The Grand Jealousy Reflecting Shield

I played this audio for about half an hour and from the first play, I can feel movement in some of my muscles and body like my cheek moves or eyelids twitch. Can someone really affect you that much by being jealous?. I had experience with the other banishing audios but I never felt like this before.


One of my favourite metaphysician teachers, Florence Scovel Shinn, mentions in her books that negative emotions affect the body. For me, it’s true!


On the flip side, positive emotions enhance the body. I like to think of each cell of our body as a ‘person’ and they all make up the universe that is us. If each cell loved and supported one another, they all do their jobs and provide the most efficient output for our universe/body.


The Game of Life author, right? That was quite a good one.


I have this reaction as well. Almost every single time I listen, I feel lighter and have wayyyy more energy. I feel like I can breathe again after. Like a literal weight is lifted from my chest and feelings of “unworthiness” or “imposter syndrome” can sometimes fall to the wayside as well.
Interesting to hear I’m not the only one who gets an energy boost. It does make sense though


I really feel that this field does a lot more than just jealousy in or jealousy out.

Try it with any negative thoughts you may have -

See what happens.


This is great for dealing with /cutting ties from narcissists/‘vampires’/entities and abusive people /parents and/or when climbing up the popularity ladder

My experience was from domestic abuse trauma… didn’t realize that a parent can be jealous of their own child

Edit add Aug 14 & 15
Etheric cord cutter as well i agree with @Destinus

Try pairing with Protected Righteous - Protecting the heart and having more willpower

I listened to the shield with 11th power before & after.

This can be used for radical change in regards to self love and release and protection, much more universal as a neutralizing sense for self realization of our own ‘powers’ and great for anyone who somehow got bad luck or keeps comparing themselves to others and doubt etc


you dont know how much do i understand what you mean. perhaps combining with the archetype of parental love and shen is not a bad idea…


How does one “solve” jealousy?
What is Jealousy? What’s the origin?

It seems like it is something to do with self sabotage and lack of self awareness, desire, hate?

Self love


this field also works with internal jealousy? like me being jealous/envious of someone?

Yes @Anubisthealchemist

There’s the saying: As above, so below. As within, so without and vice versa
But don’t forget become whole and self love for self acceptance after / during shadow work as that helps you to realize what to appreciate and forgive and make changes


Is it okay to pair this with Etheric Cord Cutter?

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Yes @Sagonquest


Used this from two devices and the releases I got are so immense I am feeling 50kg lighter. For real I never thought I needed this because I am not jealous or got nothing that people can be jealous of me. This may be why I needed curse removal. This thing did for me what curse and spell removal did but on steroids and so much faster.

Maybe will try them both together because Curse and spell removal got me in a place I can think straighter. The effects getting and getting stronger. I though 5 minutes might do me good but I am into it for 1 hour and feeling like myself more and more again.

This might do the trick long run also as a daily listening shield. Might create a servitor to put that 24/7.

PS : I am feeling hungry again. The last months or years I was eating the standard meals at standard times because I didn’t wanna lose on nutrients anyways. I haven’t felt actual hanger for a long time.

PS 2 : I am at 1 hour and 23 minutes doing it and I feel an area I am hurting from when I was a teenager getting resolved and filled again. When I was focusing on it with my mind I wasn’t feeling it anymore. Now this field working on it alone.

Is it just shielding or is it more things there? The shield comes from within and repels everything that counts like negativity and jealousy?

Or there is a shield around you that whatever is inside gets it to the outside and whatever is outside doesn’t let it in?

Amazing field!


I like this field a lot it’s life saver

whenever my mind races out of nowhere I play it and all cools down.

it’s great to have something like that on demand.

Plus it did what I expected Curse and spell removal to do.


Does the sheild gets removed as time passes or we can just listen it once or twice a week ? Does the sheild stays for a long time?


I got the impression the shield doesn’t last that long, maybe a few hours.

There is the chance it could last longer if you listen to kinetic quasi crystal beforehand, but Dreamweaver did not confirm that as far as I know.

I would just play it when you need it real quick


Oh my gosh. This field is a freaking life saver. I didn’t think I needed to use this field because I know how to handle jealous-haters naturally. But the negative energy I’m receiving at work has gotten so bad, I actually have people actively working on my downfall. Pestering me, non-stop.

Dreamweaver, you have my gratitude and undying support on Patreon :heart::muscle::bowing_man:


I know right? really cool field


Anybody else dying from yawning while listening to this? :eyes:

The Lucky field sigil as been a surprising help for situation involving jealousy energy / patterns.

Had an external jealous energy drop literally boucing back against my Luck item.

On an internal level, it helps focusing on your own luck, maybe less inner talk of comparaison does not leave space for other people projection. :woman_shrugging::star:

Let me know if one of you gives this a try :sparkles: