πŸ’Ž The Last Kryptonian NFT

A private project.


Congratulations! :woman_superhero:


How is team Kryptonian doing?

I fell off the bandwagon for a bit and focused on Panchanga Yoga alone for a bit and then the new muscle fields.

Now getting back to my NFTs again…


Hello. Any intel on this? Would it suit an athlete wanting to help level up their performance naturally?

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Appears no one uses this? Whould it seek to go beyond Super Serum? Could the human body/mind change that much?

Knowing the effectiveness of other Sapiens audios, I suppose that if it is possible to achieve all the skills and abilities it promises, the question is when are you going to use those abilities (physical and mental) and if you will work on accelerating the process by exercising, challenging your Limits every chance you get. Personally, with the super serum I felt that I no longer needed it because I had the physique I wanted and what I suppose was the β€œtransformation” was too much for my body at that moment that asked me for food even though according to me I ate much more than before. and it left me sore and without energy. The time came when I sold it to someone who at that time wanted it more than anything and I guess we all won. Anyway, I suppose that in the future I will buy several NFTs just to collect them, their designs are amazing and I still keep my old laminated NFTs.


I have always wondered what the evolution of someone physically disciplined would be like along with all those physical fields. If anyone has an experience like that, it would be great to share it.


Is anyone has PDF file for Kryptonian?