The Great Gatsby (Private project)

Jay Gatsby, the central character of the novel “The Great Gatsby” written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, emerges as a quintessential archetype of the “American Dream.” Gatsby embodies the tireless pursuit of success and fulfillment through wealth and status, while also reflecting the complexities of obsession, illusion, and the ephemeral nature of prosperity. His yearning for love and self-realization makes him a profoundly resonant figure in American literature. For our project, we will focus on elevating the positive aspects of Gatsby, based on an idealized version of his actions and potentials, and how these can guide us toward achieving the American Dream.

At the heart of the American Dream lies the belief that through determination, ambition, and effort, anyone can achieve success and prosperity. Gatsby epitomizes this ideal and can inspire us to embrace our goals with fervor, overcoming seemingly insurmountable challenges. Below, we break down the key elements of this archetype, enriched with new qualities:

Unwavering Persistence: Gatsby personifies perseverance. Despite his modest origins, he never gives up on his quest for greatness. His unwavering dedication to transform from a penniless youth into a magnate of high society exemplifies the will to triumph over adversity.

Boundless Ambition: Gatsby’s dissatisfaction with anything less than his dreams illustrates his thirst to reach for the stars and leave a lasting legacy. His contagious ambition drives tireless dedication toward his objectives, serving as a catalyst for others to pursue their aspirations with similar passion.

Opportunity Creator: Gatsby doesn’t passively await opportunities; he creates them. He is proactive. Through connections, relationships, and meticulous planning, he builds a network of contacts and events. This conveys the idea that initiative and creativity can open doors and generate opportunities.

Passion for Transformation: Gatsby’s saga demonstrates that change is attainable, even when circumstances seem bleak. His metamorphosis from obscurity to social leader underscores the importance of proactive action and courage in pursuing a better life.

Quest for Love and Happiness: As Gatsby pursues wealth and status to reclaim a lost love, his archetype also underscores the importance of pursuing genuine happiness. This serves as a reminder that beyond material achievements, love and personal satisfaction are worthy goals.

Resilience in Adversity: Gatsby confronts countless hurdles and failures throughout his life. His ability to bounce back and forge ahead highlights resilience as key to success. This aspect inspires facing challenges with strength and determination.

Generosity and Hospitality: Beyond his enigmatic persona, Gatsby is remembered for his generosity and ability to create festive, welcoming atmospheres at his gatherings. This motivates cultivating kindness and generosity, creating special moments for others.

Inspiring Leadership: Gatsby not only pursues his objectives but also inspires others to follow. His determination and compelling vision make him a charismatic leader who can propel others toward new opportunities.

Glamour and Charisma: Gatsby’s life is imbued with glamour and charisma. His lavish lifestyle, elegant parties, and magnetic personality attract those around him. This aspect underscores the importance of presenting oneself confidently and attractively while pursuing goals.

Interpersonal Skills: Gatsby is a master at building relationships and connections. Through his network of contacts, he creates opportunities for both himself and others. His ability to connect with diverse individuals demonstrates how relationships are crucial for personal growth and success.

Collectively, this expanded archetype of Jay Gatsby encapsulates the spirit of the American Dream through leadership, glamour, charisma, and interpersonal skills. It illustrates how personal and social qualities play a pivotal role in achieving objectives and crafting a meaningful, successful life.

Field 1:Personality and Mindset of Jay Gatsby:

  1. Unlimited Ambition : Gatsby embodies the tireless pursuit of ambitious goals and the determination to achieve them.
  2. Unwavering Perseverance : His steadfastness in the face of challenges demonstrates how persisting amid adversity leads to success.
  3. Passionate Nonconformist : He challenges established norms, questions the status quo, and opens up new possibilities.
  4. Constant Pursuit of Growth : His insatiable thirst for knowledge and constant improvement inspires us to never stop learning.
  5. Resilience in Adversity : His ability to bounce back from setbacks underscores the importance of standing strong in tough times.
  6. Infinite Optimism : His positive attitude amidst difficulties illustrates how an optimistic outlook can guide towards solutions.
  7. Empathy and Human Connection : His ability to emotionally connect with others reflects the significance of authentic relationships.
  8. Passionate Romanticism : His pursuit of true love embodies the emotional intensity we all desire in our relationships.
  9. Selfless Generosity : His willingness to give and help shows how making a difference in others’ lives is rewarding.
  10. Authenticity and Self-assurance : Despite his enigmatic past, he exhibits authenticity while confidently pursuing his dreams.
  11. Focus on Self-Improvement : His commitment to personal growth reminds us that constant evolution is valuable.
  12. Charismatic Leadership : His natural charisma makes him a leader who inspires and guides others with enthusiasm.
  13. Positive Perspective and Gratitude : His focus on the positive and gratitude teaches us to value blessings in our lives.
  14. Personal Success Focus : His struggle for success embodies the determination to achieve meaningful personal accomplishments.
  15. Adaptability : His ability to adapt demonstrates the importance of flexibility in an ever-changing world.
  16. Creator of Impact and Legacy : Through his actions, he shows how our choices can influence the world.
  17. Ability to Inspire Confidence : His integrity and sincerity inspire confidence in those around him.
  18. Negotiation and Persuasion Skills : His ability to persuade and negotiate reflects his skill in achieving objectives.
  19. Opportunity Generation : He creates opportunities through connections and events, displaying vision and audacity.

