Toxic bosses in the workplace

So this upcoming week I am going to have to deal with a toxic supervisor I had in the past. She will be my supervisor for an entire week. (My current supervisor just quit the job)

I want to have a presence in such a way that she is intimidated by me to where she won’t even think of being a snake towards me at least subconsciously. Now…I know it sounds strange coming from me. But what if I were to tell you that at least 90% of other people don’t like her? None of you realize what kind of hell she has put me through as well as others. Like I want you to imagine this. One day she was praising me and someone overheard.

This guy said “So I see that the SNAKE is praising you.” I was like “I dont even understand why, this is weird.” Even my own supervisor that just quit has realized that when the toxic supervisor moved on to first shift, the whole vibe changed for the better and the air was way calmer.

So imagine how toxic the behavior of this supervisor is for people to say stuff like that.

So the audios that I can only think of are repel negative energy 2.0 and The Grand Jealousy Reflecting Shield from DreamSeeds channel. I credit @Jen for telling me about the grand jealousy audio.

Any other audios for me to use to deal with toxic supervisor?

It’s not like I can avoid them like people out on the streets or in public.


Yes, I dealed with such situations successfully in the past by looping “Attract More Love Into Your Life” for at least one hour per day. That audio is on Sapien’s patreon.


Repel Negativity (a couple of plays in the morning) and radiate positivity anytime—it’s very short.

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Since this is in the “Ask for Advice” category, my most important recommendation to you would be…

…find a different way to think about her.

By its very definition, “toxic” defines her as a threat to you. You can’t accomplish the presence you’re wanting and be labeling her as “toxic.” You’ve lost that battle right from the get-go. (The same goes for “the SNAKE.”)

And I get it. You have your good reasons for labeling her the way you do. And it sounds like you have plenty of company who will join you in (and add to) your stories and perspective about her. Unfortunately, none of that serves you.

Find a different way to look at her and your history with her. And the way I’d recommend you do that is write it out what you currently think of her (the honest truth as you knew it when you wrote your post) and then tweak what you’ve written–word by word, phrase by phrase, thought by thought–so that your tweaks still feel true to you yet feel better (either giving you some relief or even giving you some of your power back).


intersession audios esp. alien and angel before work after those above.

Try this stack:


Snakes generally attack when they are threatened or intimidated, so maybe you’d like a different tactic?

What would it take for you to be so good at your job, such a valuable asset to the company and her team, that she wants to protect you? What would it take for you to be so solid in your value that she’s a non-issue?

Since we’re talking about animals here, you got me thinking about “the big dog”–you know, the one who sprawls out on the front porch, enjoying his place in the world. When something new comes into his environment, the big dog casually lifts his head to assess the newcomer, “Is it a threat? (An automatic “No” to the bid dog) Is it food? Can I f*ck it?” When the answers to these are all “No,” the newcomer is a non-event, unimportant.


The Welcomed
“how about creating a positive environment that invites abundance and positive outcomes, all wrapped in a bundle of feeling welcomed, personally invited and in rapport with those around you.”

Torus Weaved Respect

“A very regal negentropic aura of respect, that inspires those around you to be a lot more respectful. The applications, are endless; board meetings, school presentations, meeting new people, sales”


Theirs 2 things that I love that come from Marcus,
am paraphrasing a lot here

He asks himself, is it possible that this world doesn’t have people who are rude to others? If not, then you have met one, why then are you surprised it shouldn’t worry and upset you, U met one and now it’s time to carry on your way.

Another thing he says is that understand when you show anger back to them or show you are annoyed by their actions understand that you’re also helping them try to annoy you.

I know how u feel, same thing happened to me, don’t show them that their annoying u, as they kinda like that. Just keep being happy, they will hate the fact that they can’t stop that. Also, remember to speak as little as possible even if they fill the convo with silence, keep the talking to a minimum and dont show them that they annoyed you.

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Her? Protect people? I’m sorry but this part of your post actually made me laugh. If you or anyone else in here were to see how she is, you would never use the word protect when it comes to her. She isn’t a protector. She’s a destroyer. That’s all she is. 2 weeks I had bad performance. Not once did she come and ask me what was wrong with me. (Truthfully that was a hard time for me) Meanwhile other bosses i had in other jobs would actually ask me instead of me forcefully having to say so why. Cares about no one but herself. Smiles to your face and yet laughs behind your back.

You know. She wrongs me the most out of pretty much everyone. This is exactly why I just want to put her off to where she feels like she will always lose and cannot win. Despite in the physical world she is above when it comes to position. But hey. In the end of the day I have you guys and these fields and she doesn’t.

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I mean…it’s no surprise that there are rude people in this world. However what surprises me is how a lot of people have complained about her and yet she is still employed. Someone has gone as far as calling corporate and she is still here.

I have come to the point where if I HAVE to deal with a toxic person, just want to put them off to where they just want to stay away from me. As horrible as it sounds, this is how I feel.

Not to mention, if there is another type of Earth where people like this do not exist, I’d like to reincarnate there. If not there, at least somewhere better.

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Dont let her get to u, i was in the same exact place, i write a story about a lady in my work, that would really really annoy people, and i didnt let her annoy me,

i deleted the msg was because it was too much personal infomation, or i would give u my exact siutation so that u can see. Its only a week, Do the things u enjoy when u get home.

Thor mandala


Of course, it made you laugh, because it was so far from the perspective that you had practiced about her. And, as I said, are you justified in the perspective you had practiced about her? Of course you are.

Does the perspective you had practiced about her serve you? Wellll, maybe, from the vantage point of the disempowered (?) part of you that has been victimized by her and joins your co-workers in seeing her as “the SNAKE.” And as I said, you have good reasons for labeling her as you have been labeling her.

Is that the only label that can be applied to her? No.

And, as I said, as much as you’re justified in telling this story and label that you’ve been telling about her, it doesn’t serve you.

I’m wondering. Why do you think she destroys? And to be clear, I’m not asking to a history of how she has destroyed. Why do you think she destroys?

You talked about her as “the SNAKE.” Well, a snake can “destroy,” for sure. But a snake doesn’t destroy for the sake of destroy. A snake destroys as a means to protect.

You can continue to justify your reasons for labeling her as “the SNAKE.” I’m sure you have plenty of evidence and you have plenty of others to join you in that labeling.

But, as I said before, as long as you’re labeling her as “the SNAKE” or “toxic”–no matter how justified your labels may be–you can’t get to the presence you were asking about. Those are two different perspectives/vibrations/attitudes. They’re like AM frequencies and FM frequencies. They can’t come together.

(Edited for important typos.)


You could try your hand with the Confidence, Dominance and Authority Sigil from Patreon:

I also think The Unbreakable would help as well.

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I would spam the two fields religiously:

  • Point of No Return
  • Angelic Intercession

Believe me, I’ve had toxic bosses that you’d never believe was possible.

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Sword of Michael.Black Mirrored Stone Shield.Servitors maybe.Sword of Righteous if you can get it.


Nullify Negative Astrological Effects also helped me in this situation, along with great suggestions above.
If I may suggest my ‘‘before work’’ stack:

Nullify Negative Astrological Effects
Amplify Positive Astrological Effects
Repel Negative Energy
Attract More Love old version patreon/gumroad
Torus Weaved Respect x2
Probability Alteration and luck x3

ever since using this stack before work I havent experienced any mean/ unpleasant behaviour from either coworkers or boss