The Manhattan Method

I’m probably expecting too much from this field for one day. I’ll keep going and hold off on any updates until I see significant changes.


holy shit, I’ve been looping with WM for a few days/nights:

there’s protons, electrons but there’s actually ‘no neutrons’ in an atom rather a byproduct of the interaction of the proton and the electron.

Life can only exist where there is dark energy and galatic energy interact.

the energy surrounding the sun is dark energy that’s what’s keeping it in, as that energy interacts with it, you get a neutralizing effect (neutrons), and creates orbitals and that’s where you would have the neutral energy or state of matter materialize.

Neutrons are only the interactions between these two types of energies, when they collide you have that neutral point in between.

take a look at a dark (electrons) energy map:

If you go up to a galaxy look at all of the solar bodies in the galaxy, they would be the part of the proton,
and then you have dark (electrons) energy around the galaxy.

and what you’re gonna find is that it only surrounds galaxies and connects all the galaxies together just like
the electron energy connects all the atoms together to create molecules.

the core of the earth is like a proton energy, and there is dark energy around the earth.
When they collide, you get what you call “the surface” of the earth. That’s the neutralizing effect. the interaction of the two energies to create life on earth. But, it’s only where it interacts, therefore can one conclude that the earth is hallow?

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Sorry bro, but what you wrote here completely contradicts the current state of knowledge in nuclear physics. You should watch some videos on the various atomic models and the nature of protons, electrons and neutrons (and photons).

And the first picture you posted is not a “dark electrons energy map” but simply the view of our visible universe zoomed out:


I’m completely aware.

Yeah but I told you what the picture actually shows.

Dark energy is not dark matter is not electrons.
These are three different things.

The picture neither shows dark matter, nor dark energy, nor electrons.

It shows areas with high photon and electro-magentic emmissions and that’s why it is called “the visible universe”.

These articles are using these pictures to indirectly convey their point of the assumed dark energy.

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I don’t own this field yet (on my shortlist). I was impressed by the thread hence also this gem gets an overview. Intermediate reported benefits & field concepts of thread above:

  1. New Perspective and Awareness (Perspective Upgrade) : The program is designed to help individuals understand the world in a new way and supports both spiritual and scientific awareness. It appears to offer a shift in perspective or a deeper understanding of reality.
  2. Mental Conceptualization and Operations : This program allows users to mentally represent concepts in their minds and intuitively perform new types of mental operations. It enhances cognitive abilities related to conceptual thinking and problem-solving.
  3. Access to Deeper Thoughts (Cognitive Upgrade) : By developing abilities that are typically acquired slowly over years or decades by top thinkers in history, this program aims to help users access a deeper layer of thoughts. It appears to accelerate cognitive development.
  4. Beneficial for STEM : The program is suggested to be particularly useful for individuals in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields. These individuals may notice even more significant benefits.
  5. Relief from Anxiety : Some users have reported a reduction in anxiety and heightened clarity of thought. It may provide a calming effect and mental clarity.
  6. Meditation benefits : A user have described the experience as being similar to automated meditation. It offers a more organized and calming way to experience the mind. Another user claims the audio has a focus subfield. And another user claimed a powerful macro effect on the nervous system during a meditation.
  7. Musical Skill Improvement : Users have found improvements in their musical skills, including quicker finger placement on instruments like the electric bass. Others users reported to perform complex techniques impeccably in a very short time.
  8. Creative Problem Solving : Users have reported experiencing “idea” dreams and solving complex problems during sleep. It appears to stimulate creativity and problem-solving abilities.
  9. Increased Curiosity and Thirst for Knowledge: Users reported developing a thirst for knowledge and a desire for novelty, leading to a more stimulating and fulfilling life.
  10. Improved Comprehension Over Time : Some users noticed that they understood and appreciated jokes, lectures, or other content more deeply over time, even if they initially grasped the information.
  11. Enhanced Learning and Memory Retention: The program seems to improve memory retention, visualization, and the ability to understand and manipulate complex concepts. Users found that the program allowed them to reduce the amount of time they needed to study while still comprehending and retaining information effectively.
  12. Effortless Focus: Users described the ease with which they could focus on lectures and understand complex equations without the need for extensive note-taking.
  13. Improved Articulation: Users mentioned that their ability to articulate their thoughts and ideas had improved significantly.
  14. Visualization Skills : Users experienced the ability to visualize information and recall it more effectively.
  15. Enhanced Reaction Time (Slower Time/Enhanced Reaction) : A user mentioned experiencing improvements in reaction time, possibly due to reduced panic and quicker thinking in intense situations.
  16. Changing Learning Strategies : The program seemed to influence users to change their learning strategies, encouraging active learning and the formation of relationships between concepts for more effective retention.
  17. Boost to Subliminals : Some users noted that the field enhanced the effects of subliminal programs, such as those related to body transformation and appearance.
  18. Language Fluency : Some users suggest that the field could also be helpful for improving language skills, particularly in the context of speaking and connecting words with confidence and ease.
  19. Enhanced Memory : Users reported improved memory retention and the ability to quickly retrieve and reconstruct information. Users experience the ease of retrieving information from their mental “library” when they need it, akin to picking a book from a shelf.
  20. Improved Patterns Recognition : The field appears to help users recognize and understand patterns more effectively, which can be particularly useful for specific tasks or skills, like pattern trading in financial markets.
  21. Suitable for children as of 7 years old: Claim that children can listen to the fields as of 7 years old (max once/twice day)
  22. Improved IQ and Problem Solving : Some users report increases in their IQ and improved problem-solving abilities, making them more efficient in their tasks.
  23. Enhanced Concentration and Interest: Users have experienced higher levels of concentration and interest in subjects that used to bore them. They find the learning process more engaging and stimulating.
  24. Engage with topics: Actively engaging on topics/skills instead of passively waiting should give an indication on the effectiveness of the field.

These reviews collectively suggest that the Manhattan Method field enhances various advanced cognitive functions including abstract thinking, concentration, (working) memory, understanding, and learning abilities. It may also have positive side effects, such as improved energy attunement and focus. However, users should be mindful of their individual experiences and adjust listening times to minimize side effects when needed.

Do note that the reviews are anecdotical and may vary from person to person.


It’s Monday afternoon at my job and so far I’ve been much more focused, quicker and able to work out problems in my head faster. I had an hour meeting this morning, and I was very focused, quickly working out things in my mind in a very noticeable way and asking many good questions. Also Social Bonder is helping with the ease of asking many questions.

So I’ve only listened to Manhattan Method twice, and it was on Thursday night. I played SLR from another device at the same time, and White Matter both before and after listening, with maybe 25 minutes of PBOY after, then went to bed. I definitely felt weird that night after listening, and with some lingering weirdness on Friday, so i avoided all wiring fields. Today is the first day I could really notice the effect of this amazing field!


It is easy to say I studied 1.5 weeks worth of material in one day prior to my exam which was today. I was lagging behind because I was dealing with other things and didn’t had time to study and yesterday I studied the whole material with ease.

This meant remembering anatomical terms, physiology, watching lectures and reaching 30+ pages worth. I don’t remember entirely but I built up the base pretty fast and made connection with everything like it was 1-2-3 linear all in the span of 3 hours :grin:.

I didn’t always believe I am good at learning to be honest, which is why I relied on flashcards because it was the easiest way for me to remember and felt like I was capable (Dunning-Kruger efffect) but I wasn’t capable at all. All the “memorization” I did was fragmented and I easily forgot them.

Anyways, it was nice to get a high score for my exam with ease :slightly_smiling_face:


Smart person spotted :100::100::100:


I humbly say I am not smart at all, it’s all thanks to this field, but thank you.


Congratulations! Well done!

What would you say your typical grade would have been if you had taken this exam before using this field?


Master lecture even? This kind of motivates me to buy this field.


That’s so awesome dude, congratulations! :slight_smile: Just imagine how much smarter you’ll be after a year of using this field.


Well since I studied the day before the exam because I held off of 1.5 week of study material, I would confidentially say I would range between 40-50 as my grade without this field.


i’ve been asked to let you all know some important information regarding jojo i thought no better place to share this info than the field we bonded over he has told me to let you all know that he is doing great and feeling amazing and that he is okay :)


noticing my memory with numbers as improved, it’s not like i was focusing on that or anything really…

i work at a job which requires paying attention to lots of number, I’ve also noticed that I’m getting number mix less often (copying numbers out of order & saying them out of order)


Got 47,5 of 50 points in my biology exam
This is my first A I ever got in an biology class



:partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:


Well done, congrats!