The Grand Jealousy Reflecting Shield

Not a new release.

I know when I see the red tag pop up that’s my first thought. No.

I couldn’t find a thread for this field. And would love to be able to read about people’s reviews with it. I used it once before and thought it worked a certain way. Then I read someone else describing it another way and thought “maybe I misunderstood or even underestimated this field all this time”.

So here it is. Please review away. At your will and leisure.

Released DEC 12, 2019 AT 9:05 AM on Patreon.

Released Dec 2, 2019 on Dream Seeds Youtube channel.


I absolutely love this audio track.


This audio paired with The Unbreakable would be amazing, i’m definitely giving them a try lol


Jealousy can be a problem, even with those closest to you. A lot of conflicts come from jealousy. I consider this field a staple for me, since i started playing it especially around certain people in my life, things have become a lot more harmonious. I use other shields too, but I’ve been using this one the longest.


Too early to tell if it’s this field or something else going on but I think this might be giving me a huge energy boost. Perhaps removing some energy drain. I know I have been the recipient of a lot of jealousy related malice.


Oh absolutely. Because when you’re in it with that kind of energy you feel it and it drains you. Have totally felt freed up from that.


This paired with etheric cord cutters work wonderful. I wish, the effects would last a bit more. Maybe, I’ve more jealous energy around me.


I fully understand. You can play the audio with a servitor with you. Tell him/her to pay attention to the field. Tell the servitor to replay or recast the field on you once an hour every hour 24/7 until you tell him/her to stop.


That’s a great idea. But honestly, I feel it’s pathetic how jealous people can be for your success and achievements. After jealousy comes the suffering, the suffering of low self worth, emotions of being not being able to do something with their own lives, the feeling of being in a unfair world where they need to work for things they desire. As an empath, I get to see all these negative energy and truly, it’s awful. Just take some actions, build good habits and work on making your life a bit better than yesterday, for God sake. And I have always loved this quote-


That’s actually true. We don’t need to be a lot successful to get some jealousy around. Most people are not happy with their lives. They are either lazy, addicted to negative loopholes or are programmed badly. And let’s not talk about the oppression they regularly face from higher authority. All these trapped emotions leave them empty and desperate, for not getting their lives in order. And when they see someone figuring something out, getting out of that loophole or conditioning, it’s difficult to grasp for them.

The universe works according to certain vibration. It has it’s own rules and grammar. Unfortunately, most can’t figure out or even if they do, they don’t want to follow it to make something happen. And then, they blame the God, destiny or universe for not being kind to them. The “why me” culture is spreading like pandemic, but it’s difficult to see the nuances that the condition is actually created by them. It might be a clichè that, you shape your own destiny but it’s really true.


I’m experimenting with it and the kinetic quasi crystal, I read a suggestion to play it before the black mirrored stone shield to make that last longer, perhaps it will work for this shield as well


Definitely. Loving parents build loving children, where arrogant, resentful parents create children that make them disliked by the world, by being overprotective, jealous or manipulative.


If you watch a lot of dramas, use this.

If your brain brings up random scenarios where you feel jealousy towards someone you love, use this.

If you want more love in your life, use this.

:white_heart: :black_heart: :brown_heart: :purple_heart: :blue_heart: :green_heart: :yellow_heart: :orange_heart: :heart:


Off topic but looking back at those comments, I think, the words were too strong I used to convey my points. Truly sorry about that, guys. God knows how my vocab got so extreme.


I didn’t think so at all but I respect your sentiment expressed here.


I played this audio for about half an hour and from the first play, I can feel movement in some of my muscles and body like my cheek moves or eyelids twitch. Can someone really affect you that much by being jealous?. I had experience with the other banishing audios but I never felt like this before.


One of my favourite metaphysician teachers, Florence Scovel Shinn, mentions in her books that negative emotions affect the body. For me, it’s true!


On the flip side, positive emotions enhance the body. I like to think of each cell of our body as a ‘person’ and they all make up the universe that is us. If each cell loved and supported one another, they all do their jobs and provide the most efficient output for our universe/body.


The Game of Life author, right? That was quite a good one.


I have this reaction as well. Almost every single time I listen, I feel lighter and have wayyyy more energy. I feel like I can breathe again after. Like a literal weight is lifted from my chest and feelings of “unworthiness” or “imposter syndrome” can sometimes fall to the wayside as well.
Interesting to hear I’m not the only one who gets an energy boost. It does make sense though


I really feel that this field does a lot more than just jealousy in or jealousy out.

Try it with any negative thoughts you may have -

See what happens.