Sub-field 1: Dreams Forged into Reality: Enables the transformation of dreams and aspirations into detailed and achievable plans, guided by a passionate and achievement-focused mindset.

Sub-field 2: Resilient Optimism: Strengthens the positive mindset and resilience in the face of challenges, turning obstacles into growth opportunities.

Sub-field 3: Superadaptation: allows the character to easily adapt to different situations and challenges. They can quickly learn new skills, adjust their focus as needed, and excel in various environments, from social interactions to combat and professions.

Field 2: Jay Gatsby’s Skills and Abilities:

  1. Extraordinary Event Planning : Organizes unforgettable parties and events, showcasing his ability to create unique experiences.
  2. Charismatic Communication : His charisma and communication skills make him an inspiring and captivating leader.
  3. Trust Generation : Inspires trust through authenticity and empathy in personal relationships.
  4. Emotional Connection with Others : His ability to understand and deeply connect with others’ emotions.
  5. Strategic Negotiation : Utilizes persuasion and negotiation skills to successfully achieve goals.
  6. Impact Creator : Organizes events and experiences that leave a lasting impression on people’s minds.
  7. Strategic Perspective : Carefully plans actions, demonstrating a strategic approach to decision-making.
  8. Ability to Inspire Others : His passion and enthusiasm make him a role model who motivates others.
  9. Financial Resource Management : Skillfully manages financial resources and multiplies wealth effectively.
  10. Cultural Adaptability : Easily adapts to different cultural and social contexts.
  11. Commitment to Research : Demonstrates the importance of research and gathering relevant information for informed decision-making.
  12. Creation of Unforgettable Experiences : Capable of designing and organizing events that surprise and captivate attendees.
  13. Maintaining Confidentiality : His ability to keep confidential information reflects his discretion and reliability.
  14. Inspiring Leadership : His charisma and communication skills make him a leader who can motivate and guide.
  15. Resilience in Adversity : His ability to overcome challenges with determination while maintaining self-confidence.
  16. Vision and Strategy : Can visualize long-term goals and plan how to achieve them.
  17. Ability to Elicit Admiration and Respect : His unwavering determination and brave character generate admiration and respect.
  18. Adaptability to Change : Can adjust and thrive in changing and challenging situations.
  19. Persuasive Communication : Uses communicative abilities to influence others’ decisions and actions.
  20. Innovation in Experience Creation : Can conceive and execute unique and memorable events.
  21. Social Relationship Management : Can build and maintain solid relationships across diverse social circles.
  22. Ability to Leave a Legacy : Organizes events and experiences that endure in the memories of those who experience them.
  23. Creative Problem Solving : Addresses challenges creatively and finds innovative solutions.
  24. Future Vision : Able to anticipate future trends and opportunities and plan accordingly.
  25. Exponential Wealth Generation : Can exponentially and vastly increase wealth.

Sub-Field 1: Divine voice: ability enables the character to speak with a celestial tone that captures everyone’s attention. Their words are deep and moving, connecting with the emotions of those who listen. It can inspire allies and weaken enemies by highlighting their greatness in comparison.

Sub-field 2: Radiant Charisma: Enhances charismatic and magnetic presence, attracting people and generating admiration and respect.

Sub-field 3: The Networking Virtuoso: Facilitates the construction and maintenance of an influential network of valuable contacts across diverse fields.

Field 3: Whatever the captain believes is necessary to complement this idealized Gatsby archetype.


Is this mandala only or does it come with an audio?

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Audio + mandala


I see this NFT being offered for sale on the Official NFT Buying/Selling Thread in recent times, however there is seemingly very little written by way of testimonial.

Does anyone have any updates on thier experience using this NFT please?

Thanks for any information you can provide :pray: