A Blueprint of Power (Major) Testimonials

9 posts were merged into an existing topic: Balance between Love - Power and Wisdom

Today I am trying to understand what “Time Crystal effects” means in the description of this field.

After reading through some articles on what time crystals are, some main points that I got out of these:

  • “Like a perpetual motion machine, a time crystal forever cycles between states without consuming energy. Physicists claim to have built this new phase of matter inside a quantum computer.”

  • “A time crystal flips back and forth between two states without burning energy.”

  • “A novel phase of matter that physicists have strived to realize for many years, a time crystal is an object whose parts move in a regular, repeating cycle, sustaining this constant change without burning any energy.”

  • *“The consequence is amazing: You evade the second law of thermodynamics”. “That’s the law that says disorder always increases.”

  • “Time crystals are also the first objects to spontaneously break “time-translation symmetry,” the usual rule that a stable object will remain the same throughout time. A time crystal is both stable and ever-changing, with special moments that come at periodic intervals in time.”

So does this mean that the field creates constant negentropy without consuming any energy?

  • “But this object breaks time-translation symmetry: It undergoes periodic motion, returning to its initial configuration at regular intervals.”

  • “A Wilczekian time crystal requires no input and continues indefinitely, since the system is in its ultra-stable equilibrium state.”

Does this mean this field acts as a perpetuum mobile in itself and will continue to be with me forever?
And further listening will only make it stronger?

  • “The system cannot lose energy to the environment and come to rest because it is already in its quantum ground state. Because of this the motion of the particles does not really represent kinetic energy like other motion, it has “motion without energy”.”

This also aligns with what the Captain wrote:

= extremely reduced chance for energy leakage and being drained by environment, energy vampires, etheric parasites etc. ?

:exploding_head: :joy:

Furthermore the field is labeled as “smart”.
Does this mean I shall actively speak to the field with intention and ask it to work on certain things?
Or will the smart algorithm do what it is programmed to do fully on its own?


I don’t know if it’s me or the field, but last days my body feels so cold…but not the cold you feel with winter or snow, rain, whatever haha … it’s like a cold thats bring peace and a mental clarity… Like I’m a crystal… or I’m inside one idk

Mmm like the cold you feel when do some rounds of pranayama. And the chill’s and goosebumps. Beautiful.


I remember someone asking on New Perspectives thread something like this-Can I ask it to give me specific perspective of x person?
Om replied-try it😉

Smart fields generally learn each time someone uses them, so over time they can target more precisely each individual’s needs


Today, after looping Blueprint of Power for ca. 2 hours I was drawn to listen to my whole playlist of uplifting high vibrational music that releases the most positive emotions and feelings in me.

As I am typing this, I am singing with the music and dancing through my room and releasing stuck up energy from my body. My true self claims its right to express itself freely :hugs: :stuck_out_tongue:

It feels like a catterpillar becoming a butterfly.
It feels like the Internal Alchemical Crucible, but more powerful.
It feels like going from contraction to expansion.

Also thinking about what @anon22855873 wrote in his testimonial…

…because for me it feels exactly like this:
As if it is almost impossible to drop back down in vibration for more than a few hours. Feels like an Ascension tag built-in into one’s energy system, but more powerful and energetically supportive.
Had to listen to Automated Grounding already many times every day :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Dropping by for a small update:

Last night something came out of me that I can only describe as a body of gravity left me, it was like half of the room was denser.

Woke feeling extremely self assured, happy, blessed, and with an amount of energy I haven’t felt since probably 5 years old when I got Sonic the Hedgehog for my Sega genesis….

Yes that specific.


How are you so energy sensitive :sob:

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9 months of meditating and feeling chakras, what they do, what they process. 3-5 hours a day.

An extremely detail oriented mind with a constant habit of measuring and a group of friends that asked me to teach them helps as well.



If this ain’t motivating idk what is!


Have you tried finishing each session with the Acu-Automaton for grounding & integration?

Had the same issue with Kinetic Quasi, this solved it nicely :smiley:


I haven’t looked into this field yet. Thank you for the tip.


uhm some conceptual review cause yeah no words








@Captain_Nemo you are so humble…


eyeballs conceptual realizations audio



Something about swimming while sculpting in the movie Tron while playing golf…

That’s my take :rofl:


Hahaha i cannot disagree with that

Where the gif? We no longer talk without them around here :grimacing::sweat_smile:

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Seems like this is being sent out soon, congrats :clap: .


Anyone else noticing rejuvenation effects from the dna bit? My hair, skin, everything is the best it’s ever been in my entire life! :sunglasses::metal:t3:


Ysssss im barely playing the skin fields etc

And also my hair getting thicker, stronger, a lot new ones


Will captain ever release this in future again?

  • 100 to getting this gem out again with even more hidden powers.