The Honored Ancestors

Nope, I’m fine

I’d rather not lol
But thanks, I’ll keep that in mind just in case


Were you able to resolve the problem or at least come to some peace about the issue, if I may ask?

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Ah, yes. Thanks for the reminder.

Nice! So good when these things resolve in a cordial manner. So happy for you.

Thanks for the chat @Dr_Manhattan ! I look forward to more interesting conversations with you!

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This is a good time to repeat this field till next new moon, Oct 5/6th… As per Hindu tradition, this is Mahalaya or pitru Paksha, meaning offering respects to ancestors. This is a 15-day lunar period to propitiate the ancestors.


So happy to see this bumped! I’ve been having a pull to play it recently… I’ve played it twice and it never fails to make my ‘home’ atmosphere much better!

The upcoming Retrograde is also about family, friends, relationships and homey things! And it’s something to connect between the two; Home and Ancestors are after all a part of One. :slight_smile:


Mahalaya amavasya ( new moon day) is all about honouring ancestors and connecting to them, receiving their blessings.

Time to blast this field on this new moon day and get blessings from our ancestors, show gratitude for this blessed life, and as well wish them a best path wherever they are along with prayers to Lord Vishnu.

Donations today or offering food to animals, birds or humans is believed to be auspicious.

Can also add this


I don’t know if this is stupid to ask.

But if all my ancestors were in past trough generations just ordinary peasants and engaged in agriculture, (and I checked, they did)
Does that mean that their energy can influence me to achieve nothing special, since they never did?
Do the ancestors can influence us and our future, because I look at my family lineage, no one has achieved anything special?

and I just mentioned this tonight and talked to my parents, so that they would later move on to the topic that some of my childhood friends became very successful (read, my parents said imperceptibly that these people are much better than me and more resourceful), and I think that it was then said through them by my ancestors because I may have offended them with that statement from before

What do you think of my previous question

Honestly their statement have hurted me and throwed me in a sort of depression lol

Hmm, everyone is special tho.

A garbage collector could love what he does.

To you it might not seem like it’s special, but you need that garbage collector. Or would you take on that duty to collect your garbage and dispose of it where it needs to?

You learn valuable lessons just by being a garbage collector, think about it.

You come across the most beautiful handcrafted artifact but wonder why is it in the garbage. You learn to see the beauty in almost everything, a gift many of people in the world don’t understand.

Be proud of where you come from, cause if it wasn’t for them you and I wouldn’t be here.

As for your parent, they need to do a rain check on their behavior and learn to see the value they have in front of them.

(Maybe some of my ancestors were garbage collector… I’m sure they’ll be glad to teach your parents a lesson or two on appreciation)


No, you understood me wrong due to my lack of english
Oh god, why I can’t express myself on english like what I want actually to say
Even Google translate doesn’t help

I am just thinking myself, can ancestors still affect our lives although they are dead, can their energy affect us as well positively as well negatively? Can they link our destiny?

I don’t have anything against any sorts of jobs
I just wanted to say if they all were lower classes , can they affect me somehow until something wouldn’t be cleared?

It’s hard for me to explain, it demands C1 english

Can ancestors affect some individual collectively?

If they are tied to you, I have heard of people (un-conciously) honoring their ancestors and respecting them so much they follow into the same path of mistakes/un-happy lives of certain situations. Some have very strong bonds with their ancestors to the point that it is unhealthy.

So to answer your question in one way, I know for a fact, that the opposite is true, you yourself can follow your ancestors un-intentionally in certain aspects of your life (love life, work, relationships, finance, health) and it may be a bad path for you.


I think what you’re asking is among the lines of whether or not there is “family karma”. The short answer is “yes” there is but that doesn’t mean that you are fated or doomed in a similar way. As a matter of fact, there are practices that you can undertake that will heal your family line backwards (the past) and forwards into future generations. I think the fact that you’re starting to see your family patterns may indicate a calling in that direction.

