The Flow - Nft Testimonials

Wow a large part of what you shared is my exact experience with this nft as well! Great post!


The Flow finally showed up on my Venly account. Time to focus more on this one.


I agree, the Flow NFT is something really special.

I see it affecting coworkers around (anf the one who are around you for longer periods of time).


If there was a way to impart at least some of the benefits of The Flow in some manner to this forum in general…

Edit: Just musing while with The Flow


Testimonial 2:

Since with this field you become a channel and conduit through which uncondiontal love is able to flow through, this comes with amazing effects.

The love is flowing into you and then through you and from you to the people, things, situations etc. that you focus your attention to.

“Where your attention goes, your energy goes.”

But in this case it is all with a flavor of love :heart:

People that you think about and with whom you have NO (!) open topics to resolve or integrate with, are receiving this flow of love from you.
So while having the Flow NFT mandala on you and thinking about someone, you kind of automatically sending them love.

As the pure unconditional love flows through you, the energy becomes personalized because of your unique personal energy and soul setup. And thus, when you think about certain people, these people will associate this flow of love coming from you and with you.

Now for people that you think about and with whom you STILL HAVE (!) open topics to resolve or integrate with – that flow of love will in most cases bounce back to you with the reason that these people are not yet ready to receive your personalized energy of love and will block it off.

As the ray of love bounces back to you, it will push you to resolve those topics within yourself as soon as possible, so that you can finally let go those people, triggers and repressed emotions.

This is the only way it can be, because unconditional love means to let go and let free.

Since those people with whom you have the open topics with, will most likely not be pushed by your personilized flow of love to resolve the issues on their side that quickly and instantly, all you can do and all that the flow of love can do, is to resolve those issues in you (the path of least resistance).

In both situations, this also seems to be the “negentropic part” of the field as the love is seeking to restore order and purity wherever it goes.

I would even say that love itself negentropic.
It creates order where necessary, but lets the pieces of the whole to move freely around in space-time / time-space so that each piece can go into its rightful place at its rightful time.

Now I see why this NFT was rather in a higher price range compared to other NFTs and fields.
You literally become a walking constantly emitting ray of love.

And now also with the full responsibility onto whom or which situation you chose to direct this ray of love to, and maybe even consciously amplify it with your own thoughts and intentions.

Start with directing the flow of love onto yourself and onto your own shadow. That’s love will help you to acknoledge your own hidden and shameful sides and give you the courage and understanding to face them, bring them to full awareness and then finally dissolve them.

Thank you for your feedback.
Please also kindly share your part of the experience. Thanks.


The Flow of Love is the Flow of Life itself.


This part right here is important and thank you for articulating it in a way that most can understand as there’s still a lot in this NFT that can’t quite be translated into words it’s POWERFUL.

Have you noticed or looked closely at people’s responses and words and flow in return to you? Heck even look at your Social media responses of other people and you will SEE direct evidence if this unconditional love flow alignment that this NFT puts you in. The very words of people that I would’ve never imagined could relay such kind and uplifting words but if you look closely you will see evidence of this EVERYWHERE.

So blessed to have gotten this :pray::heart:

I wish for you all to experience this in one form or another. Even if thru our own testimonials you can catch a glimpse of what this brings out in us.


My experience with the flow:
One of the biggest factors I’ve noticed with the flow is like AJAAJ said it has a type of modified “ego dissolution” which helped me set aside my ego when it comes to making better choices overall in life, like being a better person to others, as well as treating myself with more self respect and self love. It causes me to focus on what I love and what makes me happy vs being caught in some weird negative loop and doing what others or society wants which is what it felt like before this. I think this mainly happened due to the self love it gives you. You start to respect yourself and treat yourself with self respect and love and this causes you to treat other people with respect and love. I feel like a lot of people can sense that love in you and this causes them to just feel good when you interact with them. I noticed I was more charismatic and positive with my clients and they responded a lot better than usual. I sat there and thought about it and well if you think about it most people who are really negative and unloving are rarely considered charismatic (I’ve personally never met anyone) most people who are charismatic seem radiate this positivity or happiness and everyone seems to feel good interacting with them and the flow gives me that. So yeah It has some very good charisma aspects to it as well as love/positivity. I also noticed this also makes me not as scared to go out and create positive change. It feels like there’s something very strong always supporting me, always there for me with this nft. Now even when I see others down it gives me the courage and strength to do my best to reach and help those who need it


Thank you, beautiful testimonial.

