The Making of Fields

This was requested to be split from a separate topic.

Discussions relating to the making of fields.


Grrr… remember your speechifying about “science” being stupid or whatever??

How do you think DW makes these fields?!
There has to be a science aspect to it.
He not pulling shit out of his arse to make these.

There needs to be some genetic or hormonal or you know, nerdy, something-that-involves-reading-and-understanding-science to the physical adaption fields…


No worries. Hope you got some rest, my friend. :slightly_smiling_face:


Growth factor targeted to all existing muscle and bone.

Pretty much the weight gainer but replace fat with bones.

Easy peasy.

That’s what this does…
MK 677

And Growth Factor acts just like a hormone… :roll_eyes:


I looked this up, and this does alot more than just growth factor. Increased sex drive?

I was talking about “platelet-derived growth factor-AB”, targeted to all existing muscle and bone.

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Im just saying man…the weight gainer works seriously well for muscle growth.

But if I keep using it im gonna end up like a Sumo wrestler lol.


Am I being too

“this idiot doesnt know any science”

Or do I have a point?

Goddamn human vessels…y u so complicated!

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Yes. :unamused:

Show the studies that show just “platelet-derived growth factor-AB” is going to turn you into an muscle bound adonis with no work…
and that it doesn’t affect anything else negatively if used too much…
or targeted to the wrong genes, cells, organs, etc…

You know all the scientific research DW has to do when creating a field.


this is SPARTA


Does personal experience count as a study? :joy:

I mean…I used the original automated workout followed by weight gainer and put on serious muscle mass.

Also felt much stronger. Downside is I got too fat so I stopped using it.

I mean…shapeshifting is a thing y’know…

But yeah, “scientific”…

puts on dusty wizard hat and drinks tea with werewolf


You know real old timey wizards were the OG hardcore scientists/alchemists, right?
Why do you think they had big, thick magical “tomes” ie BOOKS… of reading and learning?

In fact, the shape of a typical wizard’s hat is specifically constructed to increase ch’i to the brain and create a specific learning “field” effect underneath it…
somebody researched that and understood the principles behind that…




What do you call “wizards” who dont have books and operate on an inner “knowing/instinct” of how the universe works ?

Yogis? Sorcerers?

I swear theres an english word for it.

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Give me a mountain, epsilon field and no human contact for a month and I’ll figure everything out like the yogis.

Alright, lets look for a mountain


Oh you, mean those who reach mastery thru the Path of the HEART …out of extreme kindness and love and feelings?

That path?? :smirk:

You’re “stuck” because you don’t want to feel AND you want to be intellectually lazy…
Pick one or the other or remain stuck :man_shrugging:

Oh you mean thru direct experience with Non-duality?
Epsilon isn’t going to help you with that.
Absolutely no need for it…at all.


Yes! Thats the one.

Shutting the ego up, so I can look “within” for answers that were always there.

Cute, but no.


Why not?

Dont the yogis go into deep epsilon?

Description even says “great spiritual insight”


Already told everyone how to do that…
People’s egos just gloss over the important shit I say.
Only 1 person has taken the advice but, as always, there have been 'delays"


Spiritual = knowledge of all of creation.

But thats my point, the perspective then is gonna be an inner “knowing” of how things work, like, conceptual knowledge.

Hard to write down such knowledge.

Even harder to process as a human, but its there, im 100% sure.

“Insight” isn’t direct experience.

Don’t get me wrong, Wanna affect your material reality asap?
Do deep into Epsilon and “plant your seed” and wait.

No mindless subliminal “repetition” needed.


That was Dale.