The Invoked Protection

Field 1: The Higher Self Clearing, Protection, Vow Clearing, Healing, Trickster spirits.

  • This field will ensure that any entity you invoke through NFT intercession or through other means is the actual entity and will not let you get tricked into dealing with them and pushing yourself in a spiritual hole until you figure out how to fix it. In addition the field will invoke your higher self to develop your psychic abilities so you can properly communicate with beings on your own eventually and not get tricked by false beings

Field 2: Invoked 24/7 Protections, clearings, surgery of specific energies: A clear invocation to any being you choose to come and create a psychic shield on you and maintain it 24/7. Could be Nagas, Arcturians, Gods, ETC. Protections from beings who may not have your highest wellbeing in mind will be automatically revoked. However your requests for the invocation might be rejected if the being cannot maintain it or if the protection is not strong enough or synergistic with your existing protection items. You can also ask for clearing and healing of abundance for example.

Field 3: The blocker finder and field integrator: At some point in your journey you may have had trouble getting results. This could be to do with a block being placed on you at some point or someone who does not want you to grow spiritually. Anyway the point of this is to clear away these blocks and prevent them from coming back and integrate your fields faster and provide the necessary intelligent energy complex system to help you listen to and wear unlimited fields.

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Yes I am in woooo!)

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