The Magician (1.0)

Yes and furthermore, from an online resource which has overall good indications:

The Devil

In spite of their “spooky” names and/or designs (for some decks), I wouldn’t “worry” about The Devil and The Death cards as much as I would with The Tower or The Knight of Swords (under certain circumstances). But vast topic anyway, so I stop.


It would show you what things in your life you think you are chained to or slave under, but really aren’t.


It would be awesome to just replace all tarot cards with tracks - take out all the words , stories, visuals and analytical “processing” and let the tone does the job.

We need another album (using similar harmonics used on this one) for accelerated switching into preferred parallel realities.

Agreed. Super fast changes reflected in the external. Very pleased with the effects.

PS do you think it’s dream’s voice singing “mooooonliiiighttttt :musical_note::grinning:?

yeah i think it is, “mooooonliiiighttttt’’ :upside_down_face:

Lol I was waiting for this pun to be brought up here,

But definitely not only Moonlight :grinning:

In fact I was just thinking how I admire Captain’s choice of words. You’re there playing your favorite music and then all of a sudden comes up a wake up nudge :smiley:

It’s Alriiighttt
Sunshine, just a little sunshine just a little warmth to help me breathe. :four_leaf_clover: My way of being is changing to the beat~~

Alllll I know :wink:


True. The idea of Dream as a person/creator/sage who’s working behind the veil in our shared reality with us here does directly activate (or reflect) the moon energy within in all of us (we do carry all 22 consciousness archetypes within, it was easier for human mind to project it onto “cards” to help work with these externally until they are fully realized and integrated within).

So he’s revealing his voice on this particular track (coincides with appearances on our recent group zoom calls) to help us bring out our own true voice illuminated by moon energy.

I’m now working on creating my own music - thanks to permission slip (aka his voice) on this track.

Sidebar note: there are other people who popped up from the past out of nowhere after I listened to these tracks. Each one reflected the energy of specific cards (to confirm activation of these energies within you need reflection on the external in the form of people or events - that’s how you know you’ve accomplished internal change)


but all the tracks where you hear voices are mine :thinking:


@Captain_Nemo So you sing in multiple octaves, very impressive shapeshifting competence.

My fav : “I’LL MAKE THE SPEAKERS POP” (The Star 0:36):stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::sunglasses:

You make the fall down this rabbit hole called “self discovery” very exciting and intriguing. Thank you :eye:


I cant buy Magician on Amazon,or Apple music,could it be uploaded somewhere I can use visa or mastercard?I am on android,also paypal is good.I believe that Magician field makes me manifest easy,everyone write ur experiences.

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Not sure if it’s going to help but just to share, I used iTunes to purchase mine. Just loaded my account with an iTunes gift card.

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It’s not on iTunes anymore. I’m trying to buy it but can’t find it.


Thank You! Apparently it is on iTunes, I just didn’t see it. Apple Music redirected me to where it was on iTunes


Wish there was a way to purchase these fields :confused:


Sometimes the Tower is good in sense that it could be a sudden unexpected change that is for your highest good in the long run. Sometimes people need a Tower moment to change.


I have seen The Magician and other fields from Energetic Alchemy on Amazon. You can purchase from there.


I just bought it on iTunes


Ohh thank you very much! Will be buying lots of stuff when I get home from work :slight_smile:

Been wanting to add alot of stuff to my night playlists :slight_smile:



You can’t download the mp3 file to your phone when you buy it :’) just bought arcana album, ahh i feel like getting some one to hack it for me to download all the songs i want! (After purchasing it of course lol)