The heart ♥️ After Energy Course

The heart is a great teacher. It leads us into depths we had no idea existed so far within us, it shows us the parts we pretend are not there, and reveals them to us.

The heart has its own intelligence, its own methods for exploration and teaching. It is at once its own entity and an integrated leader with the other systems of the body and energy. Those who are tapped most fully into their ability to love (their heart energy), radiate this outward. It magnetizes. Other people can feel it, and even if not consciously, they are changed because of it.

We are impacting each other all of the time, in words and wordless interactions, in embraces and calculated mistreatments. The choice remains to lead with the heart over the ego when the aim is to have the most interesting life. The richest experience. The most irrefutable aliveness. The most comprehensive humanity.

When we answer the call to live fully, we accept that this means in great joy and in great sadness. When we welcome energy sensitivity, we trust that it means nothing is going to be subtle anymore. We learn to find stillness in this, heightened awareness and sensation is there.

It will always be there, as a reminder that we have bodies, yet we are not just bodies. We are interconnected and raw and vibrating and reaching out to each other without using our arms at all. We are walking force fields, little lightning bolts of everything imaginable, pared-down and packaged into lovely vessels.

Our heart has a wisdom and intelligence of its own but speaks a different language to our rational mind.

That’s why understanding things from a metaphysical perspective is so important, because it speaks to our heart. It’s not the words themselves, but what they point to that’s important.

Experiences are made up of tangible qualities we feel and sense. If we immerse our awareness into these qualities, it allows us to go beyond the physical into more expansive experiences of the heart.

When you love someone, you often feel a greater sense of fullness, joy, warmth, connection and openness. It’s like something filling you up making you feel like more than your usual sense of self.

You might feel your heart… expanded, and no longer limited by your physical body. The stressor anxiety you usually feel fades away.They simply don’t exist in a state of love.

The beautiful thing about relationships is that they help facilitate an opening in you to the experience of love.
When you feel love for someone, it’s easy to identify it. keep feeling into it. On a deeper level, you can start to perceive that you’re actually tapping into something much bigger than you.

Love is part of the fabric of creation, and it’s beyond the usual dramas and stories that so often fill your mind.It exists independently of whether you’re aware of it or not.

When you feel love for someone, you don’t generate love (if it’s the real thing), your heart opens, and allows love to flow through you.Relationships of all kinds are beautiful, but your true capacity to love another, rests on how much you can open your heart to love.

Rest your awareness completely within this feeling of love. Immerse yourself into it. It exists completely independent of whether you feel it or not. it’s always there, always available to you.

Let it awaken your heart.


Wow… beautifully written post and so true. :purple_heart:


Wow @MUSICMUSICMUSIC thank you for this post! :clap:

I fully agree with @Starlight, your post was beautifully written!! I wish I was able to give you double or even triple hearts! :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

You deserve a golden star for what you have just shared with all of us!! :star:

I am going to go back and reread what you wrote as I think it deserves a second read so I can absorb more! Please continue to share your great wisdom with us. :heart_eyes:


when the mind is the ONLY force we use to navigate through life, we suffer from a sense of deep unease most of us aren’t even aware of.

When our hearts are closed, all mystery and wonder is lost. We tend to stop seeing reality as it actually is, we look at life through a narrowed lens. Everything is either good or bad, black or white.

We lose mystery in life and all of our other senses are numbed. We cease seeing the beauty of the Earth. We stop feeling the gentle whisper of wind against our skin, the warmth of the sun against our bodies.

We no longer see other people as fascinating expressions of Divinity. Instead, we see them as threats to our well being. We can no longer find the courage in ourselves to be open and vulnerable, so instead, we adopt fearful masks that suffocate us.

When our hearts are closed, we are no longer truly experiencing life. We are living in the dark illusions created by our thoughts. The moment our hearts close is the moment when we disconnect from our true nature, our Souls.

The moment you commit to opening your heart is the moment you embark on true spiritual practice.

In order for us to go deeper into ourselves, deeper than we’ve ever gone, we must access the Heart.
The reward for opening your Heart is access to the strongest force in the universe: Love itself. The deeper you go into the Heart, the more you will sense this pulsating, overwhelmingly intense energy within you. This energy, this Love, is the fabric of your very Soul. This energy is the source of Life itself, the feeling of eternity.

