Another thing,
I’m becoming more detached.
I can observe my thoughts and the layers behind them, the energy, beliefs attached to them, the patterns.
I’m not very stable mentally, sometime i get caught up and I try to let go instead of actually letting go. Then I just let it happen it flow and I come back.
I keep count, I got caught up for 30 min, I got caught up yesterday afternoon when my mind was drifting.
This happened, then I thought this and that and I ended up here. “yup, it’s OCD”. I think something and then I pause, « symptom of social isolation ».
Think something else and boom… « that was cognitive dissonance, that’s how it feels like », then it’s an habit, once this situation happen, it triggers my habit. Letting go of the past, not limiting what can happen in the future.
Today, I was having an inner monologue and I was like « who am I talking to ? ». I pause and looked around me.
Did I just spend 20 min talking alone in my head ?
Who is talking to who ? Who you think you are taking to ? Why ?
Another coping mechanism here and another one there. Ha ah ! You didn’t like it when someone did that and you just did the same thing without noticing.
Actually, that just an interpretation I chose a long time ago, I can still change my perspective.
Updating my mental models, intense sensation and mental homeostasis coming back with the feeling of normalcy. Cultural things, tons of biases and mental shortcuts.
My mind is playing this detective game on itself all day long, it also works on other people.
I’m not really trying, but my thought go through the microscope and ring bells.
I have done a poor job of taking care of my mind and body, never read the manual before lol
I kept the most personal stuff to myself ofc
Also, pretty much the same process, I detect things in other people and society, politics and economics, science, mathematics and everything else. Pause, that’s what’s going on.