To summarize what the interstitium is, it is a recently discovered “organ” loosely described as the fluid found in the spaces around cells, surrounding the intercellular matrix, which as we know is responsible for holding us together to a degree. After doing some research on this so called organ, I started to call it “The highway for pathogens” because that is basically what it is.
In fact, we only know it exists, because in another attempt to study cancer and why cancer cells move around the way they do, another part of the cell was lit under the microscope which was not looked at previously, simply because it was not visible in the past. And nobody was looking for it.
Anyway, as a said, this strange organ helps absolutely ANYTHING move around the body at record speed, including cancer cells and pathogens, which would explain why cells are hijacked so quickly and easily by viruses, bacteria, fungi, and so on, the list is infinite.
I personally think that the interstitium is key in anything related to aging and disease, and needs to be seriously looked at and considered. I also wonder why we even evolved to have such an organ to begin with, as the cons seem to outweigh the pros. It could have been genetic tampering in the past, who knows. Maybe with the intention to shorten the lifespan of a human.
But anyway, moving on to hormones. As we all know, the body declines, once hormone levels decline, this is seen more extremely in women than in men after menopause and generally why this occurs is because hormones are like a drug for the human body that it forgets how to live without once/if they decrease - once we go through puberty, when our hormone levels go up, while in childhood of course we do not experience this at all hence there are no strange fluctuations.
I hypothesize, that the functions of the interstitium play some rose in the decline (or on the contrary, puberty) of hormones, and the general lifespan on a human being, since it transports anything very quickly across the body to our cells. The interstitium also allows for bacteria, fungi etc. to get around the body very quickly and consume resources initially meant for our cells, causing our cells to be in a state of deficit and lack.
I also have to mention, that our bodies are addicted (and in an unhealthy codependent relationship) to a lot of microscopic things, like I have mentioned in a previous post on bacteria. I think we need to return to a state of sovereignty and self sufficiency.
Any thoughts?