The Law of Assumption Meets Morphic Fields: The Ultimate Mind-Meld?

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It’s me again! I know I said this would be next month’s newsletter post, but I was just kidding! It seems the morphic fields couldn’t wait to reshape this content into existence sooner. It’s like the universe just couldn’t resist pulling a prank on my scheduling.

Welcome, anyway, to another edition!
This month (yep, same month), we’re diving into the quirky, the kooky, and the downright mystifying intersections of consciousness, the Law of Assumption, and those fabulous things called morphic fields. So, buckle up, because we’re about to take a wild ride through the cosmos of the mind!

Apart from the 34,565,432 billion videos about this Law on YouTube, I thought I’d add my own unique take. Because clearly, the internet was facing a Crisis on Infinite Earths-level catastrophe of too few opinions, and I’m here to save the multiverse with mine.

The Law of Assumption: The Power of Positive Thinking… on Steroids?

If you’ve ever woken up and decided that today you’re a billionaire, congratulations, you’ve experienced the Law of Assumption! This nifty mental hack, popularized by Neville Goddard, suggests that by assuming the feeling of your wish fulfilled, you can manifest your desires. Essentially, it’s like tricking your brain into believing you’re already living your best life, and the universe plays along like an enthusiastic improv partner.

Imagine waking up, donning your best pajamas, and assuming you’re a world-renowned astronaut. You grab your coffee mug and—voilà!—you’re sipping from an intergalactic space chalice (Just ignore the bewildered looks from your neighbors; they just don’t understand your cosmic brilliance).

Morphic Fields: The Wi-Fi of the Universe

Enter morphic fields, a concept proposed by biologist Rupert Sheldrake. Think of them as the universe’s Wi-Fi network—an invisible field that connects all living things. According to Sheldrake, these fields carry the habits and patterns of nature, allowing species to “tune in” and learn from each other without sending texts or smoke signals.

Now, imagine these fields as a kind of cosmic playlist. By vibing with the right morphic field, you could potentially access the greatest hits of human consciousness—like finally nailing that perfect omelet recipe (always with onion, please) or mastering the art of small talk at parties (Who needs social anxiety when you’ve got the collective experience of humanity on speed dial? Or Charles Xavier guiding you?)

The Consciousness Conundrum: It’s All in Your Head… Or Is It?

Ah, consciousness, the final frontier. Some say it’s the root of all reality, others say it’s just what happens when your brain is caffeinated (but what do I know? I only drink Colacao, because as a Spaniard, my idea of haute cuisine is adding extra chocolate powder to my milk). But when you mix it with the Law of Assumption and morphic fields, things get truly psychedelic.

Picture this: You assume you’re a master chef, and through the magic of morphic fields, you suddenly “download” the culinary expertise of Gordon Ramsay. You toss your pasta like an Italian nonna and season your dishes with the confidence of a thousand cooking shows. But beware: just as easily, you could accidentally tap into the morphic field of your last failed cooking attempt, resulting in a burned soufflé and a kitchen disaster. The universe, it seems, has a sense of humor.

(I’m more of a Jamie Oliver guy anyway).

Newsletter Q&A: Navigating the Mind’s Matrix

Q: Can I use the Law of Assumption to assume I’ve already found my lost keys?
A: Absolutely! Just assume they’re already in your pocket. Worst case scenario, you end up checking your pockets repeatedly and invent a new dance move.

Q: What if I accidentally tune into a morphic field of bad fashion sense?
A: Oh boy, fashion is definitely in the eye of the beholder! But if your closet starts looking like a rejected costume rack from a 90s boy band music video—think neon tracksuits, sequined fanny packs, and frosted tips—you might want to reevaluate your cosmic connections. Then again, you could embrace it and become the avant-garde trendsetter who brings back shoulder pads and parachute pants. Just remember, even if you’re dressed like a glow stick, confidence is the best accessory!

Q: Can morphic fields help me with my awkwardness around pigeons?
A: Absolutely! Just tap into the “smooth operator” field, and you’ll be strutting through the park with the suave confidence of a pigeon pied piper. One minute, you’re awkwardly dodging bird droppings and channeling your inner Dr. Dolittle (Picture it: you stroll through the park, cooing gently, and the pigeons line up like you’re auditioning for a remake of Mary Poppins); the next, you’re leading a synchronized pigeon flash mob to the beat of “Uptown Funk.” Who knows? You might even land a gig as the world’s first pigeon DJ, spinning tracks while your feathered friends coo along. Just be careful not to become too popular, or you’ll have a flock of fans following you everywhere… giving you a lot of literal shit crap.

Final Thoughts: The Cosmic Joke

As we venture through these delightfully absurd concepts, remember: the universe might just be one gigantic cosmic joke. Whether you’re assuming your way to success or tuning into morphic fields, don’t forget to laugh. After all, if the universe is a stage, we’re all living in a Jim Carrey movie—The Truman Show, to be exact. We’re all just actors in a set where “Good morning, and in case I don’t see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!” is the motto. So, embrace the cosmic script, keep a sense of humor, and remember: the universe is watching, and it’s probably laughing at you right along with you!

Until next time, keep assuming, keep connecting, and most importantly, keep your sense of humor. The universe is full of surprises, and who knows? Maybe one day, you’ll wake up and assume you’ve mastered the art of newsletter writing (Hey, it kind of worked for me… or I have assumed this to be the case).

Stay assumed,

The Hungry One

P.S. Remember, always assume the best, and if things don’t go your way, just blame it on a bad Wi-Fi connection to the cosmic morphic fields.

Little Advice: Reset the router! Just like with your Wi-Fi, sometimes you’ve got to turn it off and on again. Who knows? Maybe the universe just needs a quick reboot to get your cosmic connection back in action. So, give yourself a mental power cycle, and if that doesn’t work, try a cosmic reset button—or just get a really good snack and try again.