The Journey To The Light (Part 3 of 3)

Some Last Words From Me:

Well, here we are at the end of this journey. A tool that was designed to help you in your process of elevating your consciousness with a direct path. For the last year, I have been nudged to help everyone I could and in doing so, life has blessed me in ways I can’t even count anymore.

This project was another of those nudges. There’s no possible way that I have the time to be able to reach as many people as I would like by myself, and for that, I was shown how to make it a bit more automatic so that I can accomplish the task given to me and a manner that was also enjoyable.

My creative writing hobby has been on hiatus for many years now and I felt like it was a good opportunity to give it another shot. I personally think I have a lot to improve but in having fun I will definitely do so. I don’t know if there will be other projects like this for sure but I do know I had a ton of fun making it and furthering my field creating skills to make it possible.

As I finish this, I have a clear idea of what I have to do next and I’m excited about it as it entails a personal goal. It is without a doubt that in allowing others to have the same opportunities I’ve been given and without the trials I had to go through, more good things will come.

There’s only one thing that I am asking from you guys. Become the unique expression of who you are and in using this, you’ll soon understand what that means. Just takes a bit of practice.

Be well


(Illustration by Elena Medvedeva)

The Journey To The Light: Day Three

Chapter 1: What Are You Identified With

Estrella woke up and remembered the last thing she heard from Light.

“Welcome to the realization of your freedom, the meeting of your true Self. Soon you’ll also understand what you are. What we are.”

Right after that, she felt that she could completely and fully relax for the first time since childhood. She sunk into the silence of both her feelings and her mind which led her to the deep sleep that felt like a vacation itself. She decided to check what happened yesterday.

“Who am I?” she asked. The immediate response was “I am human”, she felt confused because the experience was so profound and now she doesn’t feel it.

“Light, are you there?”


“Why is it that if I realized my true self, my response was different from saying I am I?”

“The identification with the mind will always attempt to take back control so it will in a sense grow back; this is what was referred to as losing the awareness of the state. For some time your daily work should be to always remember who you are and go further into that state.”

“So reaching that realization is just the beginning?”

“Correct. The constant work is asking what you are identifying with other than your real self and allowing for the true identification to integrate it so that there’s no polarity between you and concepts.”

Estrella was left pensive about what Light just said as she started to question if this was real after all. She noticed she was a lot more perceptive on the things she felt as she experienced a combination of fear and confusion. She has been in this routine for the past two days so she decided to do what has worked in the past two days and let it go.

She decided to try a different way of doing the process.

“I” she said. Suddenly the feeling of the Self came to her but there was something different, in contrast to the state she felt the other feelings even more as if it was highlighting what wasn’t the state of self. She was able to feel it deeper but with separation of being identified with it.

“It’s almost like I am paying attention to Estrella and working that identity’s situations.”

“That is correct, you’re going towards a higher state of consciousness and anything that is not that becomes very apparent along with much easier to solve as you realize that you’re not that.”

“Okay, let’s try something then…”. Estrella closed her eyes, said “I” bringing her back to that state, and then focused fully on the feeling she was experiencing, and to that she said “Love”. The feeling began to disappear but at a much faster rate than ever before and as if a room was lit with light, she was back fully in the state of consciousness she had experienced the night before.

“I understand now. So the trick is to always remember that state and become more of it by letting go and accepting everything that is not that.”

“That is correct. There’s never a time that you’re not that but you can hold ignorance of it by identifying with anything else that is not that identification.”

“Similar to your presence in my life?”

“You’ll find out soon how true that is.”

“Okay light, so what should I be doing now?”

“We have started this journey by stating that you will find out who you are, what you are, and where you come from. The next task is to help you realize what you are so that you can realize where you come from. The only question to answer now is ``What am I?”.”

“Thank you Light, I’ll get right to it.” She began to get comfortable to begin her task and realized she was yet to have breakfast or even coffee which are usually necessary for her to feel like she can get her day started. She was just feeling so free that things outside herself were now a preference and not a necessity.

Estrella decided to always begin from the state of self saying. “I” and then she asked “What am I?” and without much delay, a thought and a feeling came to her at the same time. “Body” is what she saw her mind come up with, the focused overall feeling of her body. To that, she said “Love” and felt a deeper integration than before.

“I always knew there was more to me than my body but now I know I am not. This is very interesting.”

“Continue until you realize what you are.”

Estrella continued and answers came up she didn’t expect including the fact that her name had a feeling in itself then there were things like human, person, and mind which she struggled with letting go of as it made her stuck realizing that her thoughts are processed through the mind but come from a deeper essence.

After a while, she had really good momentum and then an answer led her to slow down a bit. She said “I am God”, even though she understood that she took on responsibilities for her own beliefs. Something about saying that made her feel that it was wrong. She knew what happened when she entertained the moments she felt stuck so she decided to continue the process instead of the growing focus on it.

“I, What Am I?, I Am God…” she was flushed with an intense feeling that made her hairs stand up but continued to focus on the task and said “Love”. The intense feeling that felt separate from here now became part of her and she asked, “Light, so am I god then?” now saying with no guilt.

