The General of the Legends (Private Project)

i dont see the picture of Uraz in my wallet today, i dont know why. it says two items but i dont see the photo…

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Does this mean that when a person buys a sertain NFT from someone else, let us say if i bought Sekhmet now, and recieve it it will not work for me as strong as for the first owner??


you are given a similar / identical key, exactly the same as the first owner.
Similar perspectives are given to you. Whether or not you open them in the same format as the “first owner” is up to you


Its nothing to worry about
Just some lag or something


you mean they have same powers but whether i use them all or none is up to me? the power of the field is not altered?


the power/channel/opportunity - call it what you want - is identical for the owner
it all depends on you - your goals, desire to interact / practice and so on

that’s what this forum is for, everyone shares their own tips and tricks


my logic was because of something else…

i felt that the more NFTs i got in my wallet the more the power of the first two deminished…and i feel that every owner is connected to the energy of their nft no matter whether he/she wears the mandala/listens tp the audio…that said this means that my energybody is overwelmed with my 5 nfts because i owe them no mather i dont wear them all 5 in any given time. only one…so…what s the point of collecting many when they all influence oneself in the same time?

the people have 40?? wow.


I don’t print them at all.
try to unlock the potential of a few nft


i feel misunderstood.

i say it one more time.

i feel those nfts influencing me alittle from the wallet.

i wear only one at a time

when i had only two nfts in my wallet i felt them more strong as now when i have six.

is this better explained??

then again one nft bought from somebody else is as strong for me a field or not? this is a direct question with a direct answer. Yes or no.

if it is not as strong for me then i dont need to buy the old nfts, only the new ones where i am the first owner…and i have given my money for nothing for let say thoth or declaration because they will not serve me so good as their first owners?

Please clarify! well be pleased to hear more opinions on this.


How do you create deep connection with your NFT

please continue this in that other thread…


They will serve you even better as they´ve grown stronger.

I suggest that you take 24 hours without fields, to give your system some rest.


I made an early review regarding this NFT, and it’s about time to update my progress and honor again this valuable creation.

I will go as far as to say that, there is a person you were before and there is a person who are after when you acquire The General of the Legends. It is a creation elevated to perfection by both our group leader and Captain, who said himself: “it’s pretty Epic”.

The effects in the physical world are immediate, it not only accommodates your physical reality to new energies, but makes you exude His own energy to the world around you.
The prior uncertainty, anxiety that could had filled your thoughts regarding yourself and your future just vanish like smoke before this almighty energy.
Your calmness is now unbothered, your steps are filled with elegance and honor, so is your aura of course. It’s much more than words can ever describe…

One physical effect i noticed, that although simple is kind of amusing is that i never watch my back anymore lol, it’s like, when I hear a loud noise or people approach fast for some reason in the street or something behind my back I don’t even turn my neck slightly… it’s like I know/feel that my back is fully covered, and it is. Guan Yu presence is Huge. It’s invigorating.

Also, as you might had read above in this thread in my sisters review, she is at the moment in possession of one of my copies for a short time, during an important episode for her. Well, she is not only family for me but also my business partner… let’s just say that our business is at this moment unstoppable lol. Imagine two people running a business and having one copy of General each (!)
Not to mention the immediate change in her behavior and overall presence i could observe right a way too. People of the same branch of business are all complaining on how stagnant the market is, while my business keeps having more and more customers.

My final thoughts are: with Guan Yu you experience what is like to be this Legend. You have a clear vision of society, next moves regarding people, business, money, right allies, strategy and social ascension to success.


@King_A , respectfully, you do not speak for me.


i’m @Star 's sister

Oh that is so sweet! Nice to Meet You

I am so happy for your results with the General. Good luck with your remaining court sessions. !
bouncing panda on heart

oooh, those colors clash - apologies! :slight_smile: :blush:


[quote=“Star, post:55, topic:25755”]
Well, she is not only family for me but also my business partner…

Too good! We re entrepeneurs :smiley: Love u sis :blush:


@Rosechalice Nice to meet you too! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Welcome back Cris!!! We love our Star, and we love that you are back!! Best wishes with what your husband is going through!! And lots of success for both!

Family power :hugs:


@anon51280824 oh thank you so much! You are all so nice and i fell so welcomed whenever i make a post :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: thank you for your wishes :grinning:


This has immortality and age reverse over time. So basically this is as close to Ambrosia as we can get.


insane nft