The Inner Pillar of Power

haha the fruits :watermelon::pineapple::grapes::strawberry:


Just to make you guys notice it before release bot drops it


Description sounds amazing


amazing!! Sounds incredible. Best music ever, above any other. Wow. Im trying to pick up what reminds me of like a movie or a sound ive heard before mixed. I love it and the energy and feeling is great.

So basically what the description talks about is the pure love, courage, support, admiration and gratitude others have sent us (which is a powerful gift) but that it remained within us not being used because we didnt embrace it, accept it, were open to receive it, didnt believe it to be true? And its stored there and this field can literally retrieve it so we can use it, feel it and grow with it?

Are you kidding me?

I cant stop crying listening to this, i dont think any field has touched me so deeply like this one with every noteā€¦ i guess it reached that place?

I have always known from family, friends, lovers, coworkers, strangers, randoms about all of that sent to me sooo much soo many times but i was always the giver, the pillar of others that could sustain alone with nothing but myself so they could keep that to help themselves, but with what im understanding nowā€¦ it stayed with me, it always stayed with Me because now is flowing to the surface and its a lot. I am feeling it.

Thank you so much. :heart:


And in turn, more sustenance so we can give more of this to others




Haha same. Gotta loop this one again cause it works like a charm every time!


Want actual 180 minutesā€¦ Iā€™ll be patient :laughing:

Iā€™ll give this a go though!


Anything free is pricelessā€¦
Take pranayama, utterly amazing tool :wind_face:


ā€¦know the feelingā€¦ hugs!!

There are even MORE on the other side of the veil that will be sending this, they have done and always willā€¦ sincerely and deep from the heart.


Plenty of tough cookies on SM, I notice. We choose hard life lessonsā€¦ not an easily life, noā€¦ worthwhileā€¦ *** YESSS!

Iā€™m learning to see this means Iā€™m meant to outgrow my personal karma as well as my ancestral karmaā€¦ Before birth I choose this family, what will it teach meā€¦ what exactly am I missing here, to muster up from deep inside myself?
This one helpful thereā€¦ Wisdom of the dying sounds like an excellent combo too.


Doesnā€™t that just slow down your perception of time? So the audios will still take the same amount of time to finish but theyā€™ll just seem longer to you.

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When your perception of things changes your reality changes.

You feel the time stretched out longer, the audios wont last longer because they are made by a sound that doesnt gets shorter or longer unless you change the format, its not the same concept. but youd be able to get more things done, its not like while its still 10am for you at work then youd see your coworkers saying good by because in their format is 1pm :grimacing:

In their reality tho it is so theyd live their day according to the regular perception.

Everything coexists at the same time

Right now all the versions of you from ā€œpastā€ and ā€œfutureā€ are coexisting with you each one within their own reality.


Iā€™m mentally healthy and happy but Iā€™m kind of lonely in college and havenā€™t been in a relationship since my first one, this field helps tackle my desperation



Join some clubs (ofc if youā€™re comfortable with that)


Indeed haha but Iā€™m commuter school and frats are best choice to meet people but Iā€™m doing that next semester. Gotta get prepared first


I had stopped looking at new releases because I didnā€™t want to be tempted by new fields. But I serendipitously came across this one while searching for something else and thought I must listen to it when I read the description.

There arenā€™t really words to convey the profound feelings I had while listening to it, but when I tried, images that conjure them came up and this is what I got: it felt like being a child and running through a field of flowers while laughing. Like sharing the beauty of an extraordinary sunset with someone you love deeply. Like the calm of lying alone on a beach feeling the warmth on your skin and seeing soothing red light through closed eyelids. It is moving, beautiful, warm, energizing yet appeasing. It feels like home, like remembering a truth you knew all along. :)

Tears were streaming down my face as I was smiling. Just typing this now makes me well up again.

I think the most wonderful thing of all is that I have been able to I align back to this when I aim to and feel the expansion in my chest.

Dr Dan Siegel (a really interesting man, well worth reading) said that love and awareness come from the same place and to me it made sense intuitively because love is everything, love is the opposite of fear, fear is obfuscation, so realisation/awareness (or enlightnment) is seeing the truth of all things, which is love.

This field sort of goes in the same vein of thought for me and is now my favourite field as I think the incredible power of love remembered and known through it could help me do anything I set my mind to.

What an incredible, amazing gift!


Thatā€™s been a huge block for me. A book that helped and which is a delightful read is The Art of Asking by Amanda Palmer. Wonderful, touching book :slight_smile:

Edited to add that if you want the abridged version you can listen to her ted talk


Wow. The music is so good.


Thank you so much for this precious tip! :hugs: I just read already an excerpt of the book and watched the TED talk. Delightful, wonderful, and touching indeed! Thank you for connecting me with this :heart: And Iā€™m very glad to hear that this significant block was lifted for you through her :pray: I think conquering this would truly be so impactful for a personā€™s life and make things so much easier. Also sorry for the delayed response.