Can you imagine what it would be like accessing this endless stream of Love within you? Can you imagine how profoundly your life would change if you could love yourself unconditionally, and others as well? Can you imagine what it would be like to heal yourself of every source of suffering you have ever experienced, and will ever experience, all with this source of Love within you?

Love is the most powerful force in the Universe. It transcends the mind and its need to control and understand everything. When you open your heart, little by little, you will find that the only true guidance is within you. In other words, your Heart knows exactly what you need let go of and love .

Try to find beauty in everything. There is beauty everywhere: in the faces of other people, in sounds, smells, textures, animals, trees, clouds, etc. make it your goal to find beauty in everything each day, you will not only be amazed, you will fall in love with life again.

Learn how to cry. We are so emotionally locked up that crying is extremely difficult for us to do. The older we get, the more we tend to forget how to truly cry. Our stomachs harden, our throats constrict, and our bodies stiffen. Some of us become numb or completely freeze when we’re overwhelmed with grief or sadness.

In order to learn how to cry again, you need to give yourself some privacy. You might like to watch sad movies or listen to music that makes your heart stir. When you feel sad or burdened, try to allow yourself to cry. Remember, crying is completely normal and something you need to honor. Many of us were taught as children to be ashamed of crying and to hold everything in. I was that child. but as adults, we can now reprogram that damaging teaching.

When was the last time you asked your heart what it needed to feel better? Our hearts always share honest answers with us. And sometimes these honest answers are hard to face, which is why most people are scared of their own hearts. But the heart will never hide the truth.

Learn how to be vulnerable. Vulnerability means being open, and being open means exposing ourselves to possible attack. The problem is that we have become too defended against others. We have forgotten that we are also one half Spirit. The deeper you delve into opening your heart, the more risks you will need to take.

The only true security there is, is the Love within your heart. You must be able to see that no matter what risk you take, what people think of you, or what the result is of your efforts, you will still respect and care for yourself.

Being vulnerable, sharing your emotions with others, following your bliss, and following the guidance of your heart will take your spiritual growth to a whole deeper level.

Become aware of how your inner critic or judge causes your heart to close. The inner critic is the voice of fear that tells us that we “look stupid,” are doing something wrong or are somehow making a fool of ourselves. Become conscious of this voice, and treat it with love. See it for what it is: the lonely voice of fear, crying out for attention and love.

Lastly Dream has created many fields for healing and opening our hearts. Let’s take advantage of them and open our hearts all the way!


Frequency.Devision is in love! :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :heart_eyes:

Frequency and Life
Sitting in a tree


Great post my friend! It’s funny. I have barely started to listen to the E.A. “Alchemy of Love” yesterday, and it really puts me in a awesome mood. Thanks for the awesome post man! :smile: Last week, I was boxing with my ego a bit (still am, but it’s a lot better, now that I am through with the course audios), but now I feel really positive again.


Those Alchemy of Love audios are great :+1: :green_heart:


Yeah, it really helps with my ego, ALOT. But also, I am listening to the Mental Health album too, and also the Self realization series, Patience and Kindness audio, and the Laughter audio. And they’re a great combination!


That’s the power combo right there! Apparently, laughter is the best medicine? :thinking:



Beautiful, thank you




Learn how your experience of grief can be transformed so that your life becomes a life lived in gratitude for the lessons you’ve aquired.

A broken heart has deeper effects than overwhelming sadness. Emotionally, your heart shuts down and blocks your ability to give or receive love, which affects your ability to love yourself and all your relationships. Energetically, your heart chakra closes and blocks the flow of nourishing energy from the unified field. If the energetic blocks aren’t cleared, you can develop physical problems.

In energy healing, chakras are the key to your emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical health. Basically, chakras open you to all the wisdom you need to live a healthy, happy, fulfilling life, but they can become dysfunctional by unprocessed trauma or repressed emotion. If a chakra becomes distorted or imbalanced, the areas of your live governed by that chakra become distorted or imbalanced, wreaking havoc in your life.

The problem is that when you close your heart from the bad feelings, you also shut out the good feelings.

With a charged and balanced heart chakra, you can enjoy love in your life and create healthy relationships once again.

Here are a few ways to begin the process:

Basically you need to get everything that’s in your way of operating out of the way. The healing begins when you begin to operate. Then you have to rehabilitate to walk again, and then you can begin to relearn how to jog and run. This last phase isn’t accessible until the others are complete.

