The Magician NFT: Testimonials

Could you list more ways of working with it?


I found that when I was searching for a solution, especially for another, Magician acted almost like a servitor - pulling in answers, directing energies and giving wonderful ideas. I just asked for his help and asked that he work in concert with my other “cosmic companions” to assist in solving the problem. His answer would lead to more ideas that would come spontaneously. I also put Arcturus in charge of the companions and Magician worked wonderfully well with the alchemical part. A blessing! :slight_smile:


For example:

Hold it in your hands and focus on the feeling of the end result that you want to manifest.
Speak with intent to the field that it shall support the manifestation of what you want and that it shall help to guide you to the right action at the right time and what angle to use best to address the manifestation of this particular goal.


You can also use the audio and if you are into making lists of your alchemical projects, look over the list while you are listening to the audio. If you have the tarot deck, using the awesome pic of the Magician that serves as the back of the deck would be a wonderful matrix to concentrate on for your manifestation.


Was there an audio component for the NFT?


No, it was on youtube. Archana Archetypes Album


Ah I see

Exactly, if you “know” how to do this, this is enough.
If you’re sensitive, you can feel the elemental alchemy working as soon as your intention becomes clear, as well as power/energy being “pulled in” or… “rising” or whatever you want to call it.

You have to be able to hold the intention for a bit.


Exploring this nft now

Got this piece of nft


Woops woops :joy: considering it lucky

No idea either from this nft or enhanced glory or my luck sigil.

Just went to my getty account and saw 14 viewers and someone bought 4 of my pictures :grin: could this from this nft? Coincidence? Maybe either way I am happy :rofl:


Just want to give some update that I feel it is from this nft.

I just loved it :face_with_hand_over_mouth: this is the nft that I won’t sell or trade. No thank you :grin:it’s a lifetime nft for me for this one.

I feel it in my heart. A sense of hope and knowing that my manifestation will come. Which is extremely very helpful. Because no matter how much you trying to manifest but you don’t feel it in your heart. That’s going to slow down the process.

But this nft lifted that energy and making it more relaxed. Knowing that I know. It’s here😀

I use the audio magician before. But I don’t feel much from it. With this nft. It kicks faster. Completely just feel different. This one is stronger

Just love it. Just happy I own this and feeling grateful


Anyone any updates on their work and results with The Magician? :slightly_smiling_face:


Where is audio of this NFT? Today i got to know this also has an audio.

No audio with this NFT.


i see.

As mentioned in my previous testimonial this field made me much more experimental in my approach to things. Playing with ideas and concepts, putting them to the test and throwing away the things that don’t work and expanding on the things that do. Stronger ability to set intentions etc.


For manifesting the “impossible”, or that is getting to a reality or universe that is a match for your desire,

Would this Magician NFT or the Solidifier be best purposed for such goals?

Having this one, I’m on the fence with getting the latter.

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Greetings dear friends… I recently bought The magician from a forum member…unfortunately the person does not have the high resolution copy nor the original description/function of the nft.

If somebody here can help me with that…i am very grateful for your help. Please DM me.

Thank you again.:innocent:

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How’s that possible tho? And did you receive the nft token in your wallet after purchase? Or is it that he doesn’t have it too? Not trying to make any claims just askin.

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Yes i did recieved the nft into my venly wallet😅…my previous nft experience is buying directly from sapien shop and when i download to phantom…i can download the high resolution image…with venly i am clueless…thanks for your help

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