“Keep going until you don’t have to question it.”

“I, What am I?..” This time there was a pause, and like a shadow of fear taking over her body came the answer into her mind, “I am the devil”. “I definitely don’t want to deal with that!”, in a hurry she focused on the feeling and said “Love!”. Beginning the process of dissolving the concept and feeling. “Okay Light, lesson learned. There’s my preferences and then there’s the truth. I’ll keep going.”

“Once again she said, “I, What am I?..” This time the answer was odd for her as she said “I”. She focused on the feeling and noticed there was a difference, she felt the state not just from her mind but as an overall presence. She said “Love” and the presence became stronger and stronger, getting her to a state where she lost feeling of the body and the mind became so silent that she would come in and out as if she was falling asleep. In that deep silence and presence, she asked again “What am I?” and said “This.” without any words she just loved what she perceived.

She had no words this time but only an experience, what she felt as a presence all of a sudden became part of everything, the ambient sound outside her apartment became much louder as if she was right next to them and she saw nothing but a flash of light. She continued to stay in this state and just felt everything she was allowed to feel. She decided to ask again “What am I?” and in that instant, the only thing she felt, saw, and even heard was “Light”. Her perception of feeling became vibrations and waves, her vision was just a bright flash of light, and all she heard was a frequency.

From the intensity of the experience, she woke up with a deep and sudden breath and said

“I am light!”

“You remembered, our work is nearly done.”

Game Instructions:

We are nearing the end of everything and just as Estrella has to do so will you realize the same things so, without many words, I recommend you just dive right into the process.

Disclaimer: The realization from part 2 is necessary for this work. As usual, you will not be allowed to receive the benefits unless you have done the prior work.


“Light, I am ready to journey into the light and I have done every task up to this point.”

The “What am I?” Process

Say “I” and take a moment to fully feel the state always. Ask “What am I?” and no matter what feeling and a thought pops up, say “Love” and fully collapse it.

Repeat this process until you reach the end, you’ll know and you’ll be guided.

To ease the process I recommend you do the following first. Same intent, after saying it you should focus on the full experience and then move on to the next step:

I/(Your Name)/Love


Say “I”, feel it fully. Say “Mind” and get the feeling and concept of it in focus. Say “Love” and let it collapse.

The result should be a lighter feeling and an obvious collapse.

Final Chapter: The Light

“Wait if I am light itself then who are you?”

“The same.”

“Then why can I speak to you if I am you and you are me?”

“The same way that you can recognize the difference between Estrella and who you are, the state of what you’re calling light is another state above it. When you’re ready to let go of the separation between us you’ll find your answers. Because of the separation, you believe that the communication is separate and not of your consciousness itself.”

“So you’re telling me that if I fully realize that we are one I’ll also know that all along it has been my own voice guiding me?”

“Were you not the one that noticed that the voice was your voice but not quite your voice?”

“Yes! I see where you’re going with this!”

Estrella took a moment to think about this but didn’t go too far due to her stomach growling in realizing that it’s already the middle of the afternoon and she hasn’t eaten anything at all. She decided to have a meal while thinking about all this. She realized that she actually didn’t eat the day before at all.

As she was walking towards her favorite cafe, she noticed the world was completely different again. Everything looked more alive, the air felt fresher, and she felt everything around her. Her awareness was both inside and outside at the same time. She was just there to observe everything and choose to enjoy it. There wasn’t the usual struggle between what she experienced in her life and what she rather felt instead. She was just happy, for no reason.

The same barista from two days prior was there again and this time, she was observing him in a manner of acceptance and appreciation for his service but with other reasons than to do exactly that.

After taking the order, the barista once again said another comment, “I see that you continued what you were doing but there’s something different about you. I feel happy even though we had our usual interaction. It’s like you’re a beam of light in the cafe walking around. Thank you for passing by today.”

Estrella said “A beam of light huh?” while she smiled. “Thank you for noticing the last few days have been interesting indeed and you’re confirming a lot so actually thank you, you’ve helped in the process”. Estrella noticed that she was speaking without thinking now, the words were just flowing from the silence.

She grabbed her meal and sat down with the same smile. “So I guess it is all real…”. As soon as she finished, she hurried back to her apartment to continue the process but while eating she understood that the only way to fully understand what her last few days were about was to just do the work after all if she wasn’t her mind and the voice that came from the light is beyond her realization of self, she understood that no amount of thinking will do her much good.

“Light, I am ready to continue. What’s next?”

“Close the gap. Now you know what you call light feels like. Make it all one.”

She didn’t wait for a second to begin and just began by saying “I” which led her to the emptiness of just being. She said “Love” which filled that emptiness with presence and life. With a smile on her face, she said “Light” and at the moment a pressure on top of her head began to build and take over her. “Love” was the only thing she said to that so that he accepted it and just relaxed into the experience.

She continued on this cycle of saying I, Love, and Light over and over. After a few hours, all three states became one. She realized that they were all one but in different phases of the same thing. The self was the beginning of everything, the state that is both nothing and everything at the same time but the light was where she came from in itself. Love and light are the same in different phases as well.

