The heart is a great teacher. It leads us into depths we had no idea existed so far within us, it shows us the parts we pretend are not there, and reveals them to us.
The heart has its own intelligence, its own methods for exploration and teaching. It is at once its own entity and an integrated leader with the other systems of the body and energy. Those who are tapped most fully into their ability to love (their heart energy), radiate this outward. It magnetizes. Other people can feel it, and even if not consciously, they are changed because of it.
We are impacting each other all of the time, in words and wordless interactions, in embraces and calculated mistreatments. The choice remains to lead with the heart over the ego when the aim is to have the most interesting life. The richest experience. The most irrefutable aliveness. The most comprehensive humanity.
When we answer the call to live fully, we accept that this means in great joy and in great sadness. When we welcome energy sensitivity, we trust that it means nothing is going to be subtle anymore. We learn to find stillness in this, heightened awareness and sensation is there.
It will always be there, as a reminder that we have bodies, yet we are not just bodies. We are interconnected and raw and vibrating and reaching out to each other without using our arms at all. We are walking force fields, little lightning bolts of everything imaginable, pared-down and packaged into lovely vessels.
Our heart has a wisdom and intelligence of its own but speaks a different language to our rational mind.
That’s why understanding things from a metaphysical perspective is so important, because it speaks to our heart. It’s not the words themselves, but what they point to that’s important.
Experiences are made up of tangible qualities we feel and sense. If we immerse our awareness into these qualities, it allows us to go beyond the physical into more expansive experiences of the heart.
When you love someone, you often feel a greater sense of fullness, joy, warmth, connection and openness. It’s like something filling you up making you feel like more than your usual sense of self.
You might feel your heart… expanded, and no longer limited by your physical body. The stressor anxiety you usually feel fades away.They simply don’t exist in a state of love.
The beautiful thing about relationships is that they help facilitate an opening in you to the experience of love.
When you feel love for someone, it’s easy to identify it. keep feeling into it. On a deeper level, you can start to perceive that you’re actually tapping into something much bigger than you.
Love is part of the fabric of creation, and it’s beyond the usual dramas and stories that so often fill your mind.It exists independently of whether you’re aware of it or not.
When you feel love for someone, you don’t generate love (if it’s the real thing), your heart opens, and allows love to flow through you.Relationships of all kinds are beautiful, but your true capacity to love another, rests on how much you can open your heart to love.
Rest your awareness completely within this feeling of love. Immerse yourself into it. It exists completely independent of whether you feel it or not. it’s always there, always available to you.
Let it awaken your heart.