The Litany Against Loneliness

Ok, so my very first experience with this audio.

I listened about 7 times a few hours ago. During the listening, I felt a mix of sadness, comfort and hope. I would describe it as the feeling of looking at the stars and the clear sky just after a thunderstorm has passed, or the feeling of being a child and being comforted by your mum after crying your heart out.

After listening however a few interesting things are happening - it’s mostly experiences from the past coming up, in a very nice way. I spent some time with my boyfriend and we shared funny stories from our childhood, my brother posted a picture of us when we were little, and I’ve had some (minimal) online contact with some friends from the past I haven’t seen in years - it’s been three people in the span of a few hours - and I’m feeling like I could contact them again just to see how they are.


The music is very soothing. As always right on time. What a beautiful blessing :heart:


Wonderfull. Thank You :dizzy:

Everyone feels lonely sometimes even with loving people around.

I was feeling blue some days ago and i felt so lonely even though im lucky to have people around me that care for me .

Its such a lonely place sometimes.

Absolutely wonderfull gift.:blue_heart:


:white_heart: from YouTube


This is the ultimate depression fighting tool we have. Feels like a warm hug from a loved one. I love the fact it tackles the issues both physically with the neurotransmitters and alchemically with the revision techniques!


Could this entirely replace the “Depression Begone” field?



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K thx!


Tried this field today. Worked even better for me than depression begone and made me feel comfortable in my own skin. Loneliness is a huge issue in our world today especially in big metropolitan cities.


If I had to guess, I would say no,
I think that depression and loneliness are two separate feelings.
Depression is a state, and you can feel a lot of strong emotions like anger, anxiety…sadness, loss of interest in life… I think the loneliness is the aftermath of all of this roller-coaster


Thank you for your elaborate response! :slight_smile:


Yeah sure!
It’s actually a valid question, and reading your comment drived me to look it up and clarify things for myself :blush:
There are different articles and other resources you can find about this topic if it is something that interest you.

(the answer I gave was very general and vague in comparison to the more precise information you can find online)


:pray: :heart:


Thats nice…

I think loneliness is the emotional manifestation of an absence of love. Remaining in such a state leads to depression. Despite being more connected than ever historically, through social media, technological advancements, etc, we have a higher propensity to such feelings as loneliness, due to us being able to be bombarded with so much data. If said data is then news channels vying for your attention, and knowing that generally bad news have a higher CTR or more views in general, on average we consume a disproportionate amount of bad news in a day. Or perhaps, not even bad news per se, simply news or data that we don’t wish to see. Flooded with this, and the modern lifestyle, much of our time socializing happens through screens and devices (like me writing here now lol). This time not spent in actual human social interactions eventually then feels larger and sort of looming. You can test this, for instance, by not going out for 3 days and checking yourself, how you feel.

On top of that, the virus situation in the past few years has exacerbated these symptoms even further, where the families couldn’t meet due to “social distancing”. That term in itself sounds eery…

I mentioned above that loneliness is the absence of love. In this context, love can mean anything from romantic love, to friendship, to family, to love for life itself, love for yourself, etc. Thats why I recommend to reach out to friends whom you might not have spoken in some time. Just checking on how they are doing can often lead to nice conversations. Also having fun helps tremendously. I routinely make memes at work (well, when i have the time) about my colleagues to gauge their sense of humour :smiley: You know, its not that they are brutal memes in any ways, just funny enough to trigger a reaction.

I also highly recommend to simply talk to strangers, compliment a good nice outfit, be curious about the world and different cultures. All these lead to more pleasant feelings inside the heart and thus more love is being saturated into our lives. It is often very surprising and somewhat disheartening when you hear that somebody might have never gotten a genuine compliment (and its so easy to give, right?). Some fundamental human virtues we could bring back to light. Oftentimes people are so grateful for a display of kindness.

Well anyways, a bit off-topic. This field is awesome :pray:


This is really helpful.

I’m sure most of us wake up in one or more days, and start feeling empty, life seems to be ok but there is just a dreadful void lingering inside you and you can’t help but feel it.

This reminds me that I am not alone in this journey and helps me get back on my feet momentarily and proceed.


…insights from this go perfectly hand in hand with:


does this eliminate the need to have close friends and relationships?

Of course not, having friends and relationships is a fundamental human need


hard to find in this day and age. hope soul tribe comes through soon :pray:

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It does have certain benefits in certain patterns (sorry for the ambiguity).

But let’s say, when I play this, I act a bit more like how I would act if there were people around. But I feel no anxiety. And with people I always feel anxiety.

So I think, over time, it could change how I feel around people. I mean, with this field I don’t have the fear of being judged, but it is almost like company.

I’m not explaining it properly, apologies. But it is a key field for me.

It is good, just use it and see if it doesn’t change your behaviour but also how you feel and if you don’t prefer that way of being over your regular one.