The Jedi are much more evil than the Empire & Sith


What do you guys think?

Similar to the fake lightworker ascension movement:
Fake gurus, lower astral beings and negative aliens disguised as good ascended masters, angels, positive alien councils etc.

In the Matrix movie trilogy the colors are reversed:
ā€œGood guysā€ dressed in black.
ā€œEvil guysā€ dressed in white.
Agent Smith dressed in both, black and white.


I personally really love those in between characters. They also have the coolest light sabers. Iā€™m thinking Ahsoka with her double white ones, or mace windu with the purple one. They found their middle ground between good and evil, itā€™s really nice to see


Sousuke Aizen, the baddest m0f0 in the history of anime (for me at least) is in white.




Not only jedi butā€¦


I donā€™t think neither are good or bad because theyā€™re just two polarities of energy/force that are required to restore the balance of nature. Itā€™s what you channel light and dark for. Everywhere you go is either a fragment of darkness or darkness itself because darkness is the same as light and itā€™s everywhere.

Dark force is not evil by itā€™s very natureā€¦ itā€™s just here for a purpose.

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What I meant by labeling them both ā€œevilā€ is that they are both hypocrictical virtue signaling psychotic cults who traumatize their members in different ways and misuse their powers for negative control agendas.


It is known lol

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I dunnoā€¦ maybe. I donā€™t really know all of the Star Wars backstory because I havenā€™t seen all of the Clone Wars series or the latest movies. I am a fan and Iā€™m aware that the Jedi were quite unethical in many ways. Although Emperor Palpatine in Star Wars was (in Obi-Wans words on the Mustafar system) ā€œpure evil!!ā€ lol. Not all characters who joined the dark side were inherently evil (but like the Jedi, did some evil/bad things that would be considered evil to many people) like most people thought because not just Anakin Skywalker but General Grievous and Count Dooku (Qui-Gon Jinnā€™s master) too used to be good.

Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious eventually either lied to them or betrayed all three of them in the end because they were all just pawns in his ultimate plan for domination. Even General Grievous knew/found out right at the end in that scene (he was the last minion left after Dooku was executed earlier in the SWROTS movie) when he faced off with Obi-Wan Kenobi that he was going to do die anyways whether Obi-Wan wins against him or not because Grievous and Dooku knew too much of Darth Sidiousā€™s plan with the death of the Jedi, Anakinā€™s turn to the dark side and ā€˜Order 66ā€™. Grievous didnā€™t care anyways and was sadistically amused by it (as he always is) since the Jedi were going to be soon eradicated and no longer exist which is what he always wanted because he deeply hated them.

General Grievous developed a deep hatred for the Jedi after the mass murders they committed towards his own people during a war. He was later critically wounded in battle where his spacecraft crashed. Count Dooku found him and told him the Jedi were to blame which fuelled his anger and blame even more for the Jedi. Dooku had him reconstructed back together but in to a cyborg/transhuman robot. Grievous seeked revenge under Count Dookuā€™s wing as a Sith apprentice and joined the dark side.

Count Dooku turned renegade against the Jedi Council. He lost faith after becoming angry or extremely agitated with their high level of political corruption, poor regulations and failures to protect and keep peace in the galaxy. He find out Palpatine was the infamous Darth Sidious and joined the dark side after Sidious brainwashed him with an alternative to the Jedi way

Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader and Darth Plagueis were similar in their ambitionsā€¦ they wanted immorality but Anakin was motivated by fear, whereas Darth Plagueis was psychopathic, selfish and hellbent in his endeavours.

Darth Maul was spiritual, had a deep connection with nature and the forest he use to visit nearby his house way before he was a Sith Lord. Although his mother was a close ally of Darth Sidious/Emperor and she abandoned Maul when he was a child by giving him away to Darth Sidious. This is where he was put through all kinds of brutal domestic abuse and emotional manipulation throughout his childhood which severely scarred him in to adulthood. Eventually Maul grew up to resent and develop a deep hatred for his mother and he channelled this in to the dark side for Sidiousā€™s benefit.

Anger, fear, aggression and hate are the domain of evil according to the Jedi which I donā€™t believe is true. I think selfishness, dark triad and ignorance are the root to all evil.


The Jedi and The Republic are unethical, I donā€™t know if I would label them as ā€œevilā€, they just fight for their own agendas, although, just like real political powers and religions/cults, they would do anything for survival and to win against their enemies ā€¦
I havenā€™t watched Start Wars franchise in a while, I havenā€™t seen the new movies either (are they good?). It used to be my favorite movie franchise (well, among my favorites) when i was a teen (like 10-15 years ago), but to be honest, now I barely remember names. :sweat_smile:
@JAAJ I watched a video like these on youtube, but I need to watch these videos you linked, to refresh my memory.