The Jawliner Community project nft

anyone still use this ? hows it going

A review of this NFT:

Iā€™ve had it since the beginning and have been using it passively, meaning I simply carry it with me and donā€™t actively interact with it (such as meditating on it, etc.).

So, the results have been rather gradual because when we see ourselves every day, itā€™s hard to notice the difference unless we compare photos.

Here are a few points:

-Improved facial harmony
-A more defined and projected jawline, although not an extreme change
-A significantly improved neck posture, which also enhances the facial appearance

Regarding my personal experience, the energy of the field works on me slowly and progressively. I feel like it adapts to what I expect from it and, most importantly, to my perception of myself. By that, I mean my intention is clear: I donā€™t have any issues with my image, and I would be happy if my jawline improves, but it wouldnā€™t bother me if it doesnā€™t change because Iā€™m already content.

And thatā€™s exactly the result Iā€™ve achieved: improvements that align with my personal development. I believe that oneā€™s physical appearance goes hand in hand with who you are, meaning that your appearance adapts to you and what you truly need. For example, growing in a challenging and emotionally harsh environment, your physical features may adjust and become more rigid. Of course, this is based on each individualā€™s unique genetic makeup and potential. Also, some facial features have already been shaped to some extent, so it can be a long process to bring about drastic changes because your physical form expresses who you are at the moment (You might consider transforming your inner self to create external changeā€¦)

ps : I want to clarify that this is my personal sentiment on the matter, and that everyone is free to believe in what makes sense to them :crossed_fingers:

I will continue using it and keep you updated if there are any further changes.


Did you get these because of this nft?


Does it help with clicking jaw (CMD)?

It can beā€¦ Itā€™s really difficult to pinpoint accurately, but the only variable that was added to my routine at that time was this NFT. So yes.