier
The Inner Pillars of Power
Etc etc
Again it is way further than mixing all these like a kitchen recipe, but at the same time… there are reasons why all of those are part of this
Theres so much power available for everybody dont get fixed on one you dont have
We are all heading to the same place, just through different avenues and at different pace, its just up to each one of us if we keep pushing forward with what we have at our disposal and a fiercely consistency and determination.
Also, dont think this is the only nft of THIS caliber that will be released.
Remember when everyone was super hyped about blueprint of life audio? Then came new stuff, and people were obsessed over new things and blueprint lost its initial hype.
This happens with each new field that comes, and in economics we call it The Stampede effect(me as a student flexing). Well it is a bit different in the case of limited supply here, but my interpretation is:
-Each time someone here writes about their experience with the field, the feeling of missing out awakens inside of us and that basically forces us to want it so much more than before. Also it is in our nature to always gravitate to that which is out of our reach.
TLDR: Before we think how we rlyyyy need x field, we should take a few deep breaths and ask ourselves what is the root of that desire? Where does it stem from? Is there a combination of fields that can simulate it or at least get as close as possible to it? And most of the time, answer is YES.strong text
It landed in my wallet
I’m not sure I agree with that. I do keep reverence for every field that I’ve used. And I’m still using old fields consistently. I do believe it was a unique opportunity that was lost due to my lack of luck. Was just wondering if there’d be any opportunity in future.