The Language of the Birds

The Language of the Birds

In the mystical landscape of spiritual and religious life, rituals and prayer services stand as profound expressions of human faith and existential inquiry. Their essence transcends mere ritualistic observance; they are eloquent dialogues with the deeper realms of the subconscious mind. This exploration seeks to unravel the enigmatic nature of these practices, unveiling their role as conduits of symbolic communication, often referred to in Occult and Hermetic wisdom as the “language of the birds.” or the Green language.

At the heart of rituals and prayer services lie symbols and gestures rich in esoteric meaning, surpassing the confines of conventional language. Echoing Carl Jung’s insights, these symbols emerge from the collective unconscious, embodying universal human experiences and archetypal energies. Elements such as water, fire, and ceremonial movements are imbued with profound symbology. While they might elude the grasp of the conscious mind, they resonate at a visceral level within the subconscious, echoing the deep-seated truths of our existence.

Psychological and neurological research has illuminated the distinct ways in which the subconscious mind engages with and assimilates information. It exhibits a heightened receptivity to metaphorical and symbolic content, a phenomenon extensively explored in dream analysis. For instance, a 2019 study in the “Journal of Analytical Psychology” highlighted how symbolic rituals can catalyse significant psychological transformations, speaking to the subconscious in a primal language far more potent than ordinary speech.

In the mystical corridors of Hermetic and occult traditions, the “language of the birds” stands as a metaphor for a sacred, enigmatic language that communicates profound truths through symbols. This arcane tongue addresses the soul directly, circumventing the analytical filters of the rational mind. It is an intuitive, experiential form of knowledge transmission, manifesting in rituals and prayers through an intricate dance of symbols, gestures, and actions, each carrying a weight of meaning beyond the capacity of words.

The influence of these symbolic interactions on the conscious mind is profound and transformative. While the intellect may not fully decipher the depths of these rituals or prayers, the subconscious mind acts as a silent interpreter, assimilating and integrating these experiences. This subtle yet powerful process can reshape perceptions, emotions, and behaviours. A 2021 study in the “International Journal of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences” revealed that participants engaging in regular spiritual rituals experienced enhanced well-being and a sense of inner tranquillity, pointing to a subconscious influence on their conscious reality.

This journey of understanding can be viewed as an inverse form of learning, where insights are not gleaned through direct intellectual pursuit but through immersion in a sea of symbols. Knowledge in this context is not taught but profoundly experienced, felt in the soul’s depths, often eluding verbal articulation. Over time, this leads to an intuitive grasp of the spiritual truths these practices symbolize, a wisdom that is more sensed than spoken.

In essence, rituals and prayer services are not merely spiritual acts; they are intricate dialogues with the subconscious mind. Employing the language of the birds, they transmit knowledge and wisdom in a deeply intuitive manner. This symbolic communication profoundly impacts the conscious mind, fostering psychological and emotional evolution. In an era where rational and verbal discourse is often exalted, when you recognize and valuing the power of this symbolic language, new horizons for personal and spiritual enrichment manifest.
This language once you begin to understand it, becomes a everyday part of your life. The Green Language of the soul is symbolic in nature.


YESSSSSSS @Dreamweaver

everyone NEEDS to reconnect with this.


Amazing! Love this. Are there more?

@moderators Can we have a Dream Muse section where all of Dream’s writings and YT videos can be added in one place?


True knowledge of thyself and life.

Ask and you shall receive.


@Zen :relieved:


Are these new vids fielded?

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@Dreamweaver can you elaborate how someone can develop this ability (again)?


all these things work because of the human collective unconscious.
its actually better to keep it pretty simple.

but what is required to see this
the realization of it.
that is probably the first step really,
meditate and contemplate this whole idea.

slowly it will start making more sense to you until it hits you all together.
that is the ‘realization’ of it.
(and what realizations are)
the language of course will be personal to you.
and the story will make sense to you

The most important part of this, is to keep your wits about you
and do not attach too deep of meaning to it.
that it overtakes your everyday life