Took couple of hours to write this, and explain what the possibilities with guide of breath, along with some science behind it, linked to this nft. Probably this is my longest review till date, wish it’s useful for someone and worth the time. ~4-5 min read.
I have been using the guide of breath for about 2 weeks nearly now, have been using it even before the public release. This is certainly an amazing ‘breathtaking’ creation in my personal experience till date. There are many reasons behind it to say this statement.
Personally, I am a follower of “Everything is energy” and this is not a mere statement and I try to live on that. Our energy body (pranamaya kosha) defines and acts as a blueprint of who we are and what we are! including the physical body (Annamaya kosha) - how we look, behave, believe, feel, and act so on. One in the spiritual path or otherwise need to put heavy emphasis on the energy body to ascend or transcend. This subtle energy body acts as the bridge to the physical & the metaphysical/ spiritual worlds, birth & death, and eternity. Without mastering the subtle body (Manomaya kosha - Mind), there is no way one can reside in Anandamaya kosha. As scriptures say, Mind is the reason for all diseases - physical or mental.
So, the key is to tame the mind. But how? Any method we might try like chanting or meditation, but eventually it would end up correcting one’s prana inside. It’s like main switch! So rather it’s easier and better if one can directly take the control of prana through breath. That’s pranayama.
In simple terms, Vayu or breath is a vehicle for all activities & experiences in the body. Some have known inter-linked benefits of Deeper/longer breaths…for example how they function ,
Deeper/Longer Breath → Clear Blockages → Benefits of turbo charged nervous system → Good Motor and Sensory control → Psychic Mindset → Higher Vibrations → Ascension → Radiant Aura → Joy/Peace/Bliss
Deeper/Longer Breath → Slower Time Perception → Automatic awareness increases → Mind calms down and takes control of being → Easy to delete or form beliefs → Higher consciousness ->Easy higher-self communication → Joy/Peace/Bliss
Deeper/Longer Breath → Higher Energy levels physically and mentally → Improves blood circulation and Digestion first → 5 elements balance → Sapta(7) Dhatu rejuvenation → Chi/Jing/Shen/Ojas development → Improves flexibility, agility and strength → Joy/Peace/Bliss
Once we breathe deeper and longer, we can see everything in such a slow frame rate, one could easily differentiate ego speech vs higher self-connection. We could actually be aware of each and every thought rising and dissolving as if it’s the moving meditation.
But how does pranayama works,
It pretty much similar to how our laptops receive the electricity from the power station or wind or any solar panel. Chains of transformers, storage Grids, transmission lines, circuits, circuit breakers etc. This is the same thing happening in this biological organism - nadis, pranas, meridians, chakras, dantiens etc.
Let us go further into our electro-magnetic instrument, in terms of Nadis and Pranas.
The word nadi is derived from Sanskrit nad meaning sound vibration and resonance. Nadis are tubular organs of the subtle body through which energy flows. In our subtle and spiritual bodies, which cannot be weighed or measured, they channel cosmic, vital, seminal and other energies as well as sensations, consciousness and spiritual aura. Scriptures speak of map of nadis -from the Atma(Soul) dwelling in the heart, the size of a thumb, radiate 101 nadis. From each of these 101 nadis emanate 100 subtler nadis, each of which branches off into another 72,000. They are called different names according to their functions. ->Heart Coherence They move in every direction and have countless outlets and functions.
There are nearly ~50 pranas (subtle pranas) in our body operating at different times and its own activities that run through these 72000 nadis. These are the gateways of the consciousness, connections to the power house! But mainly most spoken ones are 5 Major+ 5 Minor pranas that control the major activities of mind/body.
The vayu (air) we take that is a carrier of prana gets into different roles as,
Prana – Air element – Anahata – Controls throat to the bottom of the heart – Balanced & Open hearted – Unconditional Love
Apana – Earth element – Muladhara - Navel to the legs - strong foundation / survival / grounded - good power of decisiveness & self determination
Samana – Fire element - Manipura – Navel/Solar plexus – Power/Strength/Digestion/Judgement - Clarity of mind, efficient breath & healthy functioning of the digestive organs
Udana – Ether element – Vishuddha – Throat – self expression - When purified with pranayama & meditation Udana brings the blissful experience of Samadhi
Vyana – Water element – Svadisthana – Below Navel - coordination & balance all body.
Usually not all pranayama techniques create all the benefits like mentioned above.
Example, one helps to generate fire element, other for Ether, Air only etc. But there are few designed integrated pranayama techniques a step by step guide, like designed in this nft can deliver such a holistic benefits from physical to spiritual, covering all angles of development. This guide of breath first establishes on developing a strong mind in a strong body.
When I activate the nft, immediate reaction is felt in my palms and feet first. Next comes the movements in my brain and then spine, and next my tummy gets that high euphoric feeling. I try it and advisable with empty stomach only, so can enjoy its best benefits.
In the initial days, I have taken it lightly and just activated too much of it and haven’t slept at all overnight energizing entire system. I felt too dizzy because of over oxygenation of my brain, and nervous system. Dizzzzzz-uuuuzzzzzz-zzzzzzz-zuppppppp-mmmmmmmmmm feeling inside head…lol
Hence, the warning not to overdo with this. Me ran for grounding couple of hours later. The good side is absolutely no fatigue and no hunger later days. Maybe this is what called as pranic nourishment. Since then taking it slow.
Currently, my breathing is around 5-8 breaths per minute on average at normal hours when I am conscious about it. Even otherwise, I am not a shallow breather at least. Lot of awareness in the daily activities at such a pace. My Solar & heart region is full of subtle sensations, and blissful through out day.
Currently have cold & cough, not sure If another covid but definitely this is helping me bigtime through proper breath and healinig. No better time to have this personally.
I think Human progress is a long journey, but then with the right guidance and tools the progress would be surely faster. This nft just brings the benefits of all the above & many more, inside us through an integrated process, slow and steady on this will take us a long way for sure. Based on the activation, as designed those specific pranas, nadis and pranayama’s work automatically.
It’s said, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
But If we think deeper might get this question, how word came without a breath. Maybe, the secret is “In the beginning was the breath!”
“The bridge between life and death is breath! Still Prana is God!”