The Jawliner Community project nft

you make a good point, cause of course the whole remint was done under the impression the previous mints were not to happen…

hence why the $2 mints on SOL… since extra copies were sent out, it would mean everyone bought a 2nd copy but instead of paying “full”/“standard” price, it was done for pennies on the dollar.

but again, it’s up to dream to see if he wants to request that. (which i HIGHLY doubt lol, perhaps it’ll be a test of some people’s character… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:)

the work was done twice so let’s not forget the time and energy that went into both mints.


Were the same number of copies minted/sold in the re-minting as the first time around? Essentially doubling the total count?

wait what?

My brother got a copy on SOL for a trade?

Does his NFT work?

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I also got a copy on sol. It works fine i can feel it on my jaw even now


Yes, the SOL copies will all work for sure. I don’t know about the Teespring/Bondly/Venly ones though, whether they are still fielded. We’ll have to check with Captain to be sure.


its all fine.

Consider it a gift then.
remember you waited a while as well.

Please re sell and use these as you normally would.

Some people also use funds from these for future projects.
It all works out for every one.


Thank you Captain :sparkling_heart:


Thanks a lot brother :hearts: :pray:


Thank you very much Dream! :hugs: :raised_hands:


Thanks to you captain!

As an update on the effects of the nft, my jaw is much more defined

I have unlocked a new stat: chad

At one point, I had a lot of tension in my neck muscle which is connected to the jaw.
Probably a contractile rebalancing of the postural muscles of the neck, trapezius and jaw.
In addition to conscious posture work, my neck looks much straighter, giving me a more distinct jaw.
I also feel like I have more space for my tongue, at the level of my palate allowing me to breathe better.

That’s it, for me the effects come at their own pace and rather gradually.
Time will only improve until the perfect shape of my genetics hehe.

Otherwise, I already have a good base and I see results. I imagine that those with a smaller jaw development will have a much more obvious result

See you all soon


:dizzy_face: :heart:

Thank you! Very much appreciated :heart:

Use the search function to see if someone is selling it


Finally. Jawliner x Spiderman the dynamic duo.


Damn :joy:


Would buy, but I like my 120° gonial angle.

Is there any audio with this nft?

If anybody have this NFT, let me know! Wanna buy it.

Hello I want this nft please dm me if you have it