“I…Love… Light” she said as she felt like one. Something nudged her to do the opposite as she realized there might be a polarity in the experience so she said “Light… Love…” and with a deeper unity than before “I!” which she experienced the voice she was calling Light and her own become one. Tears rolled down her eyes at the intensity of this experience.

“I’ve been the answer to everything all along. Thank you to the creator of all.”

She remembered the voice of her grandmother saying “Estrellita, we are created in the likeness of God. God is love. God is perfect. Never forget that.” She felt her body and her presence vibrate together as one, she felt the experience of nothing and everything. She saw the light and felt the emptiness it filled. All the understanding she needed came to her at once.

Once again “I… Love… Light”, she melted into the experience and stayed in there with full awareness. It was the most comfortable place she’s ever been and streams of knowledge just came to. Solutions to questions she’s had, situations of her past continued to stream through but just melted away as they would pop up, it was like everything in her life was just being solved all the while also receiving information.

She silently just observed all and decided she was going to stay in that state as long as possible to see how far it goes. As the hours passed by, she would go through moments of tears, laughter, and joy that were ever-increasing with no awareness of time at all. She was just being for the sake of being. There and nowhere at the same time. Many hours later, there was nothing but the light in pure form and she knew she was exactly that along where she came from. Enjoying every moment of it.

In the distance she heard a faint sound, the sound kept increasing bit by bit but never disturbing her peace and joy. After a while the momentum of the sound became obvious and her mind popped in to ask, “What in the world is that?”. The sounds of her surroundings came back and realizing that she wasn’t hearing anything in her physical world. She recognized the sound, “Wait I know this. Oh snap! My alarm!” It was 4:35 am and her alarm had been going off for quite a while to wake her up to go on her trip.

In a hurry, she got up to get ready but before that, she said “Light” which now came as a feeling and not a voice, and said “Thank you!”.

“Brazil! Here I come!”

Game Instructions:

Here we are in the shortest and the last step. Just as Estrella had less identification with the mind there was less to say and argue about. Something you’ll also quickly realize in your own experience.

This experience will show you the understanding of who you are, what you are, and where you come from. The light as in the state of it will be your guide. The place that will give you answers and the state that you’ll find the unique expression of who you are.

Let that be your guide.


Say I, feel it fully. Say, Love, let it fill you. Say Light, let it in fully.

Continue the process of I, Love, Light repeatedly until they are one.

Once they are one, do the opposite.

Say Light, Let it in fully, and feel it. Say, Love, let it expand the light. Say I, integrate it into your beingness.

Your go-to meditation to expand this will be:

Saying I/Love/Light combining everything into one and just allowing yourself to be in that state.

One last gift before you go, when you’re done with all this.

I/Love/Light get into that state and from there say the following:

“Light, spirit, I allow you to guide me towards my highest good. To show me my grandest gifts. To unlock my full potential. To experience knowingness and to fill me with divine love. It is so. Thank you.”





Wow, what a ride! This is one fantastic tool that I’m completely in awe of.

Since I started doing part 1 I kept having this enormous sadness that then went into being moved to tears that I didn’t understand until I realised it was releasing.

When I got to part 3 I thought initially that I was in a state of no mind, but realised after that I simply haven’t experienced that in a while (mechanisms of fear that I need to release) that it simply felt that way because my mind was much calmer.

I notice my tendency to want to be further than I am to prove something.

The most precious thing this has offered me is the ability to trust myself and do step one again and again and work on things as they come up so I can come back to here and eventually get to experience fully the meditation :smiley:

I’m really really grateful.


Interesting 24h! After attempting part 3 I had the choice of staying in a higher state to go about my day but I chose not with all sorts of justifications. Then for the rest of the day patterns were coming up and I was a mess :rofl:

There are so many things I accept as “my reality” that can be challenged and I’m only seeing the tip of the iceberg. I feel confused but determined to get more lucidity.


Apologies for spamming this thread!

Earlier today, I started challenging my current accepted notions of reality and releasing them. For a little while I felt amazing, I just knew that I could do/be anything I wanted.

On cue, the ego came in kicking and screaming so intensely that I completely lost my footing and believed that narrative fully. It took a while before I was able to remember that I don’t have to listen.

I meditated to Devic Intercession and started doing the process again.

The first time I did part 2 and 3 yesterday I didn’t know what to expect so answers came easily. However today my mind was very interested (it was even just narrating the process at one point, a la Brockmire, hilarious). I had to spend a looooong time there.

I got to part 3 eventually and that’s when the ego fired the big guns. I began having symptoms I haven’t had in ages and my heart was like a square wheel trying awkwardly to turn hahahah but I just felt…glee? I knew it was a sign to keep going. And I don’t know how to describe it but I just “absorbed” the symptoms.

That’s when my boyfriend made some noise (can’t help but wonder if I manifested that). I could have stayed there but decided to continue another time.

This is so exciting!


Where’s the update bro still haven’t forgotten about it :p