Will be using this tip moving forward.


This sentence summarizes my experience so far :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :+1:

and please, more testimonials on other products!


After this field has come into life, my urge to support others in healing or otherwise increased a lot - a remarkable difference. I just want to give myself in whatever way I can now.

I just can see the rays of love, life, happiness, wonder in others eyes when they are looking at me. :star_struck: I can also see that they just want to spend more time with me even though they are a new connection.


I know that many will think, that “oh just another feel a little bit well” and “be a little bit more “love”” field…

“We have love everywhere yet nothing is changing, bla bla bla…”

“So another love field here and there doesn’t make any difference…”


That thinking comes from people who have never really experienced the true power of love (or have forgotten it).

“The Power of Love” – it is not some mass media Disney concept to sell stuff and make it all sound nice and sunshine.


So let me remind you all that LOVE actually IS THE GREATEST POWER IN EXISTENCE.

It is not some watered-down far-fetched concept that is barely applicalbe to the daily physical life.

It is what changes people’s minds, pulls them out of their misery, open new pathways, removes road blocks, liberates, enlightens.

One needs to open up oneself vibrationaly to experience it.

Love’s power is infinite and it vibrates at such a high level, it would “burn you in an instant” if you would dive straight into it with your current earthly vibration.

It is rather that love has all the time in the world and patiently waits for you to adjust your vibration upwards so that you can allow for it to flow to you and through you.

The Flow Love of Love is the Flow of Life itself.


In my opinion, The Flow is one of the most powerful NFTs out there, because its field literally affects pretty much EVERY ASPECT of your life.

Even life aspects that you are not aware of yet.

It affects life is a negentropic way, because love itself is negentropic.

And with this field you being on a path and flow of love, everything in your life becomes a little bit more negentropic as well.

Furthermore, since we are all connected through the subconscious minds collectively as well, this affects pretty much EVERY interaction with other beings too.
And helps you to influence the outcomes of these interactions to be more negetropic and constructive.

This is all my subjective understanding, but I hope it helps people to recognize the value of this NFT a little bit more…


I am completely blown away by it. Whenever I mediate with this picture open I instantly enter into a very blissful state. I also notice myself being more compassionate and loving towards everyone in life which has a overall cause of making me just feel extremely blissed out and good. It transformed my mindset into something that wants everyone to succeed and get the best out of life. I didn’t realize just how useful it is to think in this kind of way and not only for others but for mys
elf as well. I actually started to love myself for the first time in my life and I wanna truly be my best and provide for family and friends. This transformation really helped me move out of a negative space I wasn’t doing good in and instead moved me into happiness and joy


The flow:
When I started using this nft overtime it caused me to radiate a very powerful loving energy with everything in my life. This made me happy throughout the day and started to open up new doors in my life. It flipped my perspective to a lot more positive one and It feels like drifting along in life in a flow of love. 10/10


Love is one of the most powerful things for you as a person. It does everything from being psychically healthy to being mentally healthy and I noticed improvements both psychically and mentally. It puts me in a state of mind where I naturally feel untouchable from negative external forces and can easily and effortlessly block out anything that isn’t positive. My attention always seems to be focused on the positive things these days and whats going good in my life vs the negative things. I feel better in my body with this and notice a lot more energy and happiness throughout the day. I used to have days where I’d feel sluggish but those have faded off into the past. Very happy with this nft


This field is amazing. It quickly dissolves all the disturbing and unpleasant feelings towards anyone and anything. To the point that you need to try hard to even remember how and why you felt something negative. Along with the feeling, the whole atmosphere and everyone included change as well. It makes your life so much easier.


Please could someone post a HD image of this NFT



You are a star @otm thank you so much!