The Immortal Path (Private Project)

This is a project that is very close to my heart— in some ways, it’s like a piece of my soul. It has been shaped by a lifetime of research and perhaps connections that existed beyond this lifetime lol.

I’m still overly protective of it, but it looks like a few copies may be still be available in the future.

It is a life-path project that is meant to be worn like a talisman, but the project has both a mandala and an audio so people can connect to it as they wish.

The project had three main features.

One main feature was oriented around shaping a person’s life path. It brought in elements of Light and Vibrational Guidance, Woven Worlds, The Solidifier, and the best Path in Life and blended them in reference and deference to the different beings and teachers who have attained the goal.

Another main feature involved blending some of the Taoist alchemical knowledge with Traditional Chinese Medicine in order to develop field concepts for creating a uniquely Taoist approach to health.

The third main feature involved a number of helps for a person on the path and guidance that can be tapped into during meditation in order to secure the ultimate goal.

This is a life-path project, and if a person is committed to pursuing Spiritual Immortality / Liberation, then it will help them to attain that goal within this lifetime.

It is a gift and a boon that I can never repay, but I am incredibly grateful to Dreamweaver and my team members who helped this to be made :pray:


Beautiful man.

Lol new profile pic.


The artwork is breathtaking…


congratulations on this :cherry_blossom:


Looks amazing!


congratulations man, hope you like the outcome

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so much love and gratitude :purple_heart: :pray:


Is this make myself immortal like phsically?