We all have some wounds, and if they are open we may need to get down into these wounds and heal them, so we can value ourselves and feel love again. These open wounds may be full of haunting thoughts, ideas, and memories. letting go of the emotions attached to these is the first step.

Then we can start to rehabilitate our hearts. When we do that, new opportunities become available about how to move physically through our life and experience the vastness of love once again.

Many of us may have noticed that our healing seems to go through cycles. We feel good for a while, and then we plummet down again. This seems to be fairly common for people as they go through the process of healing.

There’s no doubt that the energy sensitivity course brings expansion, and we begin to feel wonderful. This may last until our wounds we haven’t yet addressed resurface.

If we can figure out how to address our wounds we’ll feel way more empowered in our selves. It’s in these wounds where our ego and pain lives. The more we choose to drop into the process of healing the deeper we can typically heal.

All kinds of emotions may arise in this phase. Relaxation during this phase is key. This will help you to release. And Dreams video may automate the whole process for us.


loving and being in love

You may have used phrases “being in love with someone” and “loving someone” interchangeably. Both focus on the love that you have for another person, yet there are important distinctions between their meanings. The spark that defines a love at first sight experience is better described as a strong attraction accompanied by an openness to a future relationship.

It’s also doesn’t generally happens instantly, but rather, it usually tends to emerge over time. If you’re trying to interpret the strong feelings that you have for another person, here’s how to decipher if you’re in love, or if you love this person instead.

If you’re wondering what it means to be in love, one of the key distinctions has to do directly with your emotions being charged. when you’re in love with someone, you feel an intensely strong passion and desire for him or her. In fact, being in love means that you yearn for this person, you think about them constantly and you crave being around this person and spending time together.

On the other hand, when it comes to simply loving someone, this kind of affection is far more inherent and innate as opposed to being based on raw emotions. And whether the person you love is your partner, your friend, relative, or your parent, your strong feelings for them stem from a deep rooted place within you rather than from heightened feelings of passion.

In order to understand the difference between being in love and loving someone, it’s important to recognize the way in which they’re related. By being in love with someone, you’re actually setting the stage to transition your feelings of intense passion, desire, and longing into long lasting love. In fact, being in love with someone can transform into a type of eternal love that you have with your partner. But in order to love someone in this everlasting way, you have to be in love with them first.


Sometimes our life sinks, because for a long time we have only cared about the outside and we have abandoned our personal, internal world. That space that is generally desolate, abandoned because the conscience, which owns it, is lost in achieving achievements, objectives and promises of happiness. And the outside, inevitably, sooner or later, ends up failing us.

We have to cross all the layers and barriers that hold us back or prevent us from making the journey; because people have a need to know, believe and experience that the truths we perceive are rooted within the depths of our own heart.

The heart, seen in the broadest sense of the term, the heart, that deep realm of the human being, where all the truth that configures us is experienced.

Although human nature is intrinsically good and with a tendency to self realization, our perception of ourselves and the way we identify with our self or “ego” can make this process difficult for us.

We need to increase our awareness of the personal situation, through inner work, to experie the transcendence of the ego and the direction towards the whole. , we do not always have the right tool that allows us the full realization to which we are called. Something that helps us to build a global map of the different psychic and spiritual processes that every human being on his path of self-realization can or has to go through.

The parts of ourselves that are interacting or conditioning our life, as well as our world of relationships, can be clarified and integrated with the totality that configures us. As human beings we have to fully realize this totality in order to become free and happy.

The paths to self-realization can teach us many things about our own mistakes, shortcomings, about the right directions in which we develop and those in which we get caught by various factors.

It begins with learning to recognize the wounds of the soul , to name what we do not understand and that makes us suffer, to accept that life has an inherent pain that must be known in order to free ourselves from it. The process begins in the body itself. It implies the recognition of the body as a valid source of messages about what we are, do and feel, as well as a means of expressing our intentions and thoughts.

We function as a total organism. Mind and body are distinctions made only to facilitate theoretical understanding, but both constitute the expression of a single reality of infinite dimensions since it includes the most spiritual and transcendent aspects.

The psyche has developed various survival mechanisms that have been shaping their self, but not always the individuation process has been correct. Often, as time goes by, we have to work to free ourselves from the yoke that we created ourselves, at least from the false identification with an “ego” that does not allow us to become the true self that we are.

