The Guide of Breath - Community NFT Release

@Lucky can you tell me: this can “take you to happiness?
the immutible happiness nft ,? I wonder

Maybe this also give someone good energy too

Absolutely blissful experiences ‘everytime’ we use this, not just for the first 1 or 2 weeks feeling…it amplifies with every use…deeply blissful and grounded every time.

ofcourse, not just provide energy to daily activities, this does a lot more to the energies inside as in the thread.

I tried Immutable Happiness temporarily, but I prefer GoB.


my heart is drenched so deeply in the color of love for the Divine

what more can I say than that?

what a nice feeling it is
to know we are all gathered here,
near a individual who’s love and hard merits have been heard by Him.

I really love this and them
with folded hands
many thanks

(This in combination with Blueprint of Love; that is the icing, and this, The Guide of Breath, the cake)

Mool Mantr is what blesses me when I work with this. Many thanks


I read the whole the thread, but i’m still not sure about something :upside_down_face:

Does this NFT come with a guideline and exercises or you just enjoy the breath techniques and the benefits? :pray:
I ask this because i’m already initiated in certain pranayama techniques (prana vayus)


We would receive the benefits of the pranayamas, and acts like a guide to it ! If practiced pranayamas along with it, it amplifies.

May I know which technique ?


He’s not uneducated, either in regular academic stream or in Yoga.
He has learnt yoga from Masters in Yoga, but self realised & enlightened, yes


Ahhh got it… I don’t follow Sadhguru much but thanks.

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Oh, you meant child-like? Ok
He has a college degree, by the way


Sadhguru bs or not then?

Has anyone else had immutable happiness and this?

We seek to know after Lucky’s testimony

How many were sold?




Divine Gong & this are very complimentary for the seeker’s journey

Love is all you need, not power
Both these appear to be drenched in a connoctation of love, awe, bliss, & joy

Divine Gong is the sound
Guide of Breath, the means to vibrate that sound throughout this body, this vehicle we are situated in



Glad u could feel the connection :star_struck: It’s designed one can experience the ultimate highest rapture with this creation & yet grounded at the same time :person_in_lotus_position: :woman_in_lotus_position: …lol


Indeed! @Lucky
I’ve a deep reverence for this & Divine Gong,
they are such blessings:

because after a while,
once all the luck that used to come one’s way &
all the material wealth, fame, recognition, they’d eventually obtain,
ceases to bring the excitement they’d at first sought;
after all there is only so much that can be brought. The
grandeur that pulled in many starts to appear frivolous, a fool’s gold. Man’s
joy in acquiring and acquiring has come to an abrupt stop; as still,
he is still unsatisfied.

After witnessing the above play out in real time, in real life for me,
I’d rather have my merits in this life
bring me closer to the Supreme than
have my merits in this life
immerse me further in a world that is only temporary.

I’m a guest here, no less than any other, &
although we may be able to prolong our stay,
the inevitable truth is we must all eventually depart & go on our own ways.

I don’t want to waste this life in vain here; life’s brought upon us a grand opportunity,
a gift from Above if you will.
& so
these 2 gems,
these 2 tools
will be of great benefit to those whom’ve realized
Life begins within


You sound very spiritual now :blush::partying_face:

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No sir I’m just Violet :stuck_out_tongue:

But that reminds me- peep:

The modern English term ‘spirituality’ refers to spirit and comes from the Latin spiritualitas . Spiritualitas springs from the noun spiritus which means ‘the breath of life’. The semantic root of spiritus is the word spirare which meant to breathe, to blow and to live.

And what’s the name of this nft?



How many copies are there for this NFT?