If you’re interested in learning more along those lines, search up, “ancestral healing”, “family constellations” (however those translate in your native tongue) and works on “Psychomagic” by Alejandro Jodorowsky (yes the film maker but he’s also quite an incredible healer starting with his own tragic circumstances).

It’s fascinating work and it may even cheer you up a bit as you start to understand the role your family has played in the larger picture of things.

I wish you all the best!


There are many different aspects to this.

Most ancestors may not have been successful in terms of “money making” or “running a business” or “becoming famous” or “inventing something” but they for sure did a ton of internal work and growth as souls. And that besides being bothered by the constant challenge to physically survive.

Also the question is, how much do you care about your genetic lineage? Do you care about those genes trees here on physical earth? Or are actual soul relatives more important to you?

Yes their patterns can affect you through your gene-pool lineage and cell memory. Also the morphic field of your particular family tree.

However, I would be more concerned about all the beliefs that you have picked up in this lifetime from your relatives when you were a child. And how much of those you want to keep…?

No. You always have free will and can break through and break out of any of those patterns and influences. Same with astrological influences. You are the ultimate creator of your personal reality. The question is always how much are you aware of this and how much you decide to not give away your power to external factors?

Conceptual Realizations can help you to recognize the patterns and which of them are from your relatives.

And yes, VMMS is correct, there is no such thing as time, so past and future relatives can have an influence on you and you onto them.


So i was remembering my grand parents and was asking them for forgiveness while playing this audio… forgiveness for all kind of mistakes we have done since they are gone.
The audio is something i can’t explain.
Got tears in my eyes
Felt so much in my heart like my heart chakra was expanding
I am not much expressive with my emotions but i literally told them that i Miss them and i love them.
Captain is indeed a blessing in our lives and ik there are many things happening with YouTube and gumroad…i still ask him to keep creating such magic available to someone like me who can’t earn enough to buy the premium audios.
Thank you🙏


Try playing this around sacred places or even ‘abandoned’ ‘sacred’ places (you feel familiar with) then The DNA Repair System


I was playing this field a few weeks back, and bring so much joy and peace (security)


I originally wrote this whole thing and it sounded pretty trite to me honestly. Like oh you heard about the atrocities of war and you had a come to Jesus moment?

Well, yeah. I did.

That’s exactly what happened. It’s not that I hadn’t heard about anything like that before, but you know you hear things within the lens you’re in at the time and that changes the information for you.

I heard about this one event and I just thought, wow you know here I am basically rotting inside my own head trying to “sort myself out” - again-

And not to totally dismiss myself or try to bypass unhealed wounds but these people have actual problems like immediate problems.

I feel like gratitude has taken a backseat in some ways because I felt I didn’t … deserve gratitude? As stupid as that sounds

But if I was one of the people I’m describing, seeing me now I would probably proverbially slap myself upside the head and say GO! Live your life! Just go
And live!

And am I going to be perfect at this? No of course not, of course I’m not but I think the least I can do to honor all the people who have had to go too soon (at least from their currently incarnated perspective)

the least I can do to honor them is just put my crap over there for awhile and be grateful. Even if that gratitude is just the ability to be in a place that is currently relatively peaceful. The ability to drink coffee today. You know? And now I’m venturing into the cliche “the small things we take for granted” schpiel. But it’s like that.

So yeah. Also the honored ancestors is a great field, I definitely have to listen more often.


This field is something else I just noticed yesterday and today that family members I haven’t seen or talked to in a minute have been contacting me with lots of greetings and love and for a sec I thought that it was a random coincidence but now I think it was from looping honored ancestors and last night my dreams had so many people in it even people I don’t recognize. It was like an endless sea of faces popping up all night until I woke up lol. Today I feel more freer inside and whole and have been feeling the urge to hang out with my cousins and other family members.


Again this is that time of the year to revere all our ancestors that are in most ways responsible for our birth and well-being.
Let us show some gratitude, clear some karmic debts, and receive blessings & Love!

I see 222 everywhere while playing this one…


Thank you for this beautiful connection Dreamweaver :heart: