Subconscious Limits Removal Ver 3.0 (Patreon)

From the field description


How do I get rid of a limiting belief thats been with me for as long as I can remember and all my experiences in my life has confirmed this belief? Sammy says to feel it as the truth but thats the thing I don’t know what that feels like

This is my intelligence, all my life ive had trouble thinking thoughts, ive abused my brain a fuck ton and ive failed at everything in my life and have no achievements or goals (Except for trying to become smarter)

I dont understand how to get rid of this belief when its all ive ever known pls help bc i think its blocking my full results with brain fields. listening to revision of genius rn hope it will help. SLR 3.0 is powerful as hell, its brought up some heavy stuff


Archetype of Parental love
Childhood Revision
Depths of your soul

Something like these fields are good


Alchemical revision of genius and Plasma Brain of Youth !! Plus subconscious limits removal of course


Can you articulate the actual belief you think you have?

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TikTok is brain rot content🤢


Like literally.

People who are using this app are literally losing IQ points.
One of the worst forms of self sabotage…


That I’m not intelligent

I think that is related to the core wound of not being enough. That needs love, stems from need of approval. So Owl recommendations were on point.

“I am” meditation. Finding the I am without anything added like I am X.

“Why am I enough/lovable/worthy? Why is the universe a friendly place? When did I first judge myself? Who was I before judging myself? Who was I before feeling unsafe/unloved/unworthy/not enough?”

Now…these pointers may be totally useless cause the core wound is a lifelong endeavor psychologically. Luckily for us we don’t just use psychology and muggle paradigms but energy, spirit and magic.

The things I can’t change about myself are features of the mind and ego. They are innate to them. So I can’t change my wiring…it uses the reality of what the mind and ego is to never let go and reinforce itself.

I think Pachanga Yoga, and crucible of mental space may be the only fields that work for that. This is just my latest realization though but you may want to think about it…why is it that some things can’t be changed. Sometimes it is cause they can’t. Not how one would think of them, at least. I think, trauma healing eventually would work…without directly tackling those mind/ego features.

Also just be kinder to yourself. If you’re using those fields I’m sure you’re better off than many people and better off than me.

I grew up with the belief I’m smart but now I’m not. Things change. So let them.


First of all, what’s your own definition of intelligence?
This is a very important question to ask yourself, because it’s probably your biggest limiting factor.

Why do you believe you’re not intelligent? Maybe because you’re not academically good? Because you’re easily distracted and can’t focus? Because you don’t understand difficult concepts?
What could you become if you removed this limitation?
There is surely a reason why you want to tackle this limiting belief you have, validated by your own life circumstances.

This is you starting point. As soon as you start reflecting to these concepts, you will realize it’s all a reflection of societal expectations and environment, lack of self love and trauma.
Let me guess: you are young (just like me) and grew up with social media and endless dopamine consuming and brain frying distractions. Your peers are all brainwashed to think like society wants them to think. The conversations are empty and meaningless, and you have trouble relating to others, because there is and endless cycle of scrolling, watching stupid content, talking about that stupid content.

What can you do about it? How is this related with your limiting belief? Well, limiting beliefs are blocks in your subconscious mind that prevent you from doing whatever you want and feeling whatever you want. And the environment you’re in is extremely important in creating these limitations. Start by removing or reducing all the crap that actually limits your intelligence. No more stupid Netflix shows, stupid songs, stupid short content videos. Delete social media if you have to. Use your free time to EXPAND YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS. Society wants you to be as soulless as possible. Learn new things and study this forum HARD , meditate, spend time in nature, take care of your physical body.
As soon as you do that, you will begin to become the master and the creator of your own reality, because no one is forcing you to keep living like you’re, if you don’t like it.
You think it’s a coincidence you stumbled upon this forum and these powerful instruments?
Begin your self love journey. Tackle your trauma and insecurity. Have a plan. Be consistent. The meditation Sammy wrote is an incredible and invaluable starting point to become free :v:


Thank you so much

On top of the awesome messages above, PU has a field named “intelligence liberation”.

You are very intelligent. :slight_smile:


+1 Alchemical Revision of Genius


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My friend, I get what you’re feeling and exactly what you’re speaking of. I’m glad you asked this because I know you are not the only one. If this belief is all your mind knows and you have so many experiences to back up this belief as being ‘true’ then it can be very hard to feel the opposite as being truth. There are so many walls blocking that feeling.

Here’s the truth, what we are doing with feeling our preferred thought patterns as truth is giving these new patterns the structure they need. It’s like giving your mind the material it needs to start building this new way of thinking for you. But this is not possible without making peace with your old pattern.

Your old pattern is as you say your ‘intelligence.’ It’s the only base of reference you have and all you understand and know. The problem with this base of reference is that it is also code of ‘i cant do this, im not this, i cant be this’ and so on, based on your past experiences the thought patterns they produced. This base of reference is made up of many walls that limit you from tapping in to your full potential.

I make a very big deal out of acknowledgement, acceptance and making peace with these patterns because it is the only way you can dissolve these walls. For example, let’s say I believe I am ugly and unsociable and can never find a partner because of this. Before I ever start to gain any confidence, I need to accept that I look the way I look. I need to accept socialize the way I do. I need to even accept that I have limiting beliefs about this. This means… when the thought of how I look or the fact I suck at socializing comes up, I am okay with the thought and don’t fight it or feel uncomftorable with it. I accept the feelings it brings up. I accept my situation and I am comftorable with it. Why?

Because It is through this acceptance and owning my history and who I am up to this point, that your mind begins to open up to change. When you are rejecting yourself, you are moving against yourself. When you are accepting yourself, you are moving in your present flow and have the openness to choose a new path for yourself.

Like man, all your failures and all that destruction you’ve caused your brain. In rejecting all of that and feeling it’s all limited you and is the reasoning behind the sad state you are in, you are telling yourself you cannot move forward and change yourself. Even your past that confirms your beliefs is still… just your past. You can still rewrite your future but so as long as you tell yourself you can’t change your future because of your past, your subconscious will agree and abide by that.

So it is in the acceptance… in that comfort with all your failures, all the brain damage, all the memories you have that justify your limiting beliefs… that you dissolve the flow of resistance within you. The part of you that doesn’t allow your mind to think and feel new thoughts opposite to those that you have known for so long.

That is why I structured the SLR 3.0 practice the way I did. It’s to help people to get to flow of acceptance because that is essential. It is when you become ‘ok’ with the thoughts and memories that you had negative assosciations to, that you stopped being triggered by them. That they stop being limitations and just become… normal thoughts that don’t affect you.


And now, I got another tip. Sometimes, people just don’t know what something feels like so its hard for them to imagine what it would feel like. You can structure any imaginative feeling through your memories. It’s a bit of a hack.

So for example, if you are trying to install the pattern of being abundant. And lets say you try to install through the mantra ‘i want what i have, i have what i want, i have what i want, i want what i have’

You think about something you had in the past that you actually wanted. Like for example, you had a great video game and you wanted to play it all the time. You would tap into the feeling of having the game you wanted, and then the feeling of wanting to play the game you had.

Then remember that feeling and when imagining having abundance, feel that same feeling while imagining having an amazing career or business that rakes in lots of money, big house, money flowing in from all kinds of things, a beautiful family, great friends ext… That same feeling of having what you want, wanting what you have applied to these things you imagine.

So yes, you can use feelings from different memories in your affrimations/visualizations to help push your imagination in the right direction. Even if you never experienced something, you can still use the same feelings from different kinds of memories for it. Like if you want a partner but never had one, you can use the feeling of being loved by a family member, or even the memory of you loving someone and feel… being loved by someone that loves you owhen you do those affirmations/visualizations. Heck, for self love, use that ‘love’ towards yourself!

Remember, these feelings you put into your affirmations/visualizations help structure your new thinking patterns. It’s like you downloading the new kinds of thoughts your subconscious takes in and makes part of your normal thinking and also manifest into your reality. It’s rathher necessary I’d say.


Thanks guys for all the advice, your all awesome af <33

I wanna ask a question though, has anyone managed to remove all limiting beliefs about themselves?? If so, what does that feel like and how is your life now ?

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If you have the time, it would benefit you to give yourself the opportunity to write out a list of beliefs that are upholding this intelligence belief.

I will list the core beliefs and then some possible additional beliefs you may have upholding the core belief

Such as:
I am not capable, I am not capable of changing my intelligence, I am not capable of becoming more intelligent, I do not have the capacity to change my intelligence (no matter what I do/try)

I am inadequate, no natter what I do I am always inadequate, no matter what I do my intelligence/knowledge is always inadequate for my/the circumstance/project/

I am insufficient, my level of intelligence is insufficient

I am not good enough, I am not good enough with the level/degree of intelligence I have, my current intelligence is not good enough, I am not good enough to change my intelligence

It’s never enough, No matter what I do, it’s never enough my intelligence doesn’t change, It doesn’t matter if I do XYZ, it’s never enough, my intelligence does not change

If you can really dig around the beliefs, you will find lots of little sneaky beliefs that solidify and uphold the core belief

You don’t need to find every single one, but if you belief -

“It doesn’t matter what I do, my intelligence (my money, my relationships) does not change”
well then it won’t change and that belief is actually more “limiting” than the belief “I am not intelligent”, because you are completely wiping out any possibility of change, development, advancement.

You can also use incremental or stepping stone beliefs -

I am willing to believe it is possible to become more intelligent
I am willing to believe it is possible for me to improve my intelligence
I am willing to believe i have the capacity/capabilities to change my intelligence/become more intelligent

Hope this helps :cherry_blossom: :pray:


This feels more like a Gumroad release than a free YouTube field.

SLR 2.0 messed with my digestion so badly I wasn’t able to use it all that much, but SLR 3.0 is both more gentle on me and the effects far more noticable/powerful.

I gradually worked the number of listens up, now I’m able to use all day via my broadcaster.

Oftentimes I feel so light now that I can noticably feel subtle air currents on my skin. I love it.