The inextingushiable Quxingdeng (七星燈) - "Bargaining" with death NFT project

I’ve said about starting new projects in the latter half of the year, so here I come with them. This is the smallest of the 22H2 projects in my plan. :slightly_smiling_face:

This is a short one, and there isn’t going to be many subfields. It’s an obvious and straightforward project.

In practical Taoism, the ceremonial magic of Qixingdeng (七星燈) dedicate to Beidou (北斗) is practiced when a person faces a situation that is do dire that may be lethal. Such as a long and large surgery, last stages of cancer, etc. Beidou is the god who takes in charge of people’s death.

So, the practicality of a qixingdeng NFT is easy to understand. Getting some extra lifetime.

10 people
2 copies max


Will this work if we pray for a loved one?

If it creates a connection to the diety, we can ask for ourselves or anyone else is what I was thinking.


I think so.


Oh, well, since the latest news of ending of the comminuty projects, then let’s forget it. :wave:

Wait what? Where? I searched in announcements and didn’t find anything.

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Wait so is this still an open project or is it rejected by captain already?

Hi, this never got submitted.

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