The Flower Of Life

Although it’s an overused concept at this point and similar stuff is created by many others (it’s usually not my thing to create common things that already exists or abundantly available) but the concept is too good to pass up on my end.

As the name suggest it’s the energy of flower of life and much more (smartly enhanced let’s say) and with some alien tech added which I’ll leave to your discovery. If anything I don’t think it should belong in free field category as it’s something I decided to make freely available even tho it’s premium tire which is also why this comes with activate command function which allows you to use the audio without playing the audio itself. The only free audio with this ability so far. belive there’s so many information available about this concept so I won’t bother myself going into details. But if you’re serious about spiritual growth thus concept is no less than a jackpot. Use it on a daily basis and see what happnes. This will lead to the unfloldment of many layers of your being. If you’re familiar with the Flower Of life energy you’ll instantly be able to notice it.

A fully silent audio but not that it matters since you can use the field without it.


Also it’s made in a manner that will work differently person to person. In a manner that’s most suitable for your own development for the fastest and best possible outcome for the user and some mroe stuff (although the concept is very common but I still tried to add some of my own unique stuff into it)


Also keep in mind that this audio is a special case, just cuz I added this function into this there’s no need to assume it will be on other free audios (since it’s a premium feature) unless I explicitly mention in description like this one. So if I don’t mention something there’s no need to assume it’s there. Also to clarify, I do not have the tendency to put cap on something just cuz its free or reduce its quality or “boost” paid fields. The difference is that the paid one has more features and is more complex but both paid and free shares the same level of quality or creation material


Your generosity is such a blessing. Thank you very much!


This. To say @Equilibrium and certain other creators are being generous is a very mild understatement.

Thank you so much Equilibrium!


Looping it now, feels like it’s tearing through layers of something imposed onto me and that is not part of my being definitely. Like an icebreaker. Similar one in effect was Love Of Christ. Wow!


Thank You Very Much, @Equilibrium!! :pray: :blossom:


Thank you @Equilibrium ! :muscle: :pray:


I don’t know why I haven’t seen this before, this field sounds very interesting, thank you Equilibrium for this. :pray:t3: Does anyone have any early testimony after listening to the field a few times?


Yes. It depatterns a lot of things inside including astral parasites (or so it seems) and raises vibration to a whole different level.