The Karma Crucible NFT

I picked up this NFT today for only a short time to trade it with someone else for another sold out NFT. In only the couple minutes of having ownership I could really feel the power and depth of it.

Afterwards I read this whole thread and only made it a stronger pull for me to get a copy for myself.

I have been hitting this sale window really hard and was planning to wait and just enjoy the many NFTs recently acquired. I ended up pulling the trigger anyways as the draw was too strong and it’s for my highest good so who cares!

Anyways, I ended up getting Karma Crucible #1 in the mint process and taking that as a sign I was supposed to get this :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Looking forward to experiencing it more over the next days, weeks and months!


Almost had a heart attack thinking I missed the sale today😭 luckily it wasn’t over.
I am now the owner of #103.
Just had to get this one, karma influences so many things honestly so I see life and receptivity to energy/fields improving

Just uploading so I can view at work 🪷 :fire:


2nd more proper review.

It took me days analyzing trying to understand what is happening. And now i have a much more clear idea of what else or how else this field is working for me and by proximity and entanglement my close family.

First of all take this as my personal experience, this field, particularly this one is very very personal, but i guess its still nice to read the evolution of different experiences and it might help us understand our own process (like i did not understand @abro 's experience but now i do because of similar situations)

-If i loop it just x 2 or 3 the ride is smooth, but id loop it 5 or 6 times sometimes even tho i am not one that loops a field like crazy, i did want to experience and push this one hard while going through a detox i decided to do while working with this field. So when i looped it a lot i was in pain. :grimacing:

-My legs specially, muscles stiffness, joint pain, even the veins were hurting. But i let it be just played the enhanced circulation or the circulatory engineer + acu-automaton, fascia etc

-my sigh got a lot better! (Im sure you can associate why)

-usually i feel my house clean clear and high vibrational due to all things i do play etc, but id still know from otuside the complex i live in 1 or 2 mts and beyond the world vibe felt dense or like in danger to be disrupted at any time, like Unprotected which im sure is all over the world.
I feel like its expanding its ratio (the good vibe) out there.

-i am much more open for interactions with people, ive had so much betrayals done to me in the past i lost trust, deep trust in people, like i would by nature still look for the good in people and give them the benefit of the doubt but still very guarded, which had pushed me almost to a complete isolation to be safe. I feel safe a lot safe now. Would this change the nature of those that are prone to betray others? I dont know, but the reason why i was so eager to get this audio was because i had blamed karma for a lot in the past, but a karma i was not fully directly in charge to bring upon me which sucked because i felt unable to fix it.

So in a lot of negative situations of all types i would find myself saying “why does this or that keeps happening to me or to my family or to my businesses or to etc etc? Im a good person! I dont understand blah blah… must be some sort of past lives karma or lineage karma because i cant get it”

That brings me to the “illumination” moment lol the biggest epiphany ive got so far with this.

Which has manifested in an unexpected way or weird. By bringing back those sucky moments or situations or conversations in the past but in a very mild form almost like a child’s poke with their little finger, and it comes with a “you should try again, you should solve that now, the path is free and open” kinda feeling or message.

It does not disrupt my current life. But it brings the awareness of the things that happened and got blocked by karma one way or another for me to take action again. And solve them or get them.

The thing is that i stopped feeling “why this or that” since i found Sapien Medicine. With all the processes or fields and assistance i finally started navigating life like a normal person, however all those situations brought havocs and left scars etc that i focused on healing clearing etc all these years. But at least i could go to sleep in peace, and actually have faith i could succeed eventually.

Now KC is bringing me back to those moments before SM, its an eerie feeling not gonna lie, i got last night a bit of PTSD because of one of them. But it was again… smooth to contemplate and confront.

And after i calmed, pondered and confronted it. I added the pieces ive experienced the past 2 weeks with this audio… and understood where this is pushing me to:

1, to fully clear and close chapters in my life for good.

