The Foot Spa (Feet Rejuvenation)
https://sapien-medicine.creator-sprin… Limited edition tarot deck and nft as proof of ownership (just 494 copies in total) 35 percent sold so far
The is designed to work on de-aging the appearance of both feet (for all genders and even lack thereof) by increasing collagen and elastin production. The fields programmed in this video will cause your skin, bones/joints and cartilage, specifically in both feet; to increase its natural collagen production, resulting in hopefully marked effect of younger looking and feeling feet, from the ankles down. (and of course better functioning) Fibroblasts should be induced to produce both type I and II collagen targeted to the areas mentioned above. Using elements of the AMPK field ( and Auto immune field ( there is a deeper attempt to reverse or reduce the pain and damage of arthritic conditions as well. Use as needed 2-3 times is usually a good start. (Yes it is the same description from the hand ones)