Western culture tends to value the rational over the emotional, action versus contemplation, and so on. This imbalances our organism since valuable aspects of ourselves are unknown or underestimated, relegating them to the control of others.

The capacity for empathy, for intuition, for listening without rejection is only possible when one has seriously carried out his own work and therefore knows what happens within himself. He becomes more capable of living without fear.

The dive into the deepest dimension of our hearts open the door to the acceptance that we are fragile and impermanent, but the nature of which the human being is a part of expresses a greater wisdom, and it is this understanding that opens an infinite path that it transcends us. Therefore, as human beings we can experience this wisdom and trust the way things happen, avoiding despair when reality is painful.


All throughout our early lives, we were taught how to read, how to write, how to say please and thank you, as well as what was acceptable and unacceptable to others and society at large. However most of us failed to be educated in one essential dimension of life, self-love

Something that continues to shock me about my own upbringing was the distinct lack of emphasis on respect for oneself and acceptance of one’s flaws and virtues.

As a child I can’t ever recall being taught the value of loving oneself; of setting healthy boundaries, knowing how to say “no” and “yes” when you mean it, and learning how to take care of yourself, even at the expense of others.

How about you?

If you were raised in a culture and society similar to my own, you were probably taught to “put others before yourself” and not give much consideration to your own needs.

Self-denial and self-sacrifice were two of the main values taught in our childhoods, and continue to be emphasized as the markers of a “kind, caring and worthy human being” to this very day.

Unfortunately, from what I later learned in life, these two values taught me nothing more than the profound emotional and psychological pain of being a self-imposed martyr with no real understanding of ‘love.’

When we don’t learn how to love ourselves depression, bitterness, anxiety, resentment, isolation, and great unhappiness are the result.

Put simply, self-love is the practice of understanding, embracing, and showing compassion for yourself. Self-love involves nurturing your entire being. That means taking care of yourself on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. When engaging in self-love, we also work to forgive ourselves, accept our flaws, and embrace our essence.

Unless you’re capable of truly loving yourself first (even the darkest side of your being) you can never love somebody else.

In order to be a positive presence in this world, in order to care for others in an authentically loving way, we must first focus on ourselves. We must first dedicate a large amount of time to our own healing, happiness, and self-fulfillment. We must be self-seeking.

If you can’t love yourself at a deep level – the place where your love originates from in the first place – how will you ever be capable of truly loving anybody else?

You can’t give that which you don’t actually have can you?

On the surface, it’s understandable how the word ‘self-love’ could be confused with the words egotism or narcissism. But this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Self love isn’t about self indulgence. It’s about taking care of yourself. A person who loves themselves wants to become the best they can be, work on their flaws, heal their traumas, and find inner peace.

Every day, we are choosing. We may not choose our circumstances, but we choose how we love ourselves. In fact, the only thing truly within our control is ourselves and our choices. It’s all we have.

So even when other people hurt us, when our pain is the direct result of someone else’s choices, the choice is still ours whether we let that pain suffocate us, or if we let it go. Move on. Forgive.

But self-love is a process, one that will never be truly complete. There will always be more we could improve on, more we can learn, more kindness we can show ourselves.

And in the vein of extending that kindness to ourselves, we constantly need reminding that yes, we are deeply flawed in some ways, but that is what makes us human, and we deserve love anyway.

I am still on the path to loving myself and to knowing and living my truth. I can say in all honesty that thanks to the tools from “sapienmedicine” I love myself now more than ever, and I know I will come to love myself more deeply in the future.

What’s most important, however, is that no matter where you are in the process of self-love just remember that…

You are enough!


That is a lovely piece of writing @MUSICMUSICMUSIC - just beautiful

I especially love this part :heart: :butterfly: :heart:


:heart: :100:
I couldn’t agree more, thanks for the reminder


@anon71772328 @Yuichi Much appreciated :grinning:


Epic writing, really. I found so much resonates, yet also hard to accept… because of wounding. Do you plan to release a sub on this? That would be pretty amazing, and would compliment the deep fields that Dreamweaver taps into. I feel the mind can be in lag to the energy body in so many ways… the memories, the words we’ve heard, what the eyes have seen etc


Thanks. Yes that’s so true… Sure ill create a sub on this and tag you when i do it. You are right.