The Manhattan Method

“Same story with every brain field, 2-3 time on it’s own OR as much as you want with plasma brain which will: ground you, give you extra biological energy, cut the overgrown part of your axons (only the overgrowth), repair your DNA and Cells, remove excess chemical if present and pretty much take care of all the possible side effects of overusing.”

From Dr Manhattan


Yeah, Plasma brain of Youth (pboy) is a rectifying field ;)


I just bought this field!!! Finally!!! Yayyyy :sob::sob:

It worked!! Thank you my angels!! :innocent:




So grateful :blush::blush::blush::yellow_heart:

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By that I meant, avoiding that PBYO detoxes your brain and removes harmful concentration of certain chemicals, which might reduce your boost not remove the wiring done or being done :slight_smile:

Having super high concentration of Superhuman genius’s chemicals isn’t natural.

But PBOY or autism, none of them removes the new growth it merely trims the detrimental overgrowth (it’s something that your brain does naturally when you are young and your brain is developing).


Thank you for answering! That’s good to know

I asked my niece (7) to play this twice everyday in exchange for a candy because she wouldn’t listen lol.

My hypothesis for my lil test subject was if she played this for a month everyday, then her grades would have tremendously improved by now, or start to excel at things a normal child would need time to comprehend.

My niece grades went from a B to A, her online teacher classes were impressed with her grasping at learning two languages easily (Bengali and Arabic).

It has been a month, but my hypothesis seemed to came true. I will have her listen for a year or indefinitely.

I want to do this for my nephew but he has autism and I feel the stimulation would cause more stimulation than he can handle since he is already feeling stimulation on a daily basis from other things. I think maybe when he is 12-13, I will let him decide.


W uncle

Give nephew plasma brain


Update:completed it mate :)


For now, I am just going to let him reach a certain age before I introduce him to morphic fields lol.


What do you mean? :thinking:

Based on the following:

  • Intelligent: An intelligent person has the capacity to absorb information, understand it, and use it in different contexts. They are often book-smart, meaning they do well in academic settings. For instance, an intelligent person might be able to learn a new language quickly because they can understand and remember the grammar rules and vocabulary.

  • Smart : A smart person, on the other hand, is someone who is quick on their feet, can make decisions rapidly, and has good practical judgment. They are often street-smart, meaning they can navigate real-world situations well. For example, a smart person might be able to navigate a busy city they’ve never been to before, because they can quickly figure out the public transportation system and read social cues.

In essence, an intelligent person can learn that fire is hot and can burn you. A smart person is one who remembers this information and doesn’t touch the fire.

How would you guys say that this field works both concepts? Would you say that both concepts improve at the same time, or does one improve more than the other? What is your experience in relation to this?

In my humble understanding of this field, I would say that both improve. However, I would like to know your opinion on this. Thank you very much.



hi @Jake,
It’s a bit more complicated than that but yes, it will help both crystallized and fluid intelligence. It won’t do everything in every way but both should improve noticeably.


That’s awesome and really good to know.

Thank you, Doctor!

I noticed interesting reaction to this field.
Before sleep i can see holograms, patterrns with my eyes closed. Few times i saw my room with eyes closed.:scream:




Interesting assesment, usually highly intelligent / smart people display all the capacities to resolve all the mentioned tasks. In you have the necessary mental capabilities you can either learn or adapt to the most challenges.

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Means that he’s satisfied with the results and is moving onto another field. At least for now.

Spatial reasoning getting cranked up is such a fun part of the field.


Indeed :sweat_smile:


I thought u guys were bullshitting, when I close my eyes with my hands and I see exactly this in very high quality curled and squared spinning.

It’s actually crazy how clear I can see it