2, to remember the dreams i left behind because i gave up trying, my life now is the result of that. Its a life i am “okaaaay” with and thankful for but i am not happy with i am not content, its empty, its not what i wanted to do, it does not utilize my potentials, it does not involve my inner child, it did not flourish in the way i wanted. Its bland, its the repetition of the same day. Same week, same month same year. It does not have spark nor deep Contentment. Specially after Pandemic it became a "if you have roof, food, health, job, (and extra $ to buy SM fields :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:) you are lucky, just be and hope for a better future conditions for all of us eventually, and with the fields that support a longer life, you could try again but somewhereeee thereee in the future. LITERALLY MY THOUGHT PROCESS

But now, with a pinch of nervousness im starting to plan and dream again because Karma Crucible is pushing me to build the life id WANT because the path is clearing, the obstacles being removed, the dark cloud above is dissipating to take full action!

Lastly, i want to share something very good and magical that i started just 4 days ago and what a big push forward im seeing.

My playlist for this is: (i dont use PONR anymore i feel KC does what is needed to clear before)

QKA x 1 (to absorb the KC better and to expand it beyond my aura)

The Root Cause x 2 (to understand how Karma played out in my life)

Karma C x 3 (well…)

Spare of Destiny x 3 (underrated field that also pushes to confront in this case the understanding of the outcomes by karma and to infuse me with power and strength to move forward and by doing it, it brings huge rewards)

The Myofascial Release and A x 3 (to fill the fascia thats being cleared by KC with holy oil and magic powers)

Crown of the Blessed x 3 (to get blessings from above in the new journey/life)

Angelic Guidance J and I x 3 (to get guidance for a new life , to get justice as bonus for the karma others brought upon by their actions, to get assistance when in doubt to persuit dreams)

KQC x 1 (to keep the energies of the audios working, vibrating and integrating in me)


I obviously play other fields throughout the day that compound with this playlist, but i wanted something solely focused on KC life restart!

You dont have to do it my way of course, best find your best suitable way, however i do strongly suggest the Myofascial Release and Anointing after the KC because KC def is releasing and clearing traumas, karma, baggages stored deep within the fascia/cells/tissues/muscles/etc so after clearing what best than to fill it up with holy oil? Cant get more magical than that ;) because remember what we vibrate inside is what vibrates outside and creates our reality. The echo of our cells.

This field is honestly #1 to have.


Thank you @Lunamoon22. From the depth of my heart. This is the review that finally pushed me to get the Nft for myself. Because I have the same struggle of having an okay-ish life. No real dreams. No spark. Not content.

it’s time to crucible the shit out of all the karma I acquired :fire:


This gave me goosebumps i felt it!!

:muscle: happy burning :fire: process and new life beginning! The one you want!


I think i need to add something to clarify a difference here:

I have always firmly believe as a patient and as a practitioner of holistic techniques that traumas are stored everywhere in the body, or that the pains felt in the body are the result of stuck trauma, and that even after resolving those traumas on a mental and emotional level, the scars leave traces within the body every where.

(I can imagine the huge transformation and benefits the owners of
:fleur_de_lis: Exclusive Luxury Wellness (Elite Resort private project)

Are getting :heart_eyes: specially if they also have KC) cheers to that project honestly!!

I also have The Crucible of Stored Trauma, its a beautiful audio that helped me release a lot of the traumas scars left in my body.

But what i feel with KC is a much deeper release, specially the unconscious traumas, adding the soul’s own baggage traces as well, i am not the creator and this is solely based on my speculation from what ive been feeling, but id risk to say that this is even transforming, clearing etc whatever you wanna call it my DNA, this is pulling a whole damage passed through genes, generational trauma and karma.

I wanted to add this in case you have Crucible of ST and are on the fence or dont see the why you might want this too or need it.

My personal advice is that if you feel like your life is going smooth and CoST is doing the job just fine, then great stick to it.
If you feel your traumas have only been developed in this lifetime and you are well aware or what when wrong when? Then stick to it.

However, believe when i say, this field here is massive. And we are just starting to see its work and unfolding way far beyond we can ever imagine.

And as per experience so far i can say one more time that this is freeing and dentangling (not as strong as me) but its rippling the effects without having this field, my close family.

Imagine changing the course of all the future generations through us? Changing the negative imprints that keep getting passed down the line.

again, just my speculations


Who hasnt tripped in this life with 1 or 10 potential partners that seemed and felt like omg this is it, only to realize eventually that those connections where karmic ones? Yeah those unfinished business that came following us in this life to deal with them?

Or those never ending platonic crushes that we attached a “soul connection and purpose” title that they or us seem to not be able to let go…

They all got Karmic debts imprinted.

To close chapters
To heal cords
To cut cords
To teach us lessons

And blah blah, im sure we all have read about that and or experienced it

How many times we dont click with people and we just dont like them no matter how good they seem to be or how hard they try to relate to us, we just - dont - like - them, and all about them annoy us?

And the other way around, some people just dont like us.

Or that relative that we have to accept because its “blood”

All of us that are in this spiritual quest have learned or come to understand that more likely there is karma or better some sort of karmic debt from other timelines and lives between us and the people we cant get along with.

I am noticing this phase of the KC work now.


i dont even have to do anything except to observe, and be open and if i want then embrace it or let it go (the feeling or the memories of things or people that i have seem to have a bitter encounter in this life)

For the ones linked to karmatic unresolved issues but that dont have any role in our life whatsoever…?

Sayonara the cord is getting burnt. And then im getting freer

The ones i had issues with because of karmatic debts and to whom i disconnected/ stopped talking to but should be a part of my story… are returning, or crossing paths again and the vibe is nice, clean, clear, happy.

How have i recognized this?

Dreams with them
Suddenly thinking and sometimes consistently of “them”
Third person trying to connect us in a very casual way
Be at places at the right same time than others

And then i keep feeling stagnant energy leaving my body, my health is improving, my mood is improving, my sleep nights are improving, food is settling much nicer, things are flowing faster, my heart gets warm for hourrrrs, theres this smirking smile now all the time, im simply getting back the me mentally and emotionally i was yearrsssss ago and that i thought i would never be again. I love evolving and being forward and renewed but the innocence, adventurous, curious and loving nature we all have when where are up to 20 its such a huge gift that is ripped away from us without consent and its so needed.

when people has hard feelings, ill intentions or simply thoughts, anger etc towards us they never go away if they dont purposely decide to forgive and forget and that stick to us in every cell and block us.

The people that we had a relationship or date that didnt work and were obsessed and simply could not let us go… block us…

All of that is being burned by this field.

I didnt know ive lost so much of me in this life, so much of me pulled in different directions without my consent.

Its ending. And im loving it.


You can also additionally tell your Higher Self and your Subconscious Mind that you are completely revoking any and all soul contracts and agreements ever made with anyone. In all lifetimes, all universes, all timeslines and all dimensions.

In the same way you have given consent “in the past”, you can now simply revoke it.

There is no real “unifinished business” or “unclosed chapters” in my opinion when you realize that you have actual free will and that you can always make a new decision.

If your Higher Self does not like it that you are revoking all the existing plans in place, you can use this as a negotiational power to make adjustments in your incarnational life plan.

And also to remind it that free will is more important than any plan in place.

That’s how free will works.
It can disrupt all the plans in place and affect many souls at the same time who were tied to those plans.

But ultimatively, free will is the highest good to have, because that’s what true freedom is about.

And without developing real free will, how could your Higher Self ever have become a true sovereign being in the first place?
You see, by developing real free will, you are giving your Higher Self exactly that which it initally came here to grow in the first place.
You are doing the hard work down here while being physically incarnated.

If your desire to be totally free is stronger than any care you may have for the world, others and beloved ones, then you will have no problem revoking any contracts and promises ever given to them.

You say “Thank you” and move on.

After revoking, listen to Etheric Cord Cutter.

And then, the magic happens.
The more real free will you excercise, the more your and your Higher Self’s perspectives become aligned.
Which leads to you, with your new found free will, also making some of the choices and decisions that your Higher Self would also make (and has already made).

So in a sense, you are learning to make free choices.
And when you have mastered learning making free choices, you become your own sovereign Higher Self.
And the Higher Self decides to go on a “making free choices learning tour” by incarnating into harsh physical environments.
So it can become the Higher Self that it already is.

Lol, it is crazy to explain because the process happens on a level outside of time space, so it is hard for me to explain in human 3d words.




Yeah brother ive tried all of that.

I know you dont believe in the concept of Karma and thats ok.

But ive tried all and my connection to my Higer Self is very strong.

But this goes beyond everything i could manage so im glad im using it.

Thank you for the tips!

And i was talking about unfinished business from other timelines.

Also you said it yourself to someone about us being just a tiny part of our full higherself.

Everybodys process is different, and if after years of not doing it this is pushing my evolution further then ill take it, until i have reached the level of being one in full with the higherself in the mean time i want to have a happy life.

After is after what is now its what matters to me and i know thats another thing you dont agree with but its how i like it :D present moment always.


I do believe in unprocessed subconscious stuff and unhealed trauma…
…with all their implications on the energy body and other souls.

“Cause and effect” is a usual consequence of not being aware of this unprocessed stuff and a consequence of not being aware of one’s free will to change all of this.

So for me, “Cause and effect” is like a symptom of previous choices itself, but not a universal law set in stone.

I believe that the power to manifest reality, the power of true free will and the power of the source’s universal grace are all stronger than “cause and effect”.

That’s what I believe.

If that is what people call “karma” then our definitions are not that far away.
My definition simply goes beyond the simple “cause and effect” and “linear time perception” and reveals forces much stronger than what most believe about the “inevitability of karma”.

I don’t have this NFT, but my intuition tells me that it is doing exactly that: process all the unprocessed stuff.

Wait, I never said that.
What I am always saying is that what matters is what you are consciously choosing.


I mean i mean that you work hard to change the future lives and evolution by pushing yourself hard in this one.

I am not weak, but man i am so glad im getting a real break through in this life.

I wanted this peace.

Once i take back my life in fully charge as i want then other levels of push and evolution will start. Ill start them.

Also adding to that because i think is a great discussion @JAAJ having to have to constantly revoke cords and stuff with others is a hella job. Hundreds of people gets attached to us again and again even if we cut cords and revoke the connection they leach on to us again

This field is doing it for you and much faster and tones of things revoked and burnt.

You just dont fully see it because you are not working with this field.

But i fully agree and understand your 3D human explanation ;) and what you couldnt convey in words


Did that once in regards to negative programming and energys. Clearing everything from subc., aura, all realitys and timelines.

Slept 18h straight after that. pretty exhausting adjustment.

But I´ve noticed that people treated me way better than before.


to the brave souls who own this NFT, but extra especially you who’ve done the deep shadow walking, whatever your method and you add this to the :fire: well, I salute you. At the right juncture of incarnation, this is relentless. It is an incredibly deep ride but it is so welcome.

I’ve started to use the love graviton when I want gentler results, as hinted at by @Maoshan_Wanderer I feel as it gives and sends the love out to the nooks and crannies of the cosmos it might be a nice karmic balancer when an easier walk is desired :green_heart:


Since you want this

Have you tried this version?

Or is it the one you are using?

If not maybe that one would potentiate this for you:


The love graviton on energetic alchemy

Love graviton


New experiment - this with Justice for All. Wish me luck :crossed_fingers::sweat_smile:




Have a try at the Mass Med field after Karma Crucible man.

The two complete each other very well


Thanks man! Is this due to the giving aspect?

Yes, I really like it for the positive karma aspect, the love that permeates it and the good feeling that we’re all in this together :muscle:

Though it’s important to ground after the two