The Manhattan Method

Nearly one week of using this, today I had the class I hate the MOST, every time it was a pain to come here, listening and it was a struggle to not sleep.

It was different than last time (before having this field), I was surprisingly very interested in what the teacher was saying, this time I did all exercices instead of waiting the correction and everything was right. I thought before that this class was hard but now I don’t understand how I couldn’t understand.

I could play Minesweeper and texting while listening to what the teacher was saying and still find the answer without any help with no effort. I want to understand now what I do and not just learn like a machine.

I was in the middle of the class and like “why am I this interested ?”, “Why am I not bored as usual ?”, “This class is funny finally”, I had a very big level of concentration from the start till the end, even the teacher noticed that.

Usually she doesn’t look at me at all while explaining but today it was as if was doing the class but only for me.

Generally, I notice a big upgrade in processing speed, memory and logical thinking but big boost in concentration, I didn’t feel autistic or ADHD symptoms for a while, it still happens but the intensity is way less. Also my eyes are not red anymore after using this field, it’s not bothering anymore.

Social interaction is easier too, I’m not too clumsy anymore but I can’t say more about that since I also use Manly Man, so it might be an effect from both fields.


Awesome outcome, @Moshiro! Thanks for sharing. It is so amazing what unique experiences have come from use of these brain fields. Bravo, Doc and Dream! :slight_smile:


Everyone that worked on this project really did a great job, it’s crazy, no one would believe me if I told them “just listen to this it can help with your condition” (I tried in the beginning and people thought I was crazy :joy:).




Do wiring fields have a permanent effect when using them? I would like to think so since once the wiring is complete the brain is not going to revert back unless from degenerative causes.

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Had my first exam in biology.
To say it was easy is a real understatement lol

I owe it to Manhattan Method, Superhuman Genius while simultaneously playing Conceptual Realizations


Hi @Dr_Manhattan or anyone else could lend some advice.

I have followed the brain thread closely and stuck to the rule of not going overboard with brain wiring because honestly I am scared but my daily listening is 1 hour of this with no booster and end it with Plasma Brain of Youth. It was going well and was receiving great results for the past one month.

That being said, for the past two days I just received massive brain fog and headaches. Can’t really focus on anything and my energy has been zapped from mental stimulation. I guess it is the wiring that is catching up with me?

I have looped smart cells, PBoY, autism, plasma flaunt, Blueprint of life because it was getting out of control and still hasn’t subsided.

Would I have to take a break from brain fields for now until this goes away? I feel the gains I have made is here to stay. I am honestly shocked it was this potent haha, I was getting high 90s with all my classes.

(Never mind I think I know this answer, I will take a break I guess)



Congratulations on your results


Thank you, my nursing program recruiter is impressed with me excelling really well in Biology AP ll and will most likely land up in the competitive program so I gotta gear up! Haha, all thanks to this field.


Awesome! 1471962147_1206-233928063


Good luck nursing school is hard but with manhattan fields it’s easy


Oh I’m loading myself with

Detached resilience
Ego diss

Nursing school will be a breeze.

Thanks! :muscle:


What did you notice as result of your break, @Rehan?


I finished my break yesterday and today I am back on my brain wiring grind.

I feel immensely rested and experienced the massive gains from MM due to adequate rest I have given to my brain via Plasma Brain of Youth and Plasma Flaunt.

I can connect concepts very well at a higher frequency. I feel invincible in learning. Feels like the vast knowledge of the world is at the tip of my fingers when I am learning lol.

This was a humble experience for me, and I am 100% sure if one hasn’t experience the gains from brain wiring, what they need is due rest.

Our brain takes beating everyday, I am shocked they haven’t called the police on us yet :joy:

(When you’re taking a break, the gains you have made from the wiring is here to stay, don’t worry if you stop for a week, heal the brain. Let it rejuvenate)


What was your listening stack look like ?

Just purchased MM today. Excited for what’s to come.


Would MM help with meditation? Been looping a little bit since I bought it today. I got the brain pain the initial playthrough but not feeling much on the second play through. Of course it’s only been one day so I’m not anticipating a miracle but would like to test which aspects of my life MM is affecting.

You should probably wait for the brainiacs to answer haha

But from the few days that I have this field I love to use it before tasks, because it helps me get clear-headed and concentrated,
So I personally would probably use it during/before meditation in the future :+1:


Yep, it has a focus subfield and @